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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 70


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Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gnralits prsente des ouvrages dans lesquels on mlange les genres, les inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le film daventures, lhumour et le comique, la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que certaines curiosits ditoriales...

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BELPHGOR, Vol. X, no 2, aot 2011 : Matthew Screech : Tintin au Pays du Canard enchan. Herg's Hero re-invented in Political Cartoons of the 1950s and the 1960s Chris Reyns : Le Beurgeois de F. Boudjellal: Cynique ta beurgeoisie ou ethnique ta France !? Ignacio Fernndez Sarasola : Hroes o villanos? Comics y derechos fundamentales en estados unidos Alfredo Luzi : Emilio Salgari e Il Re del Mare Un romanzo tra esotismo e tecnologia Fabrice Leroy : Le fantastique et son nonciataire : figures de l'indicible et sortilges de la narration dans Les sept chteaux du roi de la mer et Drer l'idiot de Jean Ray Franois Laforge : Race, histoire et dcadence dans les rcits prhistoriques de J. H. Rosny an F. C. Bachellerie : Vaincre lauteur Les Assassins de l'le du Ngre Paul Bleton : L'immdiat de la guerre Thomas Van Parys : The study of novelisation: A typology and secondary bibliography Kathryn Yelinek : The Phantom of the Opera: An Annotated Bibliography DOSSIER : LOeuvre de Delly , dans Le R O C A M B O L E , (Bulletin des amis de la littrature populaire), no 55/56, 2011. Ce dossier invite donc redcouvrir Delly, commencer par sa singulire personnalit puisque Delly est le pseudonyme de deux personnes, un frre et une soeur qui crivent ensemble. Son oeuvre ne se rduit pas du roman rose , voluant tout au long de sa carrire, forte de plus de 80 romans, dont certains sont des chefs-d'oeuvre du roman d'aventure tout simplement ! KAENEL, Philippe (dir.), Les Priodiques illustrs (1890-1940) : crivains, artistes, p h o t o g r a p h e s , Gollion, ditions Infolio, (Archigraphy poche), 2011, 272 pages.

KUKKONEN, Karin & Sonja KLIMEK (eds.), Metalepsis in Popular Culture, New York, De Gruyter, (Narratologia : Contribution to Narrative Theory), 2011, 280 pages. Karin Kukkonen and Sonja Klimek : Preface -Karin Kukkonen : Metalepsis in popular culture: an introduction -- Sonja Klimek : Metalepsis in fantasy fiction -- Liviu Lutas : Narrative metalepsis in detective fiction -- David BenMerre : Im so vain I bet I think this song is about myself: Carly Simon, pop music and the problematic "I"? of lyric poetry -- Tisha Turk : Metalepsis in fan vids and fan fiction -- Henry Keazor : "I had the strangest week ever!" metalepsis in music videos -- Erwin Feyersinger : Metaleptic TV crossovers -- Jeff Thoss : "Some weird kind of video feedback time warp zapping thing": television, remote controls and metalepsis -- Keyvan Sarkhosh : Metalepsis in popular comedy film -- Jean-Marc Limoges : Metalepsis in the cartoons of Tex Avery: expanding the boundaries of transgression -Karin Kukkonen : Metalepsis in comics and graphic novels -- Roberta Hofer : Metalepsis in live performance: holographic projections of the cartoon band "gorillaz" as a means of metalepsis -- Harald Fricke : Pop-culture in history: metalepsis and metareference in German and Italian music theatre -- John Pier : Afterword -- General bibliography on metalepsis. MORAIS, Fernando, Le Magicien de la lumire : lextraordinaire histoire de lcrivain Paolo Coelho, Paris, Jai Lu, 2010, 749 pages. ROUVILLOIS, Frdric, Une Histoire des best-sellers, Paris, Flammarion, (Histoire), 2011, 346 pages.

QUELQUES MESSAGES DE BERNARD GOORDEN ET DE SON SITE IDES...ET AUTRES Vous pouvez, ds ce jour, tlcharger GRATUITEMENT partir du site une slection de 44 nouvelles relatives au thme de la Peur, un livre de 430 pages, en appelant IEAhc30 (3 parties). Bonne lecture. Vous pouvez enfin tlcharger le quatrime des cinq volumes des Mystres de demain (1922-1924), LHumanit enchane , de Paul FEVAL fils (1860-1933) et H. J. MAGOG (1877-1947) partir de notre site . Nous avons tent de nettoyer au maximum la copie en notre possession ayant fait lobjet de IEAhc67. Nous avons scind la version numrise en deux pour votre facilit. Les deux titres (1908) de Hector FLEISCHMANN sont prsent disponibles sur le site respectivement sous les rfrences IEAhc46 et IEAhc53. Jonas de Iwan (ou Ivan) GILKIN (18581924) a t publi en 1900 ; il contient en outre San Franciscos Herald et Le Restaurant de Moscou . En 1993, ce livre a t repris dans IDES ET AUTRES hors commerce N42.

BITTERMANN, Klaus, The Crazy Never Die : Amerikanische Rebellen in der populren K u l t u r , Berlin, Edition TIAMAT, (Critica Diabolis), 2011, 271 pages. BOURTON, William, Robert Aldrich : violence et rdemption, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, (Perspectives critiques), 2011, 199 pages. CASTELLANO, Alberto, I film di Clint Eastwood, Roma, Gremese editore, (Le stelle filanti), 2010, 224 pages. CUCCO, Marco, I film blockbuster. Storia e caratteristische delli grandi produzione hollywoodiane, Roma, Carocci, (Biblioteca di testi e studi), 201o, 114 pages. A SIGNALER DEROIDE, Iannis, Les Sries TV Mondes dhier et daujourdhui, Paris, Ellipses, (Culture Pop), 2011, 160 pages. En abordant des thmatiques historiques comme les citoyens et non-citoyens Rome ou la collaboration, loccupation et la rsistance, des thmatiques gopolitiques comme lApoge et remises en question du modle amricain ou des thmatiques gographiques comme L a grande ville : centres et priphries, Ioanis Deroide revient sur des univers et des sujets aprofondis dans des sries comme Rome, Mad Men, Ally McBeal, Battlestar Galactica ou Breaking Bad.

CINMA & tlvision

ARMSTRONG, Vic, The True Adventures of the Worlds Greatest Stuntman : My Life as Indiana Jones, James Bond, Superman and Other Movie Heroes, London, Titan Books, 2011, 384 pages. Prface de Steven Spielberg. BELLETANTE, Joseph, Sries et politique : quand la fiction contribue lopinion, Paris, LHarmattan, (Champs visuels), 2011, 268 pages. Les sries amricaines plongent les publics dans des univers mdiatiques qui dforment la dmocratie relle et qui font l'loge de hros abandonns, de personnages en crise, ballotts au gr de conflits psychologiques ou physiques que leur impose leur quotidien prcaire. BHATTACHARYA MEHTA, Rini (ed.), Bollywood and Globalization : Indian Popular Cinema, Nation and Diaspora, Urbana/Champaign, University of Illinois Press, 2011, 210 pages.

DAMOUR, Franck & Bernard SICHRE (dir.), Dossier Clint Eastwood, Clichy, ditions de Corlevour, (Revue Nunc : no 23), 2011, 110 pages. GRINDON, Leger, Knockout : The Boxer and Boxing in American Cinema, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2011, 320 pages. GURY, Christian, Les Avocats au cinma, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2011, x, 241 pages. Prface de matre Franois SaintPierre. HAMEN, Susan E., How to Analyze the Films of James Cameron, Edina (Minn.), ABDO Pub. Company, (Essential Critiques), 2011, 112 pages. [Pour lecteurs adolescents ou jeunes adultes] HENKEL, Katharina, JASPERS, Kristina, Peter MNZ (dir.), Zwischen Film und Kunst : Storyboards von Hitchcock bis Spielberg, Emden, Deutsche Kinematek Museum fr Film und Fernsehen, 2011, 191 pages. JOST, Franois, De quoi les sries amricaines sont-elles le symptme ?, Paris, CNRS, (Dbats), 2011, 64 pages.

Le chercheur, qui dirige la revue Tlvision (CNRS), a voulu comprendre pourquoi les sries, notamment amricaines, fascinent, en France, un public grandissant. Au point de susciter, chez certains, une vritable addiction. Dans un court essai, il aborde la question d'une manire originale, prfrant explorer les relations que les sries instaurent avec ceux qui les regardent plutt que de s'attacher aux secrets de fabrication de ces productions. KAUL, Susanne & Jean-Pierre PALMIER, David Lynch : Einfhrung in seine Filme und F i l m s t h e t i k , Mnchen, Paderborn, Fink Verlag, 2011, 158 pages. KING, Claire Sisco, Washed in Blood : Male Sacrifice, Trauma, and the Cinema, New Brunswick (NJ), Rutgers University Press, 2011, 256 pages. Claire Sisco King offers an in-depth study of three prominent cycles of Hollywood films that follow the sacrificial narrative: the earlytomid 1970s, the midtolate 1990s, and the midtolate 2000s. From Vietnam-era disaster movies to post-9/11 apocalyptic thrillers, she examines how each film represents traumatized American masculinity and national identity. What she uncovers is a cinematic tendency to position straight white men as Americas most valuable citizensand its noblest victims. LEE, Sun Hee Teresa, How to Analyze the Films of Tim Burton, North Mankato (Minn.), ABDO Pub. Company, 2011, 112 pages. MEYNENDONCKX, Fien, Les Bons, les mchants : les personnages les plus marquants de lhistoire du cinma, Paris, YB, 2011, 213 pages. MINA, Gabriele (dir.), Elephant Man, leroe della diversita. Dal freak show vottoriana al cinema di Lynch, Recco, le Mani-MicroArts, 2010, 190 pages. PSCHL, Kristina, TRESCHER, Miriam, WEBER, Reinhard, Harald Reinl : der Regisseur, der Winnetou, Edgar Wallace und die Niebelungen ins Kino bracht, Lanshut, Weber, Fachverlag fr Filmliteratur, 2011, 190 pages. PURSE, Lisa, Contemporary Action Cinema, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2011, 224 pages. RITZER, Ivo, Fernsehen wider die Tabus : Sex, Gewalt, Zensur und die neuen USS e r i e n , Berlin, Bertz+Fischer, 2011, 135 pages.

DOSSIER : MAD MEN AZOULAI, Nathalie, Mad Men : un art de vivre, Paris, La Martinire, 2011, 143 pages. Mad Men ou la Madmenia, une nouvelle folie venue de Hollywood qui est en train de gagner le monde entier. Une srie cre en 2007, 4 saisons dj diffuses aux Etats-Unis, dautres en cours dcriture, 3 saisons diffuses en France, des records daudience, des personnages devenus des icnes de mode qui inspirent les plus grandes marques de la Haute-couture. On navait jamais vu a. Une poque, les annes 60 New York. Un univers, Madison Avenue, les agences de publicit. Et surtout une esthtique, des costumes et une dco qui clbrent lesprit vintage. CARVETH, Rod & James B. SOUTH (dir.), Mad Men : le rve amricain, Marne-la-Valle, Original Books, 2011, 253 pages. DEAN, Will, The Ultimate Guide to M a d M e n , London, Guardian Books, 2011, 256 pages. EDGERTON, Gary R. (ed.), Mad Men : Dream Come True TV, London, I. B. Tauris, 2011, 258 pages. *Acknowledgments * Contributors * Foreword: From Rod Serling to Roger Sterling Robert Thompson * Introduction: When Our Parents Became Us Gary R. Edgerton * Part 1: Industry and Authorship * The Selling of Mad Men: A Production History Gary Edgerton * If Its Too Easy, Then Usually Theres Something Wrong: An Interview with Mad Mens Executive Producer Scott Hornbacher Brian Rose * Don Draper Confronts the Maddest Men of the Sixties: Bob Dylan and George Lois Ron Simon * Part 2: Visual and Aural Stylistics and Influences * Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Historicizing Visual Style in Mad Men Jeremy Butler * Uneasy Listening: Music, Sound, and Criticizing Camelot in Mad Men Tim Anderson * Suggestive Silence in Season One Maurice Yacowar * Part 3: Narrative Dynamics and Genealogy * Learning to Live with Television in Mad Men Horace Newcomb * Space Ships and Time Machines: Mad Men and the Serial Condition Sean OSullivan* The Catastrophe of My Personality: Frank OHara, Don Draper, and the Poetics of Mad Men David Lavery * Part 4: Sexual Politics and Gender Roles * Mad Women Mimi White * Women on the Verge of the Second Wave Mary Beth Haralovich * The Best of Everything: The Limits of Being a Working Girl in Mad Men -- Kim Akass and Janet McCabe * Part 5: Cultural Memory and

the American Dream * Men Behaving like Boys: The Culture of Mad Men William Siska * The Strange Career of Mad Men: Race, Paratexts, and Civil Rights Memory Allison Perlman * Mad Men: A Roots Tale of the Information Age David Marc * Creative Team and Cast List * Episode Guide * General Index * Television Series Index * IRWIN, William (ed.), Mad Men and Philosophy : Nothing is as it Seems, Malden (MA), Wiley-Blackwell, (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture), 2010, 288 pages. McLEAN, Jesse, Kings of Madison Avenue : The Unofficial Guide to Mad Men, Toronto, ECW Press, 200 pages. MOE, Dyna, Mad Men : The Illustrated World, New York, Perigee Books, 96 pages VARGAS-COOPER, Nathasa, Mad Men Unbuttoned : A Romp through 1960s America, New York, Harper Collins, 2011, 256 pages. SHIMPACH, Shawn, Television in Transition The Life and Afterlife of the Narrative Action Hero, Chichester, West Sussex (UK), Malden (MA), Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, x, 245 pages. Introduction: the time and space of television in transition -- Television in transition -- The hero -- How to watch television -- Highlander : the immortal cosmopolitan -- Smallville : "no flights, no tights" : doing business with Superman -- 24 : in real time -Doctor Who : regeneration through time and (relative dimensions in) space -- Conclusion: do when need another hero? SHIPKA, Danny, Perverse Titillation : The Exploitation Cinema of Italy, Spain and France, 1960-1980, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, vii, 338 pages. With subject matter running the gamut from Italian zombies to Spanish werewolves to French lesbian vampires, the shocking and profoundly entertaining motion pictures of the "Eurocult" genre are discussed from the standpoint of the films and the filmmakers, including such internationally celebrated auteurs as Mario Bava, Jess Franco, Jean Rollin and Paul Naschy. WEINER, Robert G. & Shelley E. BARBA (dir.), In the Peanut Gallery with Mystery Science Theater 3000 : Essays on Film, Fandom, Technology, and the Culture of Riffing, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 260 pages. Prfaces de Kevin Murphy, Robert Moses Peaslee. Postface de Mary Jo Pehl.


ANON, LArt du baiser : les plus beaux baisers de la littrature, Paris, Gallimard, (Folio), 2010, 78 pages. ANON, Le Porno pour les femmes, Paris, Leduc.s, 2010, 89 pages. [Par lAssociation europenne de pornographie pour les femmes] BEAUTHIER, Rgine, MON, Jean-Matthieu TRUFFIN, Barbara, (dir.), O b s c n i t , pornographie et censure. Les mises en scne de la sexualit et leur (dis) qualification (XIXe-XXe sicles), Bruxelles, ditions de lUniversit de Bruxelles. Louvrage est publi en ligne sur le site des ditions de lUniversit de Bruxelles. BESSARD-BANQUY, Olivier (dir.), Le Livre rotique, Pessac : Ple des mtiers du livre, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, (Les Cahiers du livre), 2010, 219 pages. BROOKS, David (ed.), Romance, Blackheath, Brandl & Schlesinger, Southerly, vol. 70, no 2, 2010, 224 pages. This issue of Southerly engages with the question of Australian romance and presents work that promises to make us re-think the question, right down to our unromantic souls. This issue includes essays on romance writers, a real-life spiritualist romance between two women, a new Byronic reading of Gwen Harwood, and a male colonial romance from 1866, which is full of surprises. BUIS, Emmanuelle, Circulations libertines dans le roman europen (1736-1803) : tudes des influences anglaises et franaises sur la littrature allemande, Paris, Champion, 2011, 426 pages. CHEBEL, Malek, Dictionnaire amoureux des Mille et une nuits, Paris, Plon, (Dictionnaire amoureux), 2010, 918 pages.

