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CHECK LIST PENILAIAN TUTORIAL Nama Mahasiswa NIM BLOK Tutor No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : : : : Criteria DEALING WITH WORK Preparation of task

Completeness in performing task Brainstorming task Active participation in a group Report back DEALING WITH OTHERS Working in a team Listening to others Performance as a chair of a group Summarizing discussion DEALING WITH ONE SELF Dealing with feed back Giving feed back The ability to reflect Dealing with appointment Being in time : below the expected average level of the tutorial group. Item for improvement are clear and easy to mention (Skor: 55 64,9) : on the expected level of the tutorial group. Some issues for improvement rest. (skor 65 69,9) : student performs better than expected average of the group (skor : 70 - 80) : because student was absent to frequently. (skor : 0) Nilai (Pertemuan.......) Unsatisfactory Satisfatory Good No Judgment

10 11 12 13 14

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good No Judgment

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