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FMD 1204 Week 3 25 Jan 2011

Overview Evaluations of the article Hope for the Flowers Reflective Learning and Journaling Learning Points

The learning point is that we should follow what actually makes us happy instead of following the crowd as many people have different strengths and weaknesses. If we just simply follow the crowd without knowing what is our strengths and weaknesses our efforts may turn out to be a fruitless one. Another learning point identified based on the article is listening and believing someone who has the wisdom. This is represented by the gray hair caterpillar that has enlightened Yellow and the gray hair caterpillar resembles an elderly with wisdom in the modern world. Lastly, the learning point is

1. Evaluations of the article Hope for the Flowers

` Today, the lesson has started off with reflecting on the hope for the flowers article; various insights were identified and discussed during the lesson. Personally, I think this article is a very inspiring one as it is reflecting issues that many people in the modern world are facing today. Issues such as dilemma of whether we should follow the crowd and compete with one another or be contented with what we have now. Currently, dilemma like this is very wide spread especially in developed country like Singapore. We can see everyone competing with one another since young for instance competing to get into the best school, to get the best result, to get a high paid job and etc.

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