DUPONT, Jocelyne & Paul CARMIGNANI (dir.), Ni ange, ni dmon : figure de la nymphette dans la littrature et les arts, Perpignan, Presses de luniversit de Perpignan, (Cahiers de lUniversit de Perpignan, no 38), 2011, 133 pages. GTZE, Karl Heinz & Katja WIMMER (dir.), Liebe in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945/LAmour au prsent. Histoires damour de 1945 nos jours, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 364 pages. LEPAPE, Pierre, Une Histoire des romans damour, Paris, Seuil, (Essais), 2011, 413 pages. LDTKE-PILGER, Sabine, Porno statt PorNO : die neue Pornografinnen kommen, Marburg, Schren, 2010, 152 pages. LUSERKE-JAQUI, Matthias, Kleine Literaturgeschichte der grossen Liebe, Darmstadt, WBG, 2011, 198 pages. MAGSHAMRAIN, Rachel (dir.), SexualTextual Border-Crossings : Lesbian Identity in German Language Literature, Film and Culture, Konstanz, Hartung-Gorre, 2010, 205 pages. [Numro spcial de Germanistik in Ireland, vol. 5, Special issue] PAUVERT, Jean-Jacques, Mtamorphose du sentiment rotique, Paris, Jean-Claude Latts, 2011, 350 pages. PITZULO, Carrie, Bachelors and Bunnies : The Sexual Politics of Playboy, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, ix, 240 pages. REIM, Riccardo (dir.), Parole di Eros : erotismo e pornografia nella letteratura italiana dal Duecento al Novecento : storia, dizionario, antologia, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2010, 558 pages. RENOUPREZ, Martine (dir.), Lrotisme dans les littratures f r a n c o p h o n e s , in Francophonia, no 19, automne 2010. SALAN, lise, Oser ros : lrotisme dans le roman qubcois, des origines nos jours, Qubec, ditions Nota Bene, 2010, 398 pages. SEBILLOTTE CUCHET, Violaine & Sylvie STEINBERG (dir.), rotiques, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2010, 343 pages. SICHTERMANN, Barbara & Joachim SCHOLL, 50 Klassiker erotische Literatur : sinnliche Zeilen ber die Liebeskunst, Hildesheim, Gerstenberg, 2011, 271 pages. SIEGEL, Philip, Porno in Deutschland : Reise durch ein unbekanntes Land, Mnchen, Belleville Verlag, 2010, 299 pages. SPENGLER, Franck, Anthologie littraire de la fellation, Paris, ditions Blanche, 2011, 219 pages. Et non, il ny a pas de prface du plus

clbre client dun certain Sofitel de New York, grand spcialise de la dfense Magritte : Ceci nest pas une pipe ! . TEBBEN, Karin, Von der unsterblichkeit des Eros und den Wirklichkeit der Liebe : Geschelchterbeziehungen, Realismus, Erzhlkunst, Heidelberg, Winter verlag, 2011, 431 pages. WALD LASOWSKI, Patrick, Dictionnaire libertin : la langue du plaisir au sicle des Lumires, Paris, Gallimard, (LInfini), 2011, 592 pages.


BIER, Chirstopher (dir.), Dictionnaire des films franais pornographiques et rotiques, Paris, ditions Serious, 2011, 1224 pages. CARMONA, Luis Miguel, Cine erotico europea, Madrid, T & B Editores, 2010, 432 pages. DEMNY, Oliver (dir.) Sex and Subversion : Pornofilme jenseits des Mainstreams, Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, (Depp Focus), 2010, 191 pages. EKEROTH, Daniel, Swedish Sensationsfilms : A Clandestine History of Sex, Thrillers, and Kicker Cinema, Brooklyn (NY), Bazillion Points, 2010, 240 pages. JULLIER, Laurent & Mlanie BOISSONNEAU, Les Pin-up au cinma, Paris, Armand Colin, 2010, 127 pages. JOHNSON, Bruce (ed.), Earogenous Zones : Sound, Sexuality, and Cinema, Oakville (CT), Equinox, 2010, 256 pages. KESSLER, Christian, Die lufige Leinwand : der amerikanische Hardcorefilm von 1970 bis 1985, Berlin, Schmitz, 2011, 279 pages. LEHMAN, Peter & Susan HUNT, Lady Chatterleys Legacy in the Movies : Sex, Brains, and Body Guys, New Brunswick (NJ), Rutgers University Press, 2010, xii, 200 pages. LUST, Erika, X : porno pour elles, Paris, Femme fatale, 2010, 197 pages. McNEIL, Legs & Jennifer OSBORNE, The Other Hollywood : lhistoire du porno amricain par ceux qui lont fait, Paris, ditions Allia, 2011, 781 pages. [recueil dentretiens raliss par les auteurs ou extraits de diverses revues et publications, avec la collaboration de Peter Pavia]. METELMANN, Jrg (dir.), Porno-Pop II : im Erregunsdispositiv, Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2010, 317 pages. POURRIOL, Ollivier, Vertiges du dsir : comprendre le dsir par le cinma, Paris, Nil, 2011, 243 pages.


ALGOUD, Albert, Petit dictionnaire nerv de Tintin, Paris, les ditions de lOpportun, 2010, 214 pages. ANDRAE, Thomas, Creators of Superheroes, New Castle (PA), Hermes Press, 2011, 320 pages. Professor Thomas Andrae, noted comics historian and author, co-writer with Bob Kane of Batman and Me, presents interviews with and commentary about the artists and creators of the comic book medium. Containing over 400 illustrations to compliment the books exhaustive text! See the original first unpublished Superman daily newspaper strip. See unpublished artwork by Jerry Robinson, Jack Kirby, and Will Eisner. BACKE, Hans-Joachim, Under the Hood : die Verweisstruktur der Watchmen, Essen, Ch. A Bachmann Verlag, (Yellow. Schriften zur Comicsforschung, 4), 2010, 153 pages. BADOT, tienne, La Cl alchimique de loeuvre dHerg, Hyres, La Pierre philosophale, 2011, 321 pages. Prface de Bertrand Portevin. BARBIERI, Daniele, Il pensiero disegnato. Saggi sulla letteratura a fumetti europea, Roma, Coniglio Editore, (Giornaletti), 2010, 245 pages. BECKER, Thomas (dir.), Comic : Intermedialitt und Legitimt eines popkulturellen Mediums, Essen, Ch.A. Bachmann Verlag, 2011, 198 pages. BRANG, Mireille, COLOMBO, Laura & Paolo PERAZZOLO (dir.), La BD francophone, dans Publif@rum, no 14, 2011. BUNO, Antoine, Le Petit livre bleu : analyse critique et politique de la socit des Schtroumpfs, Paris, Hors Collection, 2011, 250 pages.

CASSIAU-HAURIE, Christophe (dir.), Comment peut-on faire de la BD en Afrique ? 33 entretiens pour comprendre... Paris, LHarmattan, (Africultures, no 84), 2011, 240 pages. CASTELLI, Alfredo, Fumettisti dinvenzione. Gli autorim di fumetti nella fiction (al cinema, in televisione, nella narrativa, nella letteratura disegnata, alla radio e il altri media, Roma, Coniglio Editore, 2010, 140 pages. CHANEY, Michael A. (ed.), Graphic Subjects : Critical Essays on Autobiography and Graphic Novels, Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, ix, 339 pages. COSTELLO, Brannon (ed.), Howard Chaykin : Conversations, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, (Conversations with Comic Artists), 2011, 304 pages. CRUBZY, ric, Herg archologue, Paris, ditions Errance, (Le Cabinet du naturaliste), 2011, 217 pages. Ill. de Nicolas Sngas. CUCINOTTA, Bill & Gerry GIOVINCO (eds.), David Anthony Krafts Comics Interview : The Comple Collection, Phildalphia, CO2 Comics, 2010, 680 pages. DALTON, Russell W., Marvelous Myths : Marvel Superheroes and Everyday Faith, Saint Louis (MO), Chalice Press, 2011, 160 pages. DE HAVEN, Tom, Our Hero : Superman on E a r t h , New Haven, Yale University Press, (Icons of America), 2010, 240 pages. DELISLE, Philippe, De Tintin au Congo Odilon Verjus : le missionnaire, hros de la BD belge, Paris, Karthala, 2011, 214 pages. DOZO, BJrn-Olav & Fabrice PREYAT (dir.) La Bande dessine contemporaine, Bruxelles, Le Cri, 2010, 331 pages. DITSCHKE, Stephan (dir.), Comics : zur Geschichte und Theorie eines populrkulturellen Mediums, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, (Kultur und Medientheorie), 2009, 362 pages. DOSSIER : Les Personnages de Tintin dans lhistoire (les vnements de 1930 1944 qui ont inspir loeuvre de Herg), numro hors-srie de Le Point Historia, Paris, Sophia Publications, mai 2011, 129 pages. DUPRAT, Frdric, LHistoire de la bande dessine pour les dbutants, Vanves, ditions QI, (Pour les dbutants), 2011, 226 pages. "La chronologie de l'histoire de la bande dessine franco-belge, japonaise et amricaine, les biographies des auteurs phares de la bande dessine, les rsums, les dates de parution, les diteurs des sries les plus importantes"

FAETI, Antonio, La spada di Domokos. Il risorgi-mento e lunita dItalia nel fumetto e nellillustrazione per linfanzia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2011, 72 pages. GRAF, Yann, Grant Morrison (R)volutions, Lyon, Les Moutons lectriques, (La Bibliothque des miroirs-BD, vol. 6), 2011, 228 pages. GRAVETT, Paul, 1001 Comics You Must Read before You Die, New York (NY), Universe Pub., 2001, 960 pages. GROENSTEEN, Thierry, Bande dessine et narration. Systme de la bande dessine 2, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, (Formes smiotiques), 2011, 220 pages. GROENSTEEN, Thierry (dir.), Bande dessine, rcit et modernit, Paris, Hermann, (Cerisy Archives), 2011, 177 pages. INGUANZO, Ozzy, Constructing G r e e n Lantern : from Page to Screen, New York, Universe, 2011, 208 pages. KIRSNER, Inge, Olaf SEYDEL, Harald SCHROETER-WITTKE (dir.), berzeichnet Religion in Comics, Jena, IKS Garamond, , 246 pages. KOVACS, George & C. W. MARSHALL (eds.), Classics and Comics, New York, Oxford University Press, (Classical Presences), 2011, 288 pages. Since at least 1939, when daily-strip caveman Alley Oop time-traveled to the Trojan War, comics have been drawing (on) material from Greek and Roman myth, literature and history. At times the connection is cosmetic-as perhaps with Wonder Woman's Amazonian heritage-and at times it is almost irrelevant-as with Hercules' starfaring adventures in the 1982 Marvel miniseries. But all of these make implicit or explicit claims about the place of classics in modern literary culture. Classics and Comics is the first book to explore the engagement of classics with the epitome of modern popular literature, the comic book. The volume collects sixteen articles, all specially commissioned for this volume, that look at how classical content is deployed in comics and reconfigured for a modern audience. KRIPAL, Jeffrey J., Mutants and Mystics : Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 376 pages. LAIN, Jean-Marc, Frank Miller : urbaine tragdie, Lyon, Les Moutons lectriques, (La Bibliothque des miroirs BD, vol. 4), 2011, 212 pages. LEVITZ, Paul, 75 Years of DC Comics : The Art of Modern Mythmaking, Kln, Taschen, 2010, 719 pages.

LEWIS, David & Christine HOFF KREAMER (dir.), Graven Images : Religion in Comic Books and Graphic Novels, New York, Continuum, 2010, xii, 366 pages. In essays by scholars and comics creators, Graven Images observes the frequency with which religious materialin devout, educational, satirical, or critical contexts occurs in both independent and mainstream comics. Le trs long sommaire est disponible sur le site de lditeur. (Long)Table of contents available on publishers web site. LOHSE, Rolf, Ingenieur der Trame : Medienreflexive Komik bei Marc-Antoine Mathieu, Essen, Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, 2009, 133 pages. McKINNEY, Mark, The Colonial Heritage of French Comics, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2011, xviii, 270 pages. MENU, Jean-Christophe, La Bande dessine et son double. Langage et marges de la bande dessine (Perspectives pratiques, thoriques et ditoriales), Paris, LAssociation, 2011, 540 pages. MONNIN, Katie, Teaching Early Reader Comics and Graphic Novels, Gainesville (FL), Maupin House Pub., 2011, 128 pages. MORRISON, Grant, Supergods (What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human) New York, Spiegel & Grau, 2011, 464 pages. NIKOLAVITCH, Alex, Mythe & Super-Hros, Lyon, Les Moutons lectriques, (La Bibliothque des miroirs BD, vol. 5), 2011, 194 pages. NOUHET-ROSEMAN, Jolle, Les Mangas pour jeunes filles, figures du sexuel ladolescence, Toulouse, rs ditions, (La vie devant eux), 2011, 296 pages. PETERSEN, Robert S., Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels : A History of Graphic Narratives, Santa Barbara (CA), Praeger, 2011, xxii, 274 pages. PORTEVIN, Bertrand, Le Dmon inconnu dHerg (ou le gnie de Georges Rmi), Paris, Dervy, 2011, 300 pages.Prface de Bernadette Robillot. Bertrand Portevin est l'auteur du Monde Inconnu d'Herg paru chez Dervy en 2002. Il remet la main la plume, et poursuit, pour nous, son voyage initiatique en compagnie d'Herg. L'auteur apporte mille et un arguments, mille et un tonnements, autant de rvlations sur la faon dont Herg crypta ses albums. Le pre des aventures de Tintin et Milou, dtenteur d'un surprenant secret de

famille, tait fru d'astrologie, de mythologie et d'alchimie. Il btit son Grand uvre, ses 22 albums en couleurs, sur le canevas ancestral de la kabbale et des cartes du Tarot auxquelles il accordait une confiance aveugle PROUGH, Jennifer Sally, Straight from the Heart : Gender, Intimacy, and the Cultural Production of shojo manga, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2011, x, 184 pages. RABENSTEIN-MICHEL, Ingeborg (dir.), Krack ! Tschock ! Pflatsch ! Bummm ! La BD de langue allemande, Villeneuve dAscq, Universit Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3, (Germania), 2010, 229 pages. REIBEL, Olivier, La Vie secrte dHerg : biographie inattendue, Paris, Dervy, 2010, 484 pages. Prface de Bertrand Portevin. Truffe d'lments indits et trs documente, cette enqute passionnante dmontre que l'sotrisme est bien omniprsent au coeur de l'oeuvre et de la vie d'Herg, et nous dvoile les nombreux symboles sotriques occults, illustrant chaque album de Tintin. RICHET, Bertrand (dir.), Le Tour du Monde d A s t r i x , Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 2011, 317 pages. [Actes de colloque] RIVAL, Bruno, Le Rock dans la bande dessine : des dcibels sur les planches, Turquant, LApart d., (La bulle au carr), 2011, 206 pages. SCARPA, Laura, Disegnare Dylan Dog, Roma, Coniglio Editore, (Lezioni di fumetto), 2010, 158 pages. STRMBERG, Fredrik, La Propagande dans la BD : un sicle de manipulation en images, Paris, Eyrolles, 2010, 175 pages. Prface de Peter Kuper. THVENET, Jean-Marc (dir.), Archi & BD : la ville dessine, Blou, Monographik ditions, 2010, 254 pages. THOMAS, Paul Lee, Challenging Genres : Comics and Graphic Novels, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers, 2010, xxxvii, 205 pages. Introduction. Critical consideration of genre : comics and graphic novels in a multiliteracy world -- Comics and graphic novels : a brief history of an "Arriviste art form" -- Case for comics and graphic novels : taking multiliteracies seriously -- Comics aren't (just) funny : deconstructing superhero comics -Beyond men (and women) in tights : graphic novels as literature -- From panels to the screen : comics and graphic novels on film -Graphic novels for young adults and children -Conclusion. Sequential art : into the future.

