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Alex Kelly

people have got creativity with some form of instrument

2 have strong views about something, close to love 3 yes


when I was 7, listening to Beatles, bought the album 1

5 definitely every day, yeah every day


Just enjoyable to listen to what people have got to say. When you are younger you relate to the tune, you just enjoy the tune. But now the lyrics mean a lot more to me

Yes, yes I have, I was in the lower school ensemble for some time and was in the school choir. But I wasnt very good at it. But I am in a band outside school; I enjoy it more outside school. Singing wasnt very enjoyable

8 no, (music gcse a level), was never good enough on the flute to take it for gcse and I prefer to play on my own 9 no, (music promoted) they should recognise other genres of music
10 definitely (playing a music influences passion) I enjoy playing my

other instrument (guitar)

11 as a band we make our songs and we have our own vision of music

other than classical, you can put your own expression into your own music rather than using someone elses ideas

12 Yes (passion for music has changed) as you get older you learn

more and music starts to change, lyrics do mean a lot more when you get older.

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