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i don't know what to do.
i don't know what to do. (������?)
don't worry, i'll help. (���ģ���4���㡣)

i'm at a loss as to what to do. (���治֪����ô��źá�)

i'm unable to decide for myself. (��һ��� ���ˡ�)
what shall i do? (���)
what am i supposed to do? *be supposed to ���ƻ��������
what am i supposed to do? (�Ҹ���ô��?)
i don't know. just relax, i'll help you. (��Ҳ��֪�!����ɵ���һ������ġ�)
what am i going to do?
what should i do?
we are in trouble.
ܰ ʱ��ɼƻ��ˡ�)
we can't finish our proposal in time. (���Dz���

we are in trouble. (���¿��鷳�ˡ�)

we're in big trouble. *��һ��ǿ��֪����Ǻõ����顣


it's a hassle. *hassle ���鷳����� ��ս����

do you like the new computer system? (��ϲ�������¼���� ��?)
no, it's a hassle. (��ϲ������ܷѾ���)
it's a pain in the neck.
it's a pain in the ass. *���‫����˵�׵‬
it's a lot of trouble.
it's really a difficult problem.
what should we do? (���Ǹ���ô��?)
i don't know. it's really a difficult problem. (�Ҳ�֪�!������Ǹ���� )
it's big problem.
i don't know what to say.
i'm at a loss as to what to say. (�Ҳ�֪��˵ʲô�źá�) *at a loss ��'� ãȻ��֪��롱��

you got me.
i have a full house. (�������еġ����� �� ��)
you got me. (���¿���‫���ס‬ˡ�)
i don't know.
i guess you're right. (�������Ƕ ġ�)
you win. (��Ӯ�ˡ�)
that beats me.

he's a nuisance. *nuisance���Ѷ ����ˣ��鷳���ˡ���


you asked for it. *��� ���� ����鷳����

oops! *��ʾ'���ź������飬��Ծ�����Ȼ�ϲ��

you're stepping on my foot. (������ҽ��‫)�ء‬

oops! i'm sorry. (��Ӵ!� ���)
i)made a mistake. (�ҷ���һ�� )
) mistake. (���ҵĴ )
my )
oh, no!
oh, no! i missed the flight. (��!��!�ϲ�� ɻ��ˡ�)
you did? (���?)
ah, man! *man ��ʾ� ĺ
ܵ Ծ��Ŀ���
���� ˵
oh, my goodness!
oh, my gosh!
good heavens!
�������ѵ 㡣
that's the hard part.
we have to decide what to do. (���ǵþ�ʲô��)
that's the hard part. (�������ѵ 㡣)
that's the difficult part.
i feel guilty. *������
i feel guilty. i was mean. (��̫�̱��ˣ��Ҹе����‫ھ‬Ρ�)
don't worry about it. (����Ϊ���µ����ˡ�)
i feel bad about it. *��Ȼ����� ���������������С�
i feel horrible.
it's all my fault. (�����Ҳ��á�)
i feel terrible.
� 4��'��
you look puzzled. *puzzle ��ʹ������'������ʹ������ ����
you look puzzled. (� 4��'��)
i can't understand this machine. (��Ū�������̨����)
you look confused. (� ��ȥ��'��)
�Ǹ��� �����������ҡ�
the idea haunts me. *haunt �����ϲ������� �ġ������������ ��еġ�����ʹ�ķ��ġ���
i can't get rid of the idea.
i can't get it out of my mind.

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