UEDA, Ali, Japanese Fantasy Manga, New York, HarperCollins, Collins Design, 2011, 208 pages. WALKER, Brian, Doonesbury and the Art of G. B. Trudeau, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2010, x, 261 pages. WEINER, Robert G., Graphic Novels and Comics in Libraries and Archives (Essays on Readers, Research, History and Cataloging), Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 288 pages. Prfaces dElizabeth Figa & Derek Parker Royal. Postface de Stephen Weiner. WHITE, Mark D. (ed.), Iron Man and Philosophy : Facing the Stark Reality, Hoboken (NJ), , John Wileys Sons, (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture), 2010, 280 pages. Part I: The nuts and bolts of Tony Stark. The stark madness of technology / George A. Dunn -- The technological subversion of technology : Tony Stark, Heidegger, and the subject of resistance / Rocco Gangle -- The literal making of a superhero / Travis N. Rieder -- Part II: Wearing the armor responsibly. Can Iron Man atone for Tony Starks wrongs? / Christopher Robichaud -- Did Iron Man kill Captain America? / Mark D. White -- Fate at the bottom of a bottle : alcohol and Tony Stark / Ron Novy -- Part III: The iron age : Tony Starks role in society. Tony Stark and "the gospel of wealth" / Andrew Terjesen -- [Tradmark symbol] and [copyright symbol] Stark industries : Iron Man and property rights / Daniel P. Malloy -- Tony Stark, philosopher king of the future? / Tony Spanakos -- Part IV: The mind inside the Iron Man. Iron Man in a Chinese room : does living armor think? / Ron Novy -- Flexing his intelligence : Tony Starks brainy brawn / Phillip S. Seng -- Does Tony Stark have an iron will? / Mark D. White -- Part V: The virtue of an avenger. Does Tony Stark use a moral compass? / Sarah K. Donovan and Nicholas P. Richardson -- Flawed heroes and courageous villains : Plato, Aristotle, and Iron Man on the unity of the virtues / Carsten Fogh Nielsen -- "I have a good life" : Iron Man and the avenger school of virtue / Stephanie Patterson and Brett Patterson -- Part VI: What it means to be an iron man. Iron Man and the problem of progress / David Valleau Curtis -- Engendering justice in Iron Man / Rebecca Housel and Gary Housel -- Iron Mans transcendent challenge / Stephen Faller. WILLIAMS, Paul & James LYONS (eds.), The Rise of the American Comic Artists : Creators and Contexts, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2011, 256 pages.

ADAMO, Francesca & Caterina PENNESTRI, Il Destino di un incontro : Salvador Dali e Walt Disney, Milano, Udine, Mimesis, 2010, 109 pages. Introduzione di Matteo G. Brega. AUBRON, Herv, Gnie de Pixar, Paris, Capricci, (Actualit critique), 2011, 87 pages. BAZALDUA, Barbara, BYNGHALL, Steve, CASEY, Joe, and Pixar Animation Studios, P i x a r p e d i a , New York & London, Dorling Kindersley, 2010, 375 pages. BECK, Jerry, The Flintstones : The Official Guide to the Cartoon Classic, Philadelphia (PA), Running Press, 2011, 80 pages. BLISS, Joe, Art that Moves : Animation around the World, Chicago (IL), Raintree, 2011, 32 pages. BOILLAT, Alain (dir.), Les Cases lcran : bande dessine et cinma en dialogue, Genve, Georg, 2010, 356 pages. BRUCKNER, Franziska, Malerei in Bewegung : Studio fr experimentellen Animationsfilm and der Universitt fr angewandte Kunst Wien, New York, Springer, 2011, 200 pages. CALDERONE, Francesco, Anime e manga. Alla scoperta del fumetto e dellanimazione g i a p p o n e s i , Vasto, Caravaggio Editore, (Dissertatio), 2011, 376 pages. CANEMAKER, John, Two Guys Named Joe : Master Animation Storytellers Joe Grant and Joe Ranft, New York, Disney Editions, 2011, 192 pages. CASAS, Quim, Peliculas clave del cine de superheroes, Teia, Barcelona, Ma non troppo, (Cine), 2011, 280 pages. CAVALLARO, Dani, The Fairy Tale and Anime : Traditional Themes, Images and Symbols at Play on Screen, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, vii, 208 pages. CHATRIAN, Carlo & Grazia PAGANELLI (eds.), Manga Impact : The World of Japanese Animation, London & New York, Phaidon, 2010, 295 pages. CLMENT, Frdric, Machines dsires : la reprsentation du fminin dans les films danimation Ghost in the Shell de Mamoru O s h i i , Paris, LHarmattan, (Cinmas danimation), 2011, 149 pages. COHEN, David S., The Ballad of Rango : The Art & Making of an Outlaw Film, San Raphael (CA), Insight Editions, 2011, 158 pages. COLSON, Raphal & Gal RGNER, Hayao Miyazaki : cartographie dun univers, Lyon,

Les Moutons lectriques, (La Bibliothque des miroirs, vol. 10), 2010, 364 pages. COOPER-CHEN, Anne M., Cartoon Cultures : The Globalization of Japanese Popular Media, New York, et al, Peter Lang, 2010, 194 pages. COSTA, Jordi, Peliculas clave del cine de animacion, Teia, Barcelona, Ma non tropo, (Cine), 2010, 264 pages. DENIS, Sbastien, Le Cinma danimation, Paris, Armand Colin, (Cinma1arts visuels), 2011, 279 pages. EHMER, Oliver, Imagination und Animation : die Herstellung mentaler Rume durch animierte Rede, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, ix, 475 pages. HILTY, Greg & Alona PARDO (eds.), Watch me move : The Animation Show, London & New York, Merrell, 2011, 223 pages. GOLDMAN, Daniel & Charlie KEIL (eds.), Funny Pictures : Animation and Comedy in Studio-Era Hollywood, Berkeley (CA), University of California Press, 2011, 320 pages. GRAYDON, Danny, The Jetsons : The Official Guide to the Cartoon Classic, Philadelphia (PA), Running Press, 2011, 80 pages. GROENING, Matt, Bart Simpson, mon guide de la vie, Paris, Fetjaine, 2010, 186 pages. GROU, Cyril, LHrosme dans le cinma danimation japonais, Nantes, ditions Amalthe, 2010, 139 pages. KOYAMA-RICHARD, Brigitte, LAnimation japonaise : du rouleau peint aux Pokmon, paris, Flammarion, 2010, 245 pages. [Avec des entretiens avec des professionnels de lanimation] KRASNIEWICZ, Louise, Walt Disney : A Biography, Santa Barbara (CA), Greenwood, 2010, xxxiv, 155 pages. LA RIVIRE, Stephen, Filmed in Supermarionation : A History of the Future, New Castle (PA), Hermes Press, 2011, 208 pages. For the first time, a complete history of the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson television productions which pioneered science-fiction special effects. Film historian Steven La Riviere, whose documentary about Supercar was the final word on the series, takes you behind-thescenes and covers every aspect of the creation and production of such television shows as Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Secret Service, and Joe 90. The book also covers the Anderson's efforts from the beginning including Torchy and Four Feather Falls. This full-color art book is packed with hundreds of never-before-seen production


photos, artwork, and illustrations making this the definitive book on the subject. LENBURG, Jeff, Matt Groening : from Spitballs to Springfield, New York, Chelsea House, (Legends of Animation), 2011, 134 pages. LE ROUX, Stphane, Hayao Miyazaki, cinaste en animation : posie de linsolite Paris, LHarmattan, (Cinmas danimation), 2011, 195 pages. Ce deuxime ouvrage ddi aux crateurs du studio Ghibli, aprs un premier abordant Isao Takahata, s'intresse naurellement Hayao Miyazaki. L'tude est centre sur l'laboration de son style cinmatographique et l'mergence de sa posie singulire, depuis ses dbuts la conscration de Mon voisin Totoro, qui fait l'objet d'une longue analyse. Sont aussi abords des travaux pars, tlvisuels (Sherlock Holmes) et ses oeuvres contemporaines jusqu'au Voyage de Chihiro. LEVY, David, Directing Animation, New York, Allworth Press, 2010, 256 pages. MURRAY, Joe, Creating Animated Cartoons with Character (A Guide to developing and producing your own series for TV, the web, and short film), New York, Watson-Guptill, 2010, 240 pages. NEUPERT, Richard John, French Animation History, Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 216 pages. NOYER, Jrmie, Entretien avec un empire : rencontres avec les artistes Disney (2 volumes). Vol. 1 : Les grands classiques de lanimation, de Blanche Neige et les sept nains Tarzan, Paris, LHarmattan, (Cinmas danimation), 2010, 231 pages. Vol. 2 : Les grands classiques de lanimation de Dinosaure Toy Story, Paris, LHarmattan, (Cinmas danimation), 2010, 211 pages. OSMOND, Andrew, Satoshi Kon : The Illusionist, Berkeley (CA), Stone Bridge Press, 2009, 128 pages. OSMOND, Andrew, 100 Animated Feature Films, London, British Film Institute & New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 246 pages. PALLANT, Chris, Demystying Disney : A History of Disney Feature Animation, New York, Continuum, 2011, 176 pages. PERI, Don, Working with Disney : Interviews with Animators,Producers and A r t i s t s , Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2011, 192 pages.

PIGOT, Pierre, LAssassinat de Mickey Mouse : trois essais en disneylogie, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, (Travaux pratiques), 2011, 183 pages. PLYMPTON, Bill & David LEVY, Independently Animated : Bill Plympton. The Life and Art of the King of Indie Animation, New York, Universe, 2011, 264 pages. Prface de Terry Gillian. ROFFAT, Sbastien, Propagandes animes : le dessin anim politique entre 1933 et 1945, Paris, Bazaar, (Toonbazaar, vol. 2), 2010, 335 pages. SANDIS, Florence, Nos dessins anims 7080, Paris, Presses de la Cit, 2010, 142 pages. SCHWINGE, Uli & Tobias WENGERT (dir.), Animators how did you do that ? Trickfilmer wie habt ihr das gemacht ?, Stuttgart, Randgruppe, 2011, 151 pages. STEIN, Andi, Why we Love Disney, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2011, x, 282 pages. SUSANIN, Timothy S., Walt Before Mickey ; Disneys Early Years, 1919-2011, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2011, 384 pages. TOBIAS, Ronald B., Film and the American Moral Vision of Nature : Theodore Roosevelt to Walt Disney, East Lansing, Michigan State University Press, 2011, 320 pages. WAGNER, Birgitt & Waltraud GRAUSGRUBER (dir.), Tricky Women : Animationsfilmkunst von Frauen, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2011, 189 pages. WEBB, Graham, The Animated Film Encyclopedia : A Complete Guide to American Shorts, Features and Sequences, 19001999, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 648 pages. WELLS, Paul, Les Fondamentaux de lanimation, Paris, Pyramyd, (Les fondamentaux de...), 2010, 196 pages.


romans et films historiques

ANCONA, Giuliana, Linquisizione tra storia e immaginario, Trieste, Arbor Librum, 2011, 153 pages. ANSELMI, Julie, Le Roman dAlexandre Dumas Pre, ou, la rinvention du merveilleux, Genve, Droz, (Histoire des ides et critique littraire), 2010, 471 pages. BA, Yoro, Histoire et cration littraire dans Les Trois Mousquetaires, dAlexandre D u m a s , Paris, dilivres Aparis, 2010, 170 pages. BELMONTE, Jos & J. M. LOPEZ DE ABADIA (dir.), Alatrista : la sombra del hroe, Madrid, Alfaguara, 2009, 519 pages. BIHL, Laurent (dir.), De Cape noire en pe rouge : Michel Zvaco, Coeuvres-et-Valsery, Resouvenances, 2011, 363 pages. BROWN, Ellen F.& John WILEY, Margaret Mitchells Gone with the Wind : A Bestsellers Odyssey from Atlanta to H o l l y w o o d , New York, Taylor Trade Publishing, 2011, 438 pages. CABAJSKY, Andrea (ed.), National Plots : Historical Fiction and Changing Ideas of C a n a d a , Waterloo (Ont.), Wilfrid Laurier University Press & Lancaster, Gazelle, 2010, xxiv, 252 pages. COX, Simon, Le Roi Arthur et les secrets du Graal dcrypts, Paris, Original Books, 2011, 297 pages. DECAUX, Alain, Dictionaire amoureux dAlexandre Dumas, Paris, Plon, (Dictionnaire amoureux), 2010, 636 pages. DIGLIO, Carolina, Lthique de largent dans loeuvre dAlexandre Dumas fils, Fasano, Schena, (Biblioteca della ricerca. Cultura straniera, 156), 2009, 208 pages. DOLEEZEL, Lubomir, Possible Worlds of Fiction and History : the Postmodern Stage, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, ix, 171 pages. GUILHAMON, Elizabeth & Daniel MEYER (dir.), Die Streitbare Klio. Zur Represntation von Macht und Geschichte in der Literatur, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 241 pages. HADLEY, Louisa, Neo-Victorian Fiction and Historical Narrative : The Victorians and Us, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, vi, 192 pages.

HILL, Richard J., Picturing Scotland through the Waverley Novels : Walter Scott and the Origins of the Victorian Illustrated Novel, Farnham, Surrey (UK), Burlington (VT), Ashgate Pub., 2010, 224 pages. KONSTAN, David & Kurt A. RAAFLAUB (dir.), Epic and History, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, (The Ancient World : Comparative Histories), 2010, 442 pages. LE BOEUF, Simon, Alexandre Dumas et la cit princire de son enfance, Paris, Christian, 2010, 224 pages. RABEY, Melissa, Historical Fiction for Teens : A Genre Guide, Santa Barbara (CA), Libraries Unlimited, (Genreflecting Advisory Series), 2011, 324 pages. STEVENS, Anne H., British Historical Fiction before Scott, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 201 pages. In the half century before Walter Scott's Waverley, dozens of popular novelists produced historical fictions for circulating libraries. This book examines eighty-five popular historical novels published between 1762 and 1813, looking at how the conventions of the genre developed through a process of imitation and experimentation. Contents : The Formation of a Genre Historical Novels, 1762-1783 - The Historical Novel in the Circulating Library - Historical Novels, 1784-1813 - The Historical Novel in the Reviews - Epilogue: Ivanhoe and Historical Fiction SCHOPP, Claude, Dictionnaire Alexandre Dumas, Paris, CNRS d., 2010, 259 pages. Prface dAlain Decaux. SPIEGEL, Gabrielle M., crire lhistoire, Paris, Larousse, 2010, 135 pages.


ALONSO, Juan Jos, El antiguo Egipto en el cine, Madrid, T & B Editores, 2010, 320 pages. BELL, Erin & Ann GRAY (eds.), Televising History : Mediating the Past in Post-War Europe, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, xii, 269 pages. BILDHAUER, Bettina, Filming the Middle Ages, London, Reaktion Books, 2011, 264 pages. BONFAND, Alain, Le Cinma dAkira Kurosawa, Paris, J.Vrin, (Essais dart et de philosophie), 2011, 200 pages. BRIDGES, Herb, Gone with the Wind : The Three Day Premiere in Atlanta, Macon (GA), Mercer University Press, 2011, 219 pages.


COMBE, Sonia & Hlne ZYLBERAIT (dir.), LHistoire la tlvision : le traitement filmique du pass, Paris, Kim, ditions du Centre dtudes et de documentation, , 2010, 159 pages. ESPANA, Rafael de, La pantalla epica : los hereoes de la antiguedad vistos por el c i n e , Barcelona, T & Editores, 2009, 496 pages. HARTY, Kevin J. (ed.), The Vikings on Film : Essays on Depictions of the Nordic Middle Ages, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 236 pages. These fourteen essays on films dealing with the Viking era discuss American, British and European productions. Analyzed in detail are such films as The Vikings (1958), The Long Ships (1964), Alfred the Great (1969), Erik the Viking (1989) and Outlander (2008), as well as two comic-strip adaptations, the 1954 and 1989 films of Prince Valiant and the animated Asterix and the V i k i n g s (2006). A comprehensive filmography is also included. HELLER, Jason, The Captain Sparrow Handbook, Philadelphia (PA), Quirk Books, 2011, 176 pages. IACCIO, Pasquale & Mauro MENICHETTI (dir.), LAntico al cinema, Napoli, Liguori, (Biblioteca. Cinema e storia, 13), 2010 KELLY, Kathleen Coyle & Tison PUGH (eds.), Queer Movie Medievalisms, Farnham, Surrey (UK), & Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2009, xiii, 249 pages. LABORDA, Luis, La historia en el cine norteamericano (el cine de ficcion como (re)creacion e interpretacion de la historia), Barcelona, Milenio, 2010, , 212 pages. LATHAM, Bethany, Elizabeth I in Film and Television : A Study of the Major Portrayals, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 298 pages. LILLO, Fernando, Heroes de Grecia y Roma en Pantalla, Madrid, Evohe, 2010, 335 pages. MATELLANOS, Victor & Miguel LOSADA, El Cid (Edicion especial 50th), Madrid, T & B Editores, 2011, 208 pages. MAZUMDAR, Shaswati (ed.), Insurgent Sepoys. Europe Views the Revolt of 1857, New Dehli, Routledge, 2011, 305 pages. MENNINGER, Annerose, Historienfilme als Geschichtsvermittler : Kolombus und Amerika im populren Spielfilm, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2010, 334 pages. PEREBOOM, Maarten, History and Film : Moving Pictures and the Study of the Past, Boston, Prentice Hall, 2011, ix, 245 pages. POIRSON, Martial (dir.), Lcran des Lumires : regards cinmatographiques

sur le XVIIIe sicle, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2009 324 pages. ROMMEL-RUIZ, W. Bryan, American History Goes to the Movies : Hollywood and the American Experience, New York, Routledge, 2011, 304 pages. SMYTH, J., R e c o n s t r u c t i n g American Historical Cinema : from C i m a r r o n to Citizen Kane, Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 464 pages. Focusing on key films such as Cimarron (1931), The Public Enemy (1931), Scarface (1932), Ramona (1936), A Star Is Born (1937), Jezebel (1938), Young Mr. Lincoln (1939), Gone with the Wind (1939), Stagecoach (1939), and Citizen Kane (1941), Smyth explores historical cinema's connections to popular and academic historigraphy, historical fiction, and journalism, providing a rich context for the industry's commitment to American history. SCHMULVITCH, ric, Ivan le Terrible de S. M. Eisenstein : chronique dun tournage, Paris, LHarmattan, (Champs visuels), 2010, 227 pages. SINGER, Michael, The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides, New York, Disney Editions, 2011, 160 pages. THEODORAKOPOULOS, Elena, Ancient Rome at the Cinema : Story and Spectacle in Hollywood and Rome, Exeter, Bristol Phoenix Press, 2010, 199 pages. Introduction -- Narrative and spectacle, realism and illusion, and the historical film -- Ben-Hur: 'tale of the Christ' of tale of Rome? -Spartacus and the politics of story-telling -The fall of the Roman Empire: the filmmaker as historian -- Gladiator: making it new? -- Fellini Satyricon: 'farewell to antiquity' or 'daily life in ancient Rome'? -- Titus: Rome and the penny arcade -- Conclusion. THORNTON, Mark Burnett & Adrian STREETE (eds.), Filming and Performing Renaissance History, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 208 pages. TOPLIN, Robert Brent, History by Hollywood Screening the American Past, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2010, 280 pages. WILLETT, Edward, The Bounty Mutiny : from the Court Case to the Movie, Berkeley Heights (NJ), Enslow Publishers, (Famous Court Cases that Became Movies), 2010, 128 pages.



BELPHGOR VOL. IX, NO 3 LE POLAR POLITIQUE Note : mentionn dans le no 68, mais avec un sommaire incomplet. Voici lintgrale. Belphgor Vol . IX, No. 3 : Le polar politique / The Politics of the Detective Novel / Il giallo e la politica / El policiaco poltico Sophie Lavoie : Avant-propos ARTICLES / ARTICOLI / ARTICULOS Isabelle Casta : La fivre dans le sens Claudia Canu : Le polar maghrbin sous la plume de Yasmina Khadra. Comment l'enqute policire devient enqute politique... Philip Amangoua Atcha : Les naufrags de l'intelligence : Un polar noir Karen Ferreira-Meyers : Le roman policier: tmoin de l'histoire politique zimbabwenne Shawn Duriez : Quelle fin pour Pedro McEvoy? Le dnouement renou de Rue des Boutiques Obscures Vincent Platini : clipse, exil et survie du Krimi en Allemagne nazie (1933-1945) Carlo Tirinanzi de Medici : Il romanzo poliziesco italiano, 1964-2007: la memoria tra noir, enigmi e post-fascismo Gal Prigent : Roman policier ou roman politique : le polar selon Sciascia Adrien Clerc : Si les gants noirs portaient des pancartes... Le giallo face la politique Carolina Ferrer : Crmenes para armar: Amuleto de Roberto Bolao Jean Baptiste Thomas : Rodolfo Walsh ou le polar de la rsistance proniste Genevive Orssaud : criture d'une histoire politique travers le polar militant en Argentine Mar Ramn-Torrijos : El (des)orden social y la representacin del castigo en la ficcin de Sara Paretsky Ccile Rouffanche-Pricat : Le polar politique : l/tat dHzh dans les romans policiers de Tony Hillerman Manuel Campirano : Padura, creando desde el presente la memoria del futuro (Entrevista con Leonardo Padura) CANAL I ARTIGAS, Jordi & Alex MARTIN ESCRIBA, La Cua de Palla : retrat en groc i negre, Barcelona, Alreves, 2011, 433 pages. tude sur une grande collection de polars en catalan, une histoire du genre en catalogne et en espagne depuis 1960, et les adaptations cinmatographiques des romans publis dans cette collection.

ABOUDDAHAB, Rdouane & Josiane PACCAUDHUGUET (eds.), Fiction, Crime, and The Feminine, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, 200 pages. BARNETT, Colleen, Mystery Women : An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction, Scottsdale (AZ), Poisend Pen, 2010, xxix, , volume 3 (19902000), 1056 pages [dition revise]. A SIGNALER Il y a la fiction et ses serial killers de fantaisie, et il y a la ralit, atroce, indicible... BOURGOIN, Stphane, Serial Killers Enqute mondiale sur les tueurs en srie, Paris, Grasset, 2011, 880 pages. Quatrime version revue et augmente dun ouvrage paru aux ditions Grasset en 1991. La nouvelle dition de ce livre-enqute est le rsultat d'une quinzaine d'annes de recherches consacres au phnomne des serial killers : ces criminels qui tuent en srie sans mobile vident, mais sous l'empire de pulsions sexuelles le plus souvent ; et qui commettent leurs forfaits en toute impunit pendant des mois, voire des annes. Grce de nombreux sjours travers le monde (Etats-Unis, Afrique du Sud, Europe de l'Est, etc.), Stphane Bourgoin a pu rencontrer les agents spciaux du FBI chargs depuis 1979 d'tudier ces assassins hors normes, ainsi que des profilers du monde entier qui utilisent une approche psychologique pour rsoudre les enqutes. Les conclusions de ces policiers d'lite sont confrontes l'avis des plus grands psychiatres dans le domaine. Dans les prisons de haute scurit, l'auteur a pu s'entretenir avec plus d'une trentaine de ces serial killers pour qui le meurtre est une obsession qu'ils sont impuissants dominer.


CAPUTO, Robert & Nadia GIORGIO, Milano della mala : storie, leggende, film, canzoni, De Ferraris, (News Books), 2010, 100 pages. DOSSIER : Espionnage, dans Le Temps des Mdias (Revue dhistoire), no 16, printemps 2011, 280 pages. Source de fantasmes s'il en est, le renseignement a fait lobjet de nombreuses reprsentations, souvent dformes dans les mdias, aussi bien dans la fiction (roman, cinma, tlvision) que dans la presse ou le documentaire. De leur ct, les professionnels du renseignement nhsitent pas utiliser les mdias pour dsinformer, influencer ou mme dstabiliser. Comment les deux acteurs de ce couple infernal usent et msusent lun de lautre, cest ce que permet dillustrer ce dossier original, combinant les apports dhistoriens et professionnels des mdias et ceux dhistoriens du renseignement. _* Prsentation (Yannick Dehe et Olivier Forcade)_* L'Action franaise contre l'espionnage allemand (Olivier Forcade)_* Sans patrie ni frontires de Jan Valtin : l'affaire de presse et le secret bien gard_des services spciaux (Guillaume Bourgeois)_* L'Agence Havas, l'information et la guerre civile espagnole (Julien Auvert)_* Le marigot mdiatique africain. Approches d'une information rebours (2010-1960) (JeanPierre Bat)_* Le national et l'international dans les sries tlvises d'espionnage_des annes soixante (Vincent Chenille)_* Le tardif rveil de l'espion franais au cinma (Yannick Dehe)_* Le dnouement de l'affaire du Rainbow Warrior entre fuites _et journalisme d'investigation (Floran Vadillo)_* La Vie des autres (2006) : espion de la Stasi ou hros ordinaire ? (Caroline Moine)_* The West Wing et l'Intelligence Community : les experts souterrains (Joseph Belletante)_* L'mergence d'internet dans les outils d'Intelligence conomique_(Christophe Deschamps et Nicolas Moinet)_* Mdias, responsabilit gouvernementale et secret d'Etat : l'affaire WikiLeaks_(Damien Van Puyvelde). DIAZ, Charles, La Fabuleuse histoire des grands flics de lgende, Paris, ditions Jacob-Duvernet, 2011, 507 pages.. [Les vrais flics et les flics de fiction]. Qui sait que le premier flic de l'histoire de France, Nicolas de la Reynie vida la Cour des miracles avec soixante arbaltriers ? Qui se souvient du redoutable commissaire Kuehn, "l'homme au gant noir" ou de Jules Belin "le tombeur de Landru", de Henry "L'ange malin"

ou de Jules Sbille dit "le Puritain"? Qui a jamais entendu parler de Gustave Rossignol, le virtuose du camouflage ou de "Guichard coeur de Lion" qui mit fin aux activits de Jules Bonnot ? Qui sait quoi de Guillaume le commissaire qui inspira Simenon pour son Maigret et dont on disait que nul ne pouvait soutenir son regard ? Qui sait ce que l'on doit Vucetich, "le matre argentin" qui s'usa sa vie durant convaincre les polices du monde entier - et Bertillon le premier ! - que les empreintes digitales taient l'avenir de la police ? Et les Javert, les Lavardin, les Harry Callaghan, les Columbo, Adamsberg et autres soeurs Angle, qui sait leur place vritable dans la littrature ou ce qu'ils firent d'innovant au cinma ? FLANDERS, Judith, The Invention of Murder : How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime, London, Harper Press, 2011, xvii, 556 pages. [avec un chapitre sur Jack lventreur] Murder in the 19th century was rare. But murder as sensation and entertainment became ubiquitous transformed into novels, into broadsides and ballads, into theatre and melodrama and opera even into puppet shows and performing dog-acts.In this meticulously researched and compelling book, Judith Flanders author of The Victorian House retells the gruesome stories of many different types of murder both famous and obscure. From the crimes (and myths) of Sweeney Todd and Jack the Ripper, to the tragedies of the murdered Marr family in Londons East End, Burke and Hare and their bodysnatching business in Edinburgh, and Greenacre who transported his dismembered fiance around town by omnibus. FOSTER, Allan, Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle Locations : A Visitors Guide, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 166 pages & 97 photos. FOUREZ, Cathy, MARTINEZ, Victor & Raphal VILLATTE (dir.), Quand le dlit est dans le texte : le genre policier, une littrature de lexcs, Bruxelles, Berlin, et al, Peter Lang, (Comparatisme et socit, vol. 14), 2011, 177 pages. Contenu : Cathy Fourez/Victor Martinez/ Raphal Villatte : Introduction - scar Palacios : Bref panorama du roman policier mexicain Carine Glardon : Diez crmenes por el mismo precio de scar Palacios, ou quand le roman devient un jeu - Jean Franco : Los albailes de Vicente Leero. Aux sources du roman policier


la mexicaine - Benjamin Thomas : La vie criminelle d'Archibald de la Cruz de Luis Buuel - Antoine Rodrguez : D'un bord l'autre : enqute policire, rvlation identitaire et stratgies discursives dans Lo peor sucede al atardecer, roman mexicain d'Olivier Debroise (1990) - Isabelle Boof-Vermesse : Incursions et contention. La frontire mexicaine dans le roman policier californien (Raymond ChandlerJames Ellroy) - Victor Martinez : Violence, narration, genre. Ce que la langue veut dire dans A.B.U.R.T.O. de Heriberto Ypez - CDrom : Les littratures policires : une criture de l'inquitude ? (dbat entre Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Jrme Leroy et Claude Mesplde) - Raphal Villatte : L'excs de fatalisme et de fatalit dans le roman policier mexicain, franais et tasunien - Luca Melgar : Le silence de la victime. Y Matarazo no llam... roman noir, roman politique - Salhia Ben Messahel : Underground d'Andrew McGahan, les abmes de la fiction - Claudie Guimet : Des vies en prison : prologue, conference (CDrom) - Cathy Fourez : Parcours et paroles de femmes dans une prison Mexico. Un atelier d'criture au Reclusorio Femenil de Santa Martha Acatitla. GION, Marie-Luce & Pierrette SLAMA, Lire et crire avec le roman policier, Champs-surMarne, SCRN-CRDP, Acadmie de Crteil, (Argos. Dmarches), 2011, 320 pages. HEINRICHS, Sonja, Erschrekende Augenblicke : die Dramaturgie des Psychothrillers, Mnchen, Utz, (Theaterwissenschaft) 2011, 433 pages. HOUSE, Robert, Jack the Ripper and the Case for Scotlands Yards Prime Suspect, Hoboken (NJ), Wiley, 2011, 368 pages.Prface de Roy HAZELWOOD. The head of Scotland Yard's Criminal Investigation Department insisted they knew the identity of Jack the Ripper, but couldn't prove his guilt in court. The chief investigator on the case backed him up, as a note discovered a century later showed. So why did the police never publicly proclaim Aaron Kozminski the number one suspect in the most notorious serial-murder case of all time? And could twenty-first-century investigative techniques have helped the nineteenth-century detectives close their most famous unsolved case? Note personnelle : nen dplaise Patricia Cornwell et autres ttes chercheuses en ripperologie, Kozminski reste lun des suspects les plus probables...Ugh, jai dit ! LIARD, Vronique (dir.), Histoires de crimes

et socit, Dijon, ditions universitaires de Dijon, 2011, 270 pages. La fascination pour le crime sous toutes ses formes est devenue un vritable phnomne de socit. Le but du prsent ouvrage n'est pas d'tablir une sociologie du crime, mais d'apporter un clairage pluridisciplinaire sur les diffrents liens entre crimes et socit. MESSAC, Rgis, Le Detective Novel et linfluence de la pense scientifique, Paris/Amiens, Les Belles Lettres, (Encrage/Belles lettres Travaux), 2011, 592 pages. Prface de Claude Amoz. Postface de Franois Gurif. Annotations de Jean-Luc Buard, Hlne Chantemerle, Antoine Lonnet, OlivierMessac. [Rdition dun classique] D'o vient le roman policier, et comment le dfinir ? C'est ce phnomne sociologique et aux raisons qui le dterminent que rpond la magistrale thse de doctorat s lettres que Rgis Messac a soutenue en 1929. Loin de restreindre son tude au XIXe sicle, qui voit l'avnement du genre, Rgis Messac remonte la plus haute Antiquit pour y trouver ses racines historiques et philologiques. Fidle la formation qu'il a reue, comme la mthode des dtectives qui lui sont chers, l'auteur procde du proche au lointain, du connu l'inconnu, du prsent au pass, en suivant la piste, vritable voyage dans le temps. La thse de Messac, si moderne par le choix de son objet comme par sa conception, est en mme temps profondment classique, au meilleur sens du terme. D'une culture foisonnante, le livre voque avec le mme enthousiasme la Bible et le Talmud, les sources du rcit voltairien ou les dernires livraisons de Nick Carter. OSTERWALDER, Sonja, Dstere Auflklrung : die Detektivliteratur von Conan Doyle bis Cornwell, Wien, Bhlau, 2011, 243 pages. Dstere Aufklrung beleuchtet die Detektivliteratur von ihren Anfngen im 19. Jahrhundert bis in die jngste Gegenwart. Entlang von Berhmtheiten wie Sherlock Holmes, Philip Marlowe und Kay Scarpetta werden die unterschiedlichen Ausformungen der Detektivfigur und der detektivischen Methoden in Augenschein genommen und die groen Umwlzungen innerhalb der Gattungsgeschichte thematisiert: der Wechsel von der Story zum Roman, der Einfluss der Psychoanalyse auf das Genre, die Ablsung des Privatdetektivs durch den Kommissar sowie der unaufhaltsame Aufstieg der weiblichen Ermittler und der forensischen Wissenschaften.


PLOCHOCKI, Maria, Body, Letter, and Voice : Constructing Knowledge in Detective Fiction, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, (Literary and Cultural Theory), 2010, 213 pages. Contents: Detective fiction - Roman policier Inspector Morse - Dexter, Colin - Heteroglossia - Bakhtin, Mikhail - Epistolary fiction - Theory of the novel - Epistemology - Poe, Edgar Allan Rendell, Ruth - Body in literature - Body as clue/signifier - Semiotics - Hammett, Dashiell. RITTER, Karin, Spielarten des postmodernen skandinavischen Kriminalromans : Auf-Lsung im Fadenkreuz literarischer und kultureller Paradigmen, Hamburg, Kovac, (Poetica), 2011, 410 pages. SNYDER, Robert Lance, The Art of Indirection in British Espionage Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 225 pages. In contrast to the classical detective story, the spy novel tends to be considered a suspect, somewhat subversive genre. While previous studies have focused on its historical, thematic, and ideological dimensions, this critical work examines British espionage fictions unique narrative form, which is typically elliptical, oblique, and recursive. Featured works include eighteen novels by Eric Ambler, Graham Greene, Len Deighton, John le Carre, Stella Rimington, and Charles Cumming, most of which exemplify the existential or serious spy thriller. Half of these texts pertain to the Cold War era and the other half to its aftermath in the so-called "Age of Terrorism." TESTA, Maurizio, BUCCHERI, Alessandra & Claudia CATALLI, Dizionario atipico del giallo 2010, Roma, Cooper, (The Cooper Files), 2009, 394 pages. Torna il Dizionario atipico del giallo, dalla A alla Z il noir, mystery, thriller, polizieschi durante lultima stagione culturale. Con interviste inedite ai grandi protagonisti del cinema, da Nicolas Cage a Valeria Golino, da Vincent Cassel a Werner Herzog. I premi e gli anniversari, rigorosamente gialli, che festeggeremo nel 2010. TRAUTMANN, Ludovic, Du roman an film : transcriture et rcurrences problmatiques dans la srie James Bond, thse, Universit Laval, Qubec, 2010, 116 pages. Consultable et tlchargeable par le biais du catalogue Ariane de la bibliothque de luniversit Laval.

plutt deux fois quune... Norbert Spehner LE ROMAN POLICIER EN AMRIQUE FRANAISE : TOME 2 2000-2010 Lvis, ditions Alire, 2011, 418 pages. Lobjectif premier de ce volume est de fournir un guide de lecture analytique et critique des romans policiers et criminels publis en Amrique Franaise entre 2000 et 2010. Tout comme le premier volume, il ne sagit pas dune simple liste de livres que lon consulte pour une quelconque recherche, cest avant tout une bibliographie qui se lit. Outre les polars qubcois et canadien-franais, louvrage rpertorie les polars canadiens anglais publis en traduction, la littrature jeunesse, les bandes dessines, les essais, et les films policiers qubcois de la dcennie. Avec une longue introduction qui fait le point sur le genre qui a pris sa place dans la littrature nationale. Louvrage est disponible (ds la fin septembre) sur le site des ditions Alire ( et les lecteurs franais pourront le trouver (ou le commader) dans leurs librairies favorites.



ACCORD, David, Success Secrets of Sherlock Holmes :Life Lessons from the Master, New York, Perigee, 2011, 208 pages.

ALFU, LEncyclopdie de Fantmas : tude sur un classique, Amiens, Encrage, 2011, 367 pages.[Rdition : 1981]


CABELL, Craig, Ian Rankin and Inspector Rebus : The Story of the Best-Selling Author and his Complex Detective, London, John Blake, 2011, 266 pages. Detective John Rebus first appeared in Ian Rankin's 1987 bestseller Knots and Crosses and has since gone on to appear in 17 books and numerous short stories. For over 20 years these critically-acclaimed, notoriously gritty novels have sold in their millions, thrilled readers the world over and have even been adapted into a popular television series. Although the fictional Inspector retired to the backwaters of Edinburgh's dark side in the 2007 novel Exit Music, the books continue to endure and attract new audiences. GALE, Robert L., Characters and Plots in the Fiction of James McCain, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,2011, 252 pages. This reference guide to Cains oeuvre offers a chronology detailing his life as reporter, Hollywood scenarist, and best-selling author. Entries for his fiction follow, with plot synopses, identification of more than 900 characters, and critical commentaries, many citing works for further reading. An introduction to Cains fiction and a resource for scholars and aficionados, this compendium provides the most thorough exploration to date of this major American writer. GIACOMETTI, Eric, Le Symbole retrouv : Dan Brown et le mystre maonnique, Paris, Pocket, 2011, 324 pages. JORDAN, John O., Supposing Bleak House, Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, (Victorian Literature and Culture), 2011, xi, 184 pages. Supposing "Bleak House" is an extended meditation on what many consider to be Dickens's and nineteenth-century England's greatest work of narrative fiction. Focusing on the novel's retrospective narrator, whom he identifies as Esther Woodcourt in order to distinguish her from her younger, unmarried self, John Jordan offers provocative new readings of the novel's narrative structure, its illustrations, its multiple and indeterminate endings, the role of its famous detective, Inspector Bucket, its many ghosts, and its relation to key events in Dickens's life during the years 1850 to 1853. KER, I. T (Ian Turnbull), G.K. Chesterton : A Biography, New York, Oxford University Press, 2011, xx, 747 pages.

MACDONALD, Gina & Elisabeth SANDERS, E. X. Ferrars : A Companion to the Mystery Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 206 pages. This literary companion is designed to introduce readers to the full range of possibilities inherent in E.X. Ferrarss canon, connecting novels and short stories that share themes and strategies, and providing biographical data that yield insights into Ferrarss interests and concerns. A brief biography is included, as well as explanations of relevant genre terminology. This work is a pathway to better understanding this popular writer, whose work spanned 63 years and who, when she died at age 88, was at work on another mystery for her broad readership. MILLER, R. H. , Understanding Graham Greene, Columbia (SC), University of South Carolina Press, (Understanding Contemporary English Literature), 2011, 204 pages. KING, Laurie R. & Leslie S. KLINGER (eds.), The Grand Game : A Celebration of Sherlockian Scholarship, vol. 1, New York, Baker Street Irregulars, 2011, xii, 437 pages. KNOX, Ronald, Ronald Knox and Sherlock Holmes : The Origin of Sherlockian Studies, Indianapolis, Gasogene, 2011, 126 pages. Introduction by Michael J. Crowe. PERSAUD, Christopher H. K., The Da Vinci Code Revisited, Bloomington (IN), XLibris Corporation, 2011, 346 pages. [Ouvrage publi compte dauteur] PETERS, Fiona, Anxiety and Evil in the Writings of Patricia Highsmith, Farnham, UK, Ashgate, 2011, 201 pages. ROULLIER-GALL, Sophie, LInsertion des franais parallles dans les romans de Frdric Dard (San Antonio), Rjean Ducharme et Ahmadou Kourouma, thse, Universit Laval Qubec, 2009, 135 pages. Consultable et tlchargeable par le biais du catalogue Ariane de la bibliothque de luniversit. SPINAZZOLA, Vittorio, Misteri dautore : Gadda, Fruttero e Lucentini, Eco, Torino, N. Aragno, 2010, 186 pages. TOMAIUOLO, Saverio, In Lady Audleys Shadow : Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Victorian Literary Genres, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2010, x, 222 pages. This book is devoted to Mary Elizabeth Braddon's complex relationship with the three main Victorian literary genres: the Gothic, the Detective and the Realist novel. Using Braddon's bestselling sensation fiction Lady


Audley's Secret as a paradigmatic novel and as a 'haunting' textual presence across her literary career, this study provides a fertile critical reading of a wide range of Braddon's novels and short stories. TOMBLAINE, Philippe, Sherlock Holmes dans la bande dessine : enqute dans le 9e art, Turquant, LApart, (La bulle au carr), 2011, 219 pages. Est-il possible d'adapter Sherlock Holmes en Bande Dessine ? Cet ouvrage tente de rpondre cette question travers un panorama - non exhaustif - des diffrents ouvrages de Bande Dessine mettant en scne le hros de Conan Doyle. L'enqute de Philippe Tomblaine, sur les traces du dtective le plus clbre du monde dans le 9e art, s'avre passionnante, digne de son sujet central. Elle montre comment les auteurs actuels ont su se glisser dans les diffrentes pistes du renouveau holmsien, comme en tmoignera un large dossier d'entretiens indits. WAGNER, E. J., La Science de Sherlock Holmes : les dbuts de la science criminelle, Paris, Le Pommier, Roman et plus), 2011, 336 pages. ZONNEVELD, Johan, Bibliographie Erich Kstner, Bielefeld, Aisthetis Verlag, 2011. Trois volumes : 1) Primrliteratur und Zeittafel 2) Sekundrliteratur, Teil 1 3) Sekundrliteratur, teil II, Filmographie, Dokumente, Korrespondenz. + 1 CD ROM.


BRAY, Christopher, Sean Connery : A Biography, New York, Pegasus Books, 2011, 368 pages. BRUSCHINI, Antonio & Antonio TENTORI, Italia a mano armata : guida al cinema poliziesco, Roma, Profondo rosso, (Cinema, 68), 2011, 419 pages. COVINGTON, Jeanette, Crime and racial Constructions : Cultural Misinformation about African Americans in Media and Academia, Lanham (MD), Lexington Books, 2010, 335 pages. Introduction : crime and racial constructions -Images of black male criminality in media and the social sciences. Black images in the post-civil rights era -- Hollywood and black protest : the rise of ghetto action movies -- Black violence, white violence : cinematic images of the urban underclass -- Making race matter : how criminologists look at African Americans and violence -- Americanizing black violence : making criminology race-free -- Cinematic and academic images of black female criminals and victims. Black women on the silver screen -- Black women, violence and masculinization -- Comforting fictions: black women, Hollywood and color-blind racism. DONOVAN, Barna William, Conspiracy Films : A Tour of Dark Places in the American Conscious, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 282 pages. From The Manchurian Candidate (1962) to JFK (1991), The Matrix (1999) to The Da Vinci Code (2006), this decade-by-decade history explores our fascination with paranoia. The

NOS CORRESPONDANTS & AUTRES INFORMATEURS POUR CE NUMRO Roger Bozzetto, Stphane Bourgoin, Bernard Goorden, Grard Nol, Sophie Lavoie, Marquis Rarignac, Jean-Louis Sarro, Emily Auger, Yvon Allard, Ioanis Deroide, Mireille Piarotas, Jordi Canal, Vittorio Frigerio, Arthur B. Evans, Jacques Walter, Francoise Hache-Bissette, Thomas Przybilka, Philippe Gindre. Vous publiez un ouvrage susceptible dintresser les lecteurs de Marginalia ? Noubliez pas de nous le signaler, avec tous les dtails bibliographiques et, si possible, le sommaire dans le cas de recueils et de compilations. Marginalia a maintenant des milliers de lecteurs sur Scribd, Calamo, Academia, Blogspot et le Cerli. Mister Google vous y enverra gratuitement !


work paints a vivid picture of several of the more prevalent conspiracy theories and the entertainment they have inspired, not only in theatrical films but also in such television series as The X-Files, Lost and V. ESQUENAZI, Jean-Pierre, Vertigo : Hitchcock et linvention Hollywood, Paris, CNRS, (Cinma et audio-visuel), 2011, 351 pages. FONTAINE ROUSSEAU, Alexandre (dir.), Vies et mort du giallo de 1963 aujourdhui, Panorama-Cinma, 2011, 565 pages. Cet ouvrage se penche sur le genre culte du giallo : le suspense policier l'italienne qui a svi sur les crans du monde entier durant les annes 60 et 70. Aprs un dur sjour dans les limbes, le filone aura enfin droit une tude en long et en large, qui s'tend sur plus de 550 pages. Il s'agit, notre connaissance, de l'un des premiers ouvrages de cette envergure lui tre consacr. Avec une quarantaine d'illustrations ralises par l'inimitable Jimmy Beaulieu (auteur de Comdie sentimentale pornographique, publi plus tt cette anne chez Shampooing), une prface explosive signe par Mitch Davis du Festival Fantasia, plus de 40 critiques et 15 essais, des entrevues avec Sergio Martino et Ernesto Gastaldi ainsi que le compte-rendu d'une confrence donne par Dario Argento en octobre 2010, le livre promet d'tre plus beau, plus gros et plus vari encore que son illustre prdcesseur! GIORI, Mauro, Alfred Hitchcock. Psyco, Torino, Lindau, (Universal Film), 2009, 233 pages. GAUDREAUX, Ariane, La Balade sauvage de Terrence Malick, Chatou, les ditions de la Transparence, (Cinphile), 2011, 120 pages. GERMAIN, Stphane, Le Dico flingueur des tontons : de Audiard Volfoni, Paris, Hugo & Cie, 2011, 87 pages. Ecrit par un spcialiste du cinma d'Audiard, ce dictionnaire rvle tout ce qu'il est possible de savoir sur les Tontons Flingueurs et dcortique pour la premire fois l'art et les ficelles du dialoguiste. On y dcouvre notamment comment Louis-Ferdinand Cline a contribu l'criture du texte, qui sont Achille et Salvatore Volfoni, cousins des clbres Raoul et Paul, quels soupons d'affabulation psent sur Jean Lefebvre, mais encore qui de Ren Sauvard ou de Lino Ventura est le plus clbre dans le monde (surprise, c'est Ren). Un quizz permet au lecteur de tester ses connaissances sur le film. Et pour aller plus loin dans l'univers

d'Audiard, l'auteur analyse 10 films mconnus du dialoguistes et presque aussi savoureux que les Tontons. Enfin, tout au long du parcours et grce au coup de crayon magique de Gga, les auteurs font revivre les immortels Tontons dans de nouvelles scnes et avec de nouveaux dialogues. Bref, c'est du brutal ! HELLER-NICHOLAS, Alexandra, Rape- Revenge Films : A Critical Study, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 238 pages. Often considered the lowest depth to which the cinema can plummet, the rape-revenge film has been dismissed as exploitative and sensational, catering to a demented demographic. Only on such rare occasions as Ingmar Bergmans The Virgin Spring, John Boormans Deliverance and Quentin Tarantinos Death Proof has the rape-revenge movie transcended what is commonly assumed to be its intrinsically exploitative nature and moved into the mainstream. HOTH, Stephanie, Medium und Ereignis : 9/11 im amerikanischen Film, Fernsehen und Roman, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, (American Studies, 169), 2011, x, 309 pages. KRAUSE, Marcus, METELING, Arno & Markus STAUFF (dir.), The Parallax View : zur Methodolgie der Verschwrung,, Mnchen, Fink, 2011, 371 pages. LAHIRI, Sayan, German Expressionism, Film Noir and Sir Fritz Lang : Relocating The Ministry of Fear, Saarbrcken, VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2010. LENTZ, Robert J., Gloria Grahame, Bad Girl of Film noir : the Complete Career, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 366 pages. A marvelous actress, Gloria Grahame (19231981) was also an iconic figure of film noir. Her talents are showcased in several classic motion pictures of the 1940s and 1950s, including Its a Wonderful Life, Crossfire, In a Lonely Place, The Greatest Show on Earth, The Big Heat, Oklahoma!, and The Bad and the Beautiful, for which she earned an Academy Award. LINTNER, Thomas, Racial Stereotyping im American Police Drama NYPD Blue, thse/mmoire, Erlangen Nrnberg Universitt, 2010, 69 pages. LUPERTO, Fabrizio, Il cinema calibro 9. Guida al politiziottesco, San Cesario di Lecce, Manni, 2010, 124 pages. McCAW, Neil, Adapting Detective Fiction : Crime, Englishness and the TV Detectives, London, Continuum, 2011, 200 pages.


Introduction: Adaptation and Cultural History \ 2. Sherlock Holmes and the Authenticity of Crime \ 3. Miss Marple, Criminality and Englishness \ 4. Morse, Heritage and the End of History \ 5. Jack Frost and the Condition of England Question \ 6. Cadfael, Medievalism and Modern Nationhood \ 7. DCI Barnaby and an English Aesthetics of Crime \ 8. Conclusion: Detecting the Nation \ Bibliography \ Index ORR, Stanley, Darkly Perfect World : Colonial Adventure, Postmodernism, and American noir, Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 2010, x, 248 pages. Stanley Orrs Darkly Perfect World offers a large-scale historical narrative about the way American crime fiction and film have changed throughout the twentieth century. Orr argues that films noirs and noir fictions dramatize Raymond Chandlers pronouncement that Even in death, a man has a right to his own identity. PALACIO, Jesus, Neonoir : cine negro norteamericano moderno, Madrid, T & B Editores, 2011, 416 pages. PALMER, Barton R, & David BOYD (eds.), Hitchcock at the Source : The Auteur as Adapter, Albany, State University of New York, Press, (Suny Series : Horizons of Cinema), 2011, 320 pages. Introduction / David Boyd and R. Barton Palmer -- From stage to page / Thomas Leitch - Hitchcock and The three pleasure gardens / Sidney Gottlieb -- Hitchcock and The Manxman: a Victorian bestseller on the silent screen / Mary Hammond -- Blackmail: Charles Bennett and the decisive turn / Carles Barr -The man who knew too much: Alfred Hitchcock, John Buchan and the thrill of the chase / Mark Glancy -- Secret agent: coming in from the cold, Maugham style / R. Barton Palmer -- The lady vanishes: but she wont go away / Noel King and Toby Miller -- The trouble with Rebecca / David Boyd -- Depth psychology on the surface: Hitchcocks Spellbound / Alan Woolfolk -- Unrecognizable origins: The song of the dragon and Notorious / Matthew H. Bernstein -- Morbid psychologies and so forth: The fine art of rope / David Sterritt -- Under a distemperate star: Under Capricorn (1949) / Constantine Verevis -- Brunos game or the case of the sardonic psychopath / Douglas McFarland -- Alfred Hitchcock presents Dial m for murder: the submerged televisuality of a stage to big screen adaptation / Ina Rae Hark - The author of this claptrap: Cornell Woolrich, Alfred Hitchcock and Rear window / Pamela Robertson Wojcik -- To catch a thief: light

reading on a dark topic / Hilary Radner -Woman-as-death: Vertigo as source / Barbara Creed -- Psycho: trust the tale / Brian McFarlane -- Thirteen ways of looking at The birds / Murray Pomerance -- A brief anatomy of Family plot / Lesley Brill. PAULEIT, Winfried, Christine RFFERT, KarlHeinz SCHMID & Alfred TEWS (dir.), Public Enemies : Film zwischen Identittsbildung und Kontrolle, Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, 2010, 160 pages. PEREZ TORIO, Xavier, Peliculas Clave del cine de espias, Teia, Barcelona, Ma non tropo, 272 pages. Prologo de Marcos Ordonez. PISELLI, Stefano (dir.) & Antonio BRUSCHINI, Giallo & Thrilling allitaliana (1931-1983), Firenze, Glittering Images, (Bizarre sinema ! Archives), 2010, 112 pages. RENGA, Dana (ed.), Mafia Movies : A Reader, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2011, xiv, 400 pages. Setting the scene. Introduction : The Corleones at home and abroad / Dana Renga ; Gender and Violence : four themes in the everyday world of mafia wives / Peter Schneider and Jane Schneider -American mafia movies : the Corleones at home and abroad. Wallace McCutchen's The Black Hand : a different version of a biograph kidnapping / Vincenzo Maggitti ; "Most thrilling subjects" : D.W. Griffith and the biograph revenge films / JoAnne Ruvoli ; Ethnicity and the classical gangster film : Mervyn LeRoy's Little Caesar and Howard Hawks' Scarface / Norma Bouchard ; Playing good Italian/ bad Italian in ABC's The untouchables / Jonathan Cavallero ; Prelude to The Godfather : Martin Ritt's The brotherhood / Robert Casillo ; Micheal Corleone's tie : Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather / Anthony Tamburri ; Nihilism and Mafiosit in Martin Scorsese's Mean streets / Pellegrino D'Acierno ; Thematic patterns in Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather : part II / John Paul Russo ; The sexual politics of loyalty in John Huston's Prizzi's honor / Rebecca Bauman ; Between postmodern parody and generic hybridization : the gangsters of Brian De Palma's The untouchables / Norma Bouchard ; The bandit, the gangster, and the American Army shorts : Michael Cimino's The Sicilian / Chiara Mazzucchelli ; Martin Scorsese's GoodFellas : hybrid storytelling between realism and formalism / Fulvio Orsitto ; Redemption in Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather : part III / John Paul Russo ; "Nothing romantic about It" : gender and the legacy of crime in Abel Ferrara's The funeral / Lara Santoro ; Inside the mafia : Mike Newell's Donnie Brasco / Robert Casillo ; Martin Scorsese's The departed, or the quest for a departed ethnic identity / Margherita Heyer-Caput ; When words can kill : David Chase's The sopranos / Franco Ricci ; Don't stop believin', don't stop-


(de)structuring expectations in the final season of The sopranos / Giancarlo Lombardi -- Italian Mafia movies : myth and resistance. Which law is the father's : gender and generic oscillation in Pietro Germi's In the name of the law / Danielle Hipkins ; The visible, unexposed : Francesco Rosi's Salvatore Giuliano / Laura Wittman ; Modernity, mafia style : Alberto Lattuada's Il mafioso / Nelson Moe ; Francesco Rosi's Hands over the city : a contemporary perspective on the Camorra / Anna Paparcone ; Prototypes of the mafia : Luchino Visconti's The leopard / Elizabeth Leake ; The failure of the intellectual : Elio Petri's filming of Leonardo Sciascia's To each his own / Daniela Bini ; Damiano Damiani's The day of the owl : a Western flirtation / Piero Garofalo ; Smaller and larger families : Lina Wertmuller's The seduction of Mimi / Thomas Harrison ; Deconstructing the enigma : logical investigations in Francesco Rosi's Lucky Luciano / Gaetana Marrone ; Power as such : the idea of the mafia in Franceso Rosi's Illustrious corpses / Alan O'Leary ; Marco Risi's Forever Mary : desperate lives converge in Sicilia "non bedda" / George De Stefano ; Threads of political violence in Italy's spiderweb : Giorgio Ambrosoli's murder in Michele Placido's A Bourgeois Hero / Carlo Testa ; Sacrifice, sacrament, and the body in Ricky Tognazzi's La scorta / Myriam Ruthenburg ; Pasquale Scimeca's Placido Rizzotto : a different view of Corleone / Amy Boylan ; Marco Tullio Giordana's The hundred steps : the biopic as political cinema / George De Stefano ; Roberta Torre's Angela : the mafia and the "woman's film" / Catherine O'Rawe ; Organized crime and unfulfilled promises in Gabriele Salvatores' I'm not scared / Michael O'Riley ; Growing up Camorrista : Antonio and Andrea Frazzi's Certi bambini / Allison Cooper ; Lipstick and chocolate : Paolo Sorrentino's The consequences of love / Mary Wood ; The in(di)visibility of the mafia, politics, and ethics in Bianchi and Nerazzini's The mafia is white / Robin Pickering-Iazzi ; Marco Turco's Excellent cadavers : an Italian tragedy / Maddalena Spazzini ; Dispatches from Hell : Matteo Garrone's Gomorrah / Pierpaolo Antonello. ROMINA, Daniele, Ascenseur pour lchafaud. Il luogo della musica nellaudiovisione, s.l., RDM Records and Books Edizioni Letterarie, 2011, 232 pages. SCHWARZ, Eva, Visual Paranoa : in R e a r Window, Blow Up, and The Truman Show, Stuttgart, ibidem Verlag, 2011, 144 pages. SHAW, Tony & Denise J, YOUNGBLOOD, Cinematic Cold War : The American and Soviet Struggle for Hearts and Minds, Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2010, ix, 301 pages. SIEVERT, Johannes F. (dir.), Dominique Graf : Im Angesicht des Verbrechens : Fernseharbeit am Beispiel einer Serie, Berlin, Alexander, 2010, 352 pages.

SPEKTOR, Matthew, The Sting, Berkeley (CA), Soft Skull Press, (Deep Focus), 2011, 128 pages. STIEGLER, Christina, Die Bombe unter dem Tisch : Suspense bei Alfred Hitchcock oder : wie viel weiss das Publikum wirklich ?, Konstanz, UVK, (Filmwissenschaft), 2011, 368 pages. TESSIER, Bertrand, Jean-Pierre Melville, lhomme au stetson, Paris, Sonatine, 2011, 400 pages. [premire biographie du matre du polar] VV.AA. (collectif), El Thriller USA de los 70, Guipuzcoa, Donostia Kultura, 2010, 386 pages. VEST, Jason P., The Wire, Deadwood, Homicide, and NYPD Blue : Violence is Power, Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2011, x, 290 pages. Introduction -- Prime-time realism : David Milch, David Simon, and television drama -Peaks and valleys : David Milch and Hill Street blues -- Blue, black, and white : David Milchs NYPD blue -- Red balls : David Simon and Homicide : life on the street -- Street talk : David Simons The corner -- American savagery : David Milchs Deadwood -- All the pieces matter : David Simons The wire -- Conclusion. WALK, Anna-Caterina, Das Andere im Tatort : Migration und Integration im Fernsehkrimi, Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2011, 136 pages. WALSCH, Frances M. (ed.), Intelligence in Contemporary Media, New York, Nova Science Publishers. Views of intelligence officers : introduction / John McLaughlin -- Intelligence in fictional literature. Stephen Maturin : the ideal intelligence officer for our times / Nicholas Dujmovic -- The spy who came in from the cold / Barry Royden -- Crescent moon rising / Noah Rozman -- Stormbreaker : James Bond for a new generation / Valerie P. -- Rogues March / James M. Burridge -- Intelligence in book and film. The hunt for Red October : the technoespionage prototype? / Bill Hadley -- The kite runner / Elizabeth Darcy -- Intelligence in film and television. One day in September and Munich : enduring questions, indelible images / Daniel Tsao -- The siege / Eric Heller -- 9/11 documentary / Dennis C. Wilder -- Hamburg Cell / senior New Zealand SIS case officer -Baghdad ER : the 86th Combat Support Hospital in Iraq, a documentary / Dr. John Elliott -- Body of lies / V. L. Vorbeck -- The recruit / John Anderson, Clifford L., Lucy B. -The Bourne identity / J. M. Webb -- Burn notice / Lisa M. Forrester -- Taken / Shirley A. Healer.



literatura de ciencia ficcin: crnica de un divorcio - David Felipe Arranz Lago: La homogeneizacin del discurso fantstico posmoderno: Sergi Lukyanenko, Timur Bekmambetov y Guillermo del Toro. ARMITT, Lucie, Twentieth-Century Gothic, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, (Gothic Literary Studies), 2011, xvi, 191 pages. BAILEY, Diane, Vampires in Mythology, New York, Rosen Central, 2011, 64 pages. [pour jeunes] BARRAU, Aurlien, GYGER, Patrick, KISTLER, Max & Jean-Philippe UZAN, Multivers Mondes possibles de lastrophysique, de la philosophie et de limaginaire, Montreuilsous-bois, La Ville brle, (360), 2010, 255 pages. BECKER, Audrey L. & Kristine NOONE (eds.), Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 234 pages. Topics covered include the twentieth-century fantasy fiction of Evangeline Walton, the Welsh presence in the films of Walt Disney, Welshness in folk music, video games, and postmodern literature. Together, these interdisciplinary essays explore the ways that Welsh motifs have proliferated in this age of cultural crosspollination, spreading worldwide the myths of one small British nation. [Sommaire complet sur le site de lditeur] BOYD, Colleen E. & Coll TRUSH (eds.), Phantom Past, Indigenous Presence : Native Ghosts in North American Culture and History, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, xi, 317 pages. A SIGNALER BOZZETTO, Roger, Les Univers des fantastiques, drives et hybridations, Aix-enProvence, Presses de l,Universit de Provence, 2011, 205 pages. Les genres et les figures qui permettent limaginaire et linimaginable de se proposer au lecteur, varient selon les poques, sans toutefois perdre leur ancrage dans un pass parfois ancestral, comme cest le cas des merveilleux. Mais depuis le XIXe_ sicle ont t invents puis explors les domaines des fantastiques et des sciences-fictions sous des formes devenues classiques, et qui rendaient compte des espoirs et des horreurs de lpoque. Les contextes politiques, conomiques, mythologiques du XXIe_ sicle sont terriblement nouveaux. Donc, les formes


ANDRADE, Pilar, Arno GIMBER & Maria GOICOECHEA (dir.), Espacios y tiempos de lo fantastico : una mirada desde el siglo XXI, Bern, Frankfurt et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 293 pages. Contenido: David Roas: La risa grotesca y lo fantstico - Felipe Gonzlez Alczar: Notas sobre algunos valores de lo fantstico en la potica - Arno Gimber: Sueos de deseos y sueos de horror. Configuraciones romnticas de lo fantstico - Jorge Blas Relao: Msica y dimensiones onricas en el romanticismo alemn: de Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder a ETA Hoffmann - Isabel Garca Adnez: La esperpntica pesadilla de la historia alemana: Alemania. Un cuento de invierno de Heinrich Heine - Sela Bozal: El discurso fantstico en la literatura y los dibujos de Kubin - Carmen Gmez Garca: Sueo o visin? Lo fantstico en el expresionismo alemn: El loco de Georg Heym - Javier del Prado Biezma: Funcin ideolgica de lo fantstico en Victor Hugo Mara Luisa Guerrero: L'Ensorcele de Jules Barbey-d'Aurevilly: Lo fantstico como necesidad - Mara Goicoechea de Jorge: Ciborgmana: Las fantasas posthumanas Mara Rosa Burillo Gadea: El fenmeno de la entropa en la narrativa fantstica de Pynchon Asuncin Lpez-Varela Azcrate: Complejidad, tecnologa y escenarios culturales de lo fantstico - Aurora Conde Muoz: De magos, hroes y tumbas - Pilar Andrade Bou: El doble como elemento fantstico en el cine - Juan G. Etxeberria: Lo Fantstico: La razn produce monstruos ... pero se disfrutan en el cine Arturo Villarrubia Jimnez-Momediano: Cine y


qui rendent compte des rapports de limaginaire comme de linimaginable ont normment volu. Les frontires entre les genres, comme les idologies et les pratiques qui organisent notre ralit, sont bouleverses, devenues poreuses. Elles shybrident, sont en drive, en perte de sens. Les textes et les thmes qui sont analyss ici posent un regard neuf sur les transformations de ces paysages culturels neufs, et sur les problmes qui en dcoulent. CHESTERS, Timothy, Ghost Stories in Late Renaissance France : Walking by Night, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, 283 pages. CHIAVINI, Roberto, G. Filippo PIZZO & Michele TETRO, Mondi paralleli. Storie di fantascienza dal libro al film, Edizioni della Vigna, (Assaggi), 2011, 530 pages. Prface de Giovanni Mongini. GHEZZO, David, Afters Wells. La fantascienza inglese da Stapledon alla new wave, Edizioni della Vigna, (Assagi), 2011, 218 pages. HEOS, Bridget, Vampires in Literature, New York, Rosen central, 2011, 64 pages. [pour jeunes] JOOSEN, Vanessa, Critical and Creative Perspectives on Fairy Tales : an Intertextual Dialogue between Fairy-Tale Scholarship and Postmodern Retellings, detroit, Wayne State University Press, 2011, 362 pages. KETABGIAN, Tamara Siroone, The Lives of Machines : The Industrial Imaginary in Victorian Literature and Culture, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, xi, 237 pages. LEHOUCQ, Roland, SF : la science mne lenqute, paris, le Pommier, (Poche), 2011, 264 pages. Rdition, 2007. Roland Lehoucq se propose d'analyser les grands thmes de la science-fiction grce aux outils de la physique. Il tentera ainsi de rpondre toutes les questions que posent ces explorations extraordinaires : peut-on, pourrat-on, aller au centre de la Terre ? voyager dans le temps ? se dplacer aussi vite que la vitesse de la lumire ? visiter les toiles voisines ? habiter une autre Terre ? En grand format, louvrage a reu le Grand Prix de l Imaginaire en 2008. LOX, Harlinda (dir.), Abenteuer am Abgrund : Risiko und Ressource des Mrchenheldens, Krummwisch, KnigsfurtUrania Verlag, 2010, 254 pages.

Science Fiction Studies vol. 38, no 2 (# 114), July 2011 ESSAY Brian W. Aldiss. Metaphysical Realism ARTICLES Kevin LaGrandeur. The Persistent Peril of the Artificial Slave Geraldine Lawless. Unknown Futures: Nineteenth-Century Science Fiction in Spain Pavla Vesel. Neither Black nor White: The Critical Utopias of Sutton E. Griggs and George S. Schuyler Thomas Van Parys. A Fantastic Voyage to Inner Space: Description in Science-Fiction Novelization Nicholas C. Laudadio. Sounds like a Human Performance: The Electronic Music Synthesizer in Mid-Twentieth-Century SF REVIEW-ESSAYS Joan Gordon. Learning to Live with Animals in SF: Vints Animal Alterity: Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal Patrick Parrinder. The War of Wellss Lives: Sherbornes H.G. Wells: Another Kind of Life Gary Westfahl. A Work of Art, If Not a Masterpiece: Franks Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists of the Twentieth Century

NAHIN, Paul J., Number-Crunching : Taming Unruly Computational Problems from Mathematical Physics to Science Fiction, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2011, 400 pages. A collection of challenging problems in mathematical physics that roar like lions when attacked analytically, but which purr like kittens when confronted by a high-speed electronic computer and its powerful scientific software (plus some speculations for the future from science fiction) LAIN, Jean-Marc, Super-Hros : la puissance des masques, Lyon, Les Moutons lectriques, (La bibliothque des miroirs, vol. 11), 2011, 352 pages. McKENNA, Martin, Fantasy Art Now, new York, Collins Design, 2011, 192 pages. McNALLY, David, Monsters of the Market : Zombies, Vampires, and Global Capitalism, Boston, Brill, 2011, 272 pages. MLLER, Werner, Latein Amerikanischer Zauber europische Sachlichkeit ? (Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der kurzprosa von Robert Musil, Franz Kafka, Heimito von Doderer, Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Capentier und Gabriel Garcia Marquez), Freiburg, Rombach, 2011, 406 pages.


OCHSNER, Beate, DeMONSTRAtion : zur Reprsentation des Monsters und des Monstrsen in Literatur, Fotografie und Film, Heidelberg, Synchron, 2010, 341 pages. QUESTIN, Marc, Enqute sur les vampires, fantmes, dmons et loups-garous, Paris, ditions Trajectoire, 2011, 244 pages. REDDING, Arthur F., Haints : American Ghosts, Millenial Passions, and Contemporary Gothic Fictions, Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2011, 168 pages. Introduction: A land without ghosts -- Haints and nation: ghosts and the narrative of national identity -- Memory, race, ethnicity, and violence -- Abandoning hope in American fiction: Catalogs of gothic catastrophe -Conclusion: American innocence. SCHNEIDER, Susan (ed.), Science Fiction and Philosophy : From Time Travel to Superintelligence, Malden (MA), Wiley Blackwell, 2011, 368 pages. A timely volume that uses science fiction as a springboard to meaningful philosophical discussions, especially at points of contact between science fiction and new scientific developments.Raises questions and examines timely themes concerning the nature of the mind, time travel, artificial intelligence, neural enhancement, free will, the nature of persons, transhumanism, virtual reality, and neuroethics Draws on a broad range of books, films and television series, including The Matrix, Star Trek, Blade Runner, Frankenstein, Brave New World, The Time Machine, and Back to the Future Considers the classic philosophical puzzles that appeal to the general reader, while also exploring new topics of interest to the more seasoned academic. SEED, David, Science Fiction : A Very Short Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press, (A Very Short Introduction), 2011, 144 pages. THROP, Claire, Exploring Other Worlds : What is Science Fiction ?, Chicago, Raintree, (Culture in Action), 2011, 32 pages. TRVILY, Julie, Histoires et lgendes de loups-garous en Bretagne, Saint-Cyr-surLoire, A. Sutton, (Provinces mosaques), 2011, 189 pages. VEZZOSI, Patrizia, Dalle grottesche al fantasy. Le grottesche nel Corridoio di Levante della Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze, Alinea, 201o, 128 pages.

A SIGNALER VAN-DEYRES, Natacha & Lauric GUILLAUD (dir.), LImaginaire du temps dans le fantastique et la science-fiction, Bordeaux, Presses de lUniversit de Bordeaux, (Eidolon, no 91), 2011, 290 pages. Bien avant l'apparition de la physique quantique et d'hypothtiques dplacements dans le temps ou dans des mondes parallles, les littratures de l'imaginaire que sont la science-fiction et le fantastique ont parcouru le temps. Cet imaginaire, explor de faon complmentaire par le cinma, est une machine voyager virtuellement dans des histoires de temps. La science-fiction exprimente le temps en tant que concept : elle le manipule en tous sens pour briser son irrversibilit et tenter d'agir sur des destines collectives ou individuelles. La temporalit fantastique est marque par une obsession anxiogne et toxique du temps pass. Le mythe puise ses racines dans un temps immmorial, cyclique. Symbole de la crativit des littratures et du cinma de l'imaginaire, le temps est au coeur de l'individu, de sa subjectivit, de sa mmoire et de son rapport au monde physique. [Recueil dune vingtaine de textes]. WILLMAN, Franoise (dir.) La Science Fiction : entre Cassandre et Promthe, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2011, 171 pages. Les textes runis ici sont le fruit d'une rencontre interdisciplinaire, et s'intressent des oeuvres ou des auteurs de science-fiction prcurseurs (Bulwer-Lytton ou Metropolis) aussi bien que contemporains (F. Schtzing ou les films Alien et Predator, par exemple). Ils interrogent le traitement de la catastrophe, entre mise en garde et clbration de la puissance relle ou fantasme de la science et de la technique, au service de rves de domination qui sont loin d'tre le propre de la modernit. Ceux-ci nourrissent visions utopiques et craintes apocalyptiques, volontiers incarnes dans le thme rcurrent de la rivalit entre l'homme et la machine. La popularit des films et romans SF confre un poids particulier la question des enjeux de leur rception. WOLFE, Gary K., Sightings : Reviews 20022006, Essex (UK), Beccon Publications, 2011, 434 pages.



ADNEY, Karley, Critical Companion to J. K. Rowling : A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work, New York, Facts on File, 2011, viii, 400 pages. ARDUINI, Roberto & Claudio Antonio TESTI (dir.), La falce spezzata. Morte e immortalita in J. R.R.Tolkien, Genova, Marietti, (Tolkien e dintorni), 2009, 288 pages. ARGENTI, Roberta, Prospettive aliene. Carlo Rambaldi e la fantascienza, Piombi, Ass. Culturale il Foglio, (Cinema), 2011, 60 pages. ASSMANN, Peter (dir.), Alfred Kubin und die Phantastik : ein aktueller Forschungsrundblick, Wetzlar, Phantastische Bibliothek, 2011, 254 pages. BANKSTON, John, Ray Bradbury, New York, Chelsea House, (Who Wrote That ?), 2011, 140 pages. BARBOLINO, Francesca, Effetto Harry Potter, Piombino, Ass. Culturale il Foglio, (I saggi), 2010, 126 pages. BARONIAN, Jean-Baptiste & Franoise LEVIE, Jean Ray, Bruxelles, Maison d ct, 2009, 217 pages. + 1 DVD. BAUMBACH, Franziska, Stephenie Meyers Vampyr-Romane als Formula Fiction , mmoire de matrise, Erlangen-Nrnberg, 2010, 81 pages. BELCHER, Catherine L. & Becky Herr STEPHENSON, Teaching Harry Potter : The Power of Imagination in Multicultural Classrooms, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, (Secondary Education in a Changing World), 2011, 192 pages. BELLASPIGA, Lucia, E se poi venisse davvero ? Natale in cas Buzzati, Milano, Ancora, 2010, 96 pages. BERRANGER, Marie-Paule & Claude LEROY (dir.), Plaisir Mandiargues, Paris, Hermann, 2011, 411 pages. BENEFIEL, Candade R., Reading Laurell K. H a m i l t o n , Santa Barbara (CA), Libraries Unlimited, (Pop Lit Book Club), 2011, 160 pages. BERTETTI, Paolo, Conan il mito. Identita e metamorfosi di un personaggio seriale tra letteratura, fumetto, cinema e televisione, Pisa, ETS, (La Piazza Universale, 13), 2011, 176 pages. BILLINGS, Harold, M. P. Shiel : The Middle Years, 1897-1923, Austin (TX), Roger Beacham, 2010, 384 pages. BONOMI, Lilia, Fenomenologia di Harry Potter. Desiderio di bene e sacrificio,

Placenza, Berti, (la terza navigazione), 2010, 180 pages. CALDWELL, Patrice & Stephen HAFFNER (eds.), Thirty-Five Years of the Jack Williamson Lectureship, Royal Oaks (MI), Haffner Press, 2011, 370 pages. CAMPBELL, Liam, The Ecological Augury in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Zrich & Berne, Walking Tree Publishers, (Cormar Series), 2011, 305 pages. CARRIERO, Antonio, Elementi di psicopedagogia nellantica scuola di Hogwarts. Harry Potter e la magia delleducazione, Rimini, Il Cherchio, (Fantasia), 2010, 64 pages. COLLECTIF, La Revenance chez Anne Hbert, in Les Cahiers Anne Hbert, Fids, Universit de Sherbooke, 2011, 172 pages. DICKERSON, Matthew T. & Jonathan EVANS, Ents, Elves and Eriador : The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien, Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, (Culture of the Land), 2011, 316 pages. DUBS, Kathleen (ed.), Middle-Earth and Beyond : Essays on the World of J.R.R. Tolkien, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2010, xii, 145 pages. VALENTINE, Mark Time, A Falconer : A Study of Sarban, Leyburn (UK), Tartarus Press, 2010, 140 pages. ELLER, Jonathan R., Becoming Ray Bradb u r y , Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2011, 360 pages. FISHER, Jason (ed.), Tolkien and the Study of His Sources, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 240 pages. Since Tolkien drew from many disparate sources, an understanding of these sources, as well as how and why he incorporated them, can enhance readers appreciation. This set of new essays by leading Tolkien scholars describes the theory and methodology for proper source criticism and provides practical demonstrations of the approach. FLIEGER, Verlyn, Green Suns and Faerie : Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien, Kent, Kent State University Press, 2011, 224 pages. Verlyn Flieger, one of worlds foremost Tolkien scholars, presents a selection of her best articlessome never before publishedon a range of Tolkien topics. GOLLA, Robert, Conversations with Michael C r i c h t o n , Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, (Literary Conversations), 2011, 224 pages. GUGAN, Stphane, Thophile Gautier, Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 676 pages. GURINEAU, Jrmy, Les Adaptations de Stephen King, Asnires-sur-Seine, J. Gurineau, 2011, 223 pages.


HENTHORNE, Tom, William Gibson : A Literary C o m p a n i o n , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 168 pages. HIRSCHMANN, Kris, Frankenstein, San Diego (CA), Reference Point Press,(Monsters and Mythical Creatures), 2011, 80 pages. HORNE, Mark, J.R.R. Tolkien, Nashville (Tenn.), Thomas Nelson, (Christian Encounters Series), 2011, 160 pages. KLEIN, Grard, Trames & Moirs : la recherche dautres sujets, les subjectivits collectives Villefranche-sur-Mer, ditions du Somnium, (Hors collection), 2011, 189 pages. [Sur Lovecraft] LACIRIGNOLA, Chiara, Calvino e i cavalieri fantastici, Bari, Stilo, 2010, 158 pages. LEACH, Karoline, Lewis Carroll, une ralit retrouve, Paris, Arla, 2011, 353 pages. LE GOFF, Marcel, Jorges Luis Borges au miroir du rcit : fragments dune auto(bio)-graphie, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 318 pages. McINNIS, Gilbert, Evolutionary Mythology in the Writings of Kurt Vonnegut : Darwin, Vonnegut and the Construction of an American Culture, Bethesda (MD), Academica Press, 2011, 253 pages. MENTAK, Said, A (Mis)Reading of Kurt Vonnegut, New York, Nova Science, (Focus on Civilizations and Cultures), 2010, 225 pages. MODENA, Letizia, Italo Calvinos Architecture of Lightness : The Utopian Imagination in an Age of Urban Crisis, New York, Routledge, (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Literature), 2011, xv, 267 pages. A SIGNALER MONGET, Cdric, Lovecraft, le dernier p u r i t a i n , Aiglepierre, La Clef dArgent, (KhThOn), 2011, 84 pages. L'crivain amricain Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) est principalement connu pour sa mythologie originale et sa tratologie foisonnante. Mais, paradoxalement, l'une et l'autre trouvent leur fondement dans l'athisme._Cet athisme -- Lovecraft s'en explique dans ses essais et sa correspondance -- se fonde sur un matrialisme rigoureux. Comment expliquer, dans ce cas, qu'un auteur si radicalement matrialiste ait pu crer une oeuvre o l'imagination fantastique le dispute l'onirisme?_Faut-il voir dans son conservatisme foncier la raison d'une relation ambigu la religion de ses pres ? Sans doute cela expliquerait-il qu'il soit, selon ses propres termes, une sorte d'hybride intermdiaire entre le pass et le futur -- archaque dans ses gots

personnels, ses motions et ses intrts, mais d'un tel ralisme scientifique qu'il ne peut tre qu'athe_ ces questions, Cdric Monget tente d'apporter des rponses qui, pour tre celles d'un passionn, ne cachent rien des ambiguts du matre de Providence et clairent sous un jour nouveau les zones d'ombre d'une pense riche et complexe. NICHOLAS, Jeffery (ed.), D u n e and Philosophy : The Weirding Way of the Mental, Chicago (IL), Open Court, (Philosophy and Popular Culture), 2011, viii, 235 pages. [recueil de 16 essais] PALMA, Dante Augusto, : la ficcion de la filosofia, la politica y los m e d i o s , Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2010, 158 pages. PATTERSON, William H., Robert A. Heinlein : in Dialogue with His Century (vol.1, 19071948 : Learning Curve), New York, Tor Books, 2011, 622 pages. PETERSON-HILLEQUE, Victoria, How to Analyze the Works of J. K. Rowling, Edina (MN), ABDO Publishing, 2011, 112 pages. PRVOT, Jacques, Cyrano de Bergerac. Lcrivain de la crise, Paris, Ellipses, (Biographies et mythes historiques), 2011, 288 pages. A SIGNALER

RARIGNAC, Noel Montague-Etienne, T h e Theology of Dracula : Reading the Book of Stoker as Sacred Text, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, [october 2011] Few books have so seized the public imagination as Bram Stoker's Dracula, even more popular now than when it was first published in 1897. This critical work represents a rereading of the horror classic as a Christian text, one that alchemizes Platonism, Gnosticism, Mariology and Christian resurrection in a tale that explores the grotesque. Of particular interest is the way in which the Dracula narrative emerges from earlier vampire tales, which juxtapose Apollonian and Dionysian impulses. A strong addition to vampir and horror scholarship.


A SIGNALER SCHNABEL, William S., Lovecraft, le sens de la race, Brixey-aux-Chanoines, Le Diable Ermite, 2011, 222 pages. H.P. Lovecraft, crivain fantastique de lentredeux-guerres, est bien connu de ses adeptes pour son fameux mythe de Cthulhu. Sa fiction trange, peuple de demi-dieux et dextraterrestres, lui a probablement permis de sublimer sa peur de la dgnrescence de la race et de la culture nordiques occasionne par limmigration massive de lpoque. Il soutenait le fascisme et vouait une admiration aveugle Mussolini et Hitler, encensant le dploiement de leur courage face labtardissement de la civilisation aryenne. La mise en parallle de son imaginaire et de son idologie nous aide saisir la signification profonde de ses cauchemars quotidiens et de ses monstres familiers. SCHMITZ-EMANS, Monika (dir.), Enzyklopdien des Imaginren : Jorge Luis Borges im literarischen und knstlerischen Kontext, Hildesheim & Zrich, Olms, 2011, 276 pages. SCHULZ, Dick, Setting the Record Queer : Rethinking Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Grayi and Virginia Woolfs Mrs Dalloway, Bielfeld, transcript Verlag, 2011, 274 pages. SETTE, Miriam, Il fantastico in Robinson C r u s o e . Daniel Defoe e la ragione trasfiguratrice, Roma, Carroci, (Lingue e letteratura Carocci), 2010, 109 pages. STALLINGS, Billee J. & Jo-an J., EVANS, Murray Leinster : The Life and Works, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 227 pages. STEWART, Tom, Robert E. Howard : The Battle for the Legacy of Conan, New Castle (PA), Hermes Press, 2011, 240 pages. SULLIVAN, C. W., Heinleins Juvenile Novels : A Cultural Dictionary, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 192 pages. TORO, Alfonso de, Borges poeta, Hildesheim & Zrich, Olms, 2010, 298 pages. TUTTLE, Jennifer S. & Carol Farley KESSLER (eds.), Charlotte Perkins Gilman : New Texts, New Contexts, Colombus, Ohio State University Press, 2011, vii, 266 pages. WALLACE, Morgan A., His Second Self : The Bio-Bibliography of Victor Rousseau Emanuel, Altamanonte Springs (FL), Spectre Library, 2011, 304 pages. WALLNER, Alexandra, J.R.R. Tolkien, New York, Holiday House, 2011, 32 pages. WIENER, Gary, Bioethics in Frankenstein, Detroit, Greenhaven Press, 2011, 174 pages.


BAVA, Mario & Stefano SIMONE, Storia del cinema horror italiano,vol. 1, Piombini, Ass. Culturale Il Foglio, 2011, 225 pages. BLAIM, Artur & Ludmila GRUSZEWSKA-BLAIM (dir.), Imperfect Worlds and Dystopian Narratives in Contemporary Cinema, Frankfurt, et al., Peter Lang, 2011, 190 pages. Contents: Artur Blaim/Ludmila Gruszewska Blaim: Introductory Remarks: The Uses of Dystopian Worlds - Artur Blaim: Failed Carnival: The Metonymic Dystopias in Werner Herzog's Even Dwarfs Started Small - Barbara Klonowska: Defamiliarization of Dystopian Narratives: Esteban Sapir's The Aerial - Zofia Kolbuszewska: Of Dystopia, Desire and Death: Goto, the Island of Flies - Grzegorz Maziarczyk: Huxley/Orwell/Bradbury Reloaded; or, The Campy Art of Bricolage - Justyna Galant: Vague Boundaries and Re-configured Senses: Dystopia(s) in the making in David Cronenberg's Videodrome Ludmila Gruszewska Blaim: Against the Culture of Fear: Terror and Romance in V for Vendetta - Marta Komsta: Juliusz Machulski 's Sexmission, or Paradise Regained - Andrzej Slawomir Kowalczyk: Between Dystopia and Eutopia: Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker - Katarzyna Pisarska: Out of the Drawer and Back Again: Utopian Satire in Juliusz Machulski 's Kingsajz Ludmila Gruszewska Blaim/Patrycja Wawrzyszak: East European Golgotha: Constructing Postmodern Dystopia in Piotr Szulkin's Ga-ga: Glory to the Heroes - Urszula Terentowicz-Fotyga: On the Impossibility of Dystopia? Children of Men or the Apocalypse Now. BODDEN, Valerie, How to Analyze the Films of Georges Lucas, Edina (Minn.), ABDO Pub. Company, (Essential Critiques), 2011, 112 pages. BRINGLE, Jennifer, Vampires in Film and Television, New York, Rosen Central, 2011, 64 pages.[Pour jeune public] BROWN, Nathan Robert, The Mythology of Supernatural : The Signs and Symbols Behind the Popular TV Show, New York, Berkley Trade, 2011, 288 pages. From angels to demons, supernatural weaponry to Enochian, Heaven to Hell, The Mythology of Supernatural explores the religious roots and the ancient folklore of the otherworldly entities that brothers Sam and Dean Winchester face on the hit television


show Supernatural-and that have inhabited the shadows of human imagination across countless cultures and centuries. CANFORA, Cristina & Luca LARDIERI, Alice attraverso lo schermo. Da Poe a Lewis Carroll, viaggio nella letteratura fantasy nel cinema, Roma, Sovera Edizioni, (Ciak si scrive), 2010, 160 pages. CATERINI, Giorgia, Japan horror : il cinema dellorrore giapponese, Latina, Tunu, (Frizzz), 2010, 112 pages. CAUSO, Massimo & Davide DI GIORNO, Halloween. Dietro la maschera di Michael Myers, Recco, Le Mani-Microarts, 2010, 149 pages. DU MESNILDOT, Stphane, Fantmes du cinma japonais : les mtamorphoses de Sadako, Pertuis, Rouge profond, (Raccords), 2011, 222 pages. Consacr la J-Horror, expression dsignant les films dhorreur nippons tourns partir de la fin des annes 1980, cet essai revient sur les racines du genre qui plongent dans une riche tradition culturelle (le bto, le n et le kabuki, les rcits de Lafcadio Hearn, les estampes d'Hokusai, le manga), tout en voquant le Japon daujourdhui, ses mutations et ses crises. La part belle est donne au mythe moderne de Sadako, le fantme de Ring, cr par lcrivain Koji Suzuki, repris dans le film de Nakata et ses suites, sans oublier les remakes amricains. Sont aussi explors les lieux privilgis de la J - H o r r o r , les lyces, les chambres d'adolescents, les routes de campagne, ainsi que les lgendes urbaines, comme celle dHanako, la femme dfigure. Lensemble est enrichi dentretiens raliss au Japon par lauteur avec les crateurs majeurs de la fiction dhorreur nippone (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Takashi Shimizu, Hideo Nakata, Norio Tsuruta, Chiaki J. Konaka), runis pour la premire fois dans un ouvrage en France chacun des cinastes et scnaristes a mme racont Stphane du Mesnildot une histoire personnelle de fantme. FEISE-MAHNKOPP, Patricia, Die sthetik des Heiligen : Kunst, Kult und Geschichte in der Matrix-Film Trilogy, Kln, et al., Bhlauverlag, 2011, 312 pages. FISCHER, Dennis, Horror Film Directors, 1931-1990, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 900 pages. This is an exhaustive study of the major directors of horror films in the six decade period. For each director there is a complete

filmography including television work, a career summary, critical assessment, and behind-thescenes production information. Fifty directors are covered in depth, but there is an additional section on the hopeless, the obscure, the promising, and the up-and-coming. FISCHER, Dennis, Science Fiction Film Directors, 1895-1998, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 767 pages. This enormous and exhaustive reference book has entries on every major and minor director of science fiction films from the inception of cinema (circa 1895) through 1998.__For each director there is a complete filmography including television work, a career summary, a critical assessment, and behind-the-scenes production information. Seventy-nine directors are covered in especially lengthy entries and a short history of the science fiction film genre is also included. GERANI, Gary, Top 100 Sc-Fi Movies, San Diego (CA), Fantastic Press/IDW Publishers, 2011. The Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies are reviewed and ranked by fantasy screenwriter/film historian Gary Gerani, who covers everything from early silent groundbreakers like A Trip to the Moon to todays widescreen, computer-generated blockbusters. With over 600 rare visuals, full color layouts and an introduction by one of Hollywoods greatest filmmakers, this exciting new pictorial overview is the ideal companion book to 2010s Top 100 Horror Movies. HALSTEAD, Albert, Kubricks 2001, A Space Odyssey : How Patterns, Archetypes, and Style Inform a Narrative, Waverly (NY), Leonine Productions, 2010, xi, 59 pages. INGUANZO, Ozzy, Constructing G r e e n Lantern : from Page to Screen, New York, Universe, 2011, 208 pages. 300 photos. LACEFIELD, Kristen (ed.), The Scary Screen : Media Anxiety in The Ring, Surrey (UK), Ashgate, 2010, 236 pages. LAZARO-REBOLL, Antonio, Spanish Horror Film, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2011, 256 pages. The book offers a detailed analysis of the work of directors such as Hesus Franco, Arnaldo de Ossorio, and Narciso Ibez Serrador. It also studies the production, audience and regulation of the genre, as it highlights the importance of Spanish horror film in European horror tradition and the global culture of psychotronia.


LENZI, Francesca, Dario Argento : Tenebre. Lanalisi del film, Roma, Profondo Rosso, (Libri di Profondo Rosso), 2009, 240 pages. LEWIS, Courtland & Paula SMITHKA (eds.), Doctor Who and Philosophy : Bigger on the Inside, Chicago, Open Court, (Popular Culture and Bibliography), 2011, xviii, 429 pages. LIARDET, Didier, V : les miroirs du pass, Draguignan, ditions Yris, (Tlvision en sries), 2011, 206 pages. Avec un entretien avec Robert Eglund. LOLLETTI, Matteo & Micheangelo PASINI, Storie di fantasmi. Il nuovo cinema horror orientale, Forli, Foschi, (I Saggi. Cinema), 2011, 208 pages. MACNAUGHTAN, Don, The Buffyverse Catalog : A Complete Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel in Print, Film, Television, Comics, Games and Other Media, 1 9 9 2 - 2 0 1 0 , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 326 pages. This bibliographic guide covers the "Buffyverse"--the fictional worlds of the acclaimed television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and its spinoff A n g e l (1999-2004), as well as the original Buffy feature film of 1992. It is the largest and most inclusive work of its kind. MANIERI, Luigi Pier, La regia di frontiera di John Carpenter, Bologna, Elara, Perseo Libri (Fantascienza saggi), 2011, 250 pages. Prface : Ugo Malaguti MANNING, Matthew K., The Art of Thor, New York, Marvel Comics, 240 pages. NEIGHBORS, R. C & Sandy RANKIN (eds.), The Galaxy is Rated G : Essays on Childrens Science Fiction Film and Television, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 312 pages. Introduction. Horizons of Possibility: What We Point to When We Say Science Fiction for Children PART 1. D IS FOR DEVIANCE_ONE. Monsters Among Us: Construction of the Deviant Body in Monsters, I n c . and Lilo & Stitch 15_ELIZABETH LEIGH SCHERMAN_ TWO. Susan Murphy, Ginormica, and Gloria Steinem: Feminist Consciousness-Raising as Science Fiction in Monsters vs. Aliens 31 _HOLLY HASSEL_ THREE. Performing Gender, Performing Romance: Pixars W A L L - E 53_CAROL A. BERNARD_ FOUR. Last in Space: The Black Hole in Childrens Science Fiction Film 64_DEBBIE C. OLSON_FIVE. A Few Beasts Hissed: Buzz Lightyear and the Refusal to Believe 83_DANIEL KENNEFICK__

PART 2. S IS FOR STRUCTURES OF POWER_SIX. Forward to the Past: Anti-Fascist Allegory and Blitz Spirit Revisionism in Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. 97_DANIEL OBRIEN_SEVEN. The Search for a More Civilized Age, or the Failure of Utopian Desire in the Star Wars Franchise 111_R.C. NEIGHBORS_EIGHT. Inexplicable Utterances: Social Power and Pluralistic Discourse in Transformers 123_JACQUELINE WIEGARD_ NINE. Population: Us: Nostalgia for a Future that Never Was (Not Yet) in The Iron Giant 138_SANDY RANKIN_TEN. Doctor Who: A Very British Alien 161_J.P.C. BROWN__ PART 3. F IS FOR FUTURE SHOCK_ELEVEN. No Future Shock Here: The Jetsons, Happy Tech, and the Patriarchy 183_BRIAN COWLISHAW_TWELVE. No Ones Lazy in LazyTown: The Making of Active Citizens in Preschool Television 195_LYNN WHITAKER_ THIRTEEN. Flash Gordon: Remembering a Childhood Hero (Past, Present, Future) 217_ PATRICK D. ENRIGHT_ FOURTEEN. Toys, a T-Rex, and Trouble: Cautionary Tales of Time Travel in Childrens Film 228_KRISTINE LARSEN_ FIFTEEN. Manmade Mess: The Critical Dystopia of WALL-E 248_ALEXANDER CHARLES OLIVER HALL_ SIXTEEN. A Bumbling Bag of Ball Bearings: Lost in Space and the Space Race 262_JONATHAN COHN_ NOWAK, