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Individual Task Legal aspect : Nursing Law and regulation Dear students Please answer five questions regarding

Legal aspect for Nursing practice below : 1. Please explain about law and regulation Health and Nursing in abroad and Indonesia base from : - Constitutional Law Number 23 Year 1992 about Health - Constitutional Law Number 36 Year 2009 about Health - Constitutional Law Number 8 Year 1999 about concerning Consumer Protection - Constitutional Law Number 44 Year 2009 bout The Hospital - Government Regulation Number 10 Year 1966 on Compulsory Kept Medical Secrets - Government Regulation Number 32 Year 1996 about Health Manpower - Regulation of the Minister of Health R.I. No. 585/Men.Kes/Per/IX/1989 About Medical Informed Consent - Regulation of the Minister of Health R.I. No. 269/Men.Kes/Per/III/2008 About Medical Records - Kepmenkes RI no.1239 of 2001 regarding Registration and Nursing Practice 2. Please explain International and National standard nursing practice....... 3. Please explain Nursing council and collegium.... 4. Please explain why until now Indonesia did not have Nursing Law... 5. How about your solution to solve problem above?

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