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Stephanie Urrutia Mr. Neuburger Eng.

Comp 102-104 31 August 2011 Single Paragraph Essay Identity Theft It is easy to be shocked when reading, Lars Eighners article, On dumpster Diving, to see what type of personal items are thrown away. Identity theft is a serious issue, and what information is throw in the trash can play a large role in fueling this overgrown fire. Dumpsters contain bank statements, bills, correspondence, and other documents, just as anyone might expect. But there are also less obvious sources of information. Pill bottles, for example.(pg 365). Something as simple as a pill bottle contains a name, the doctors name, address, and what disease or illness someone may have. Dumpster diving has become a wide spread activity, and not all scavengers are as considerate of items as Lars. Despite all of this sensitive information, I have has only one apartment resident object to my going through the dumpster. He recognizes this is personal and private information, but sadly he only has one person his entire dumpster diving career object to his perusing. If we all understood what happened to our discarded personal items, maybe we would object, and make a change as well.

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