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Farmer's trick: liquid ammonia for a quick shot of nitrogen.

I mix Epsom salts a nd liquid dish detergent (not the antibacterial sort) with ammonia and spray it on. We save up our eggshells, and Grind them up in the Blender, till a fine dust...p ut in acid soil to bring down the pH. also amends soil that needs calcium for th e particular plant. I have used vinegar for years for weed control. Common Apple Cider Vinegar gener ally is effective when used in the spring when the weeds first start to emerge. Sometimes it takes 2 or more applications to kill the stubborn well rooted weeds but it does work with repeated applications. If you can get a jump on the weeds in the early stages of growth it will wipe them out for a weed-free gardening s eason. The percentage of germination decreases with age. Seeds of corn and onions can b e stored for two years; peas and beans for three years; tomatoes, four years; ca bbage and spinach, five years; and beets and squash, six years.

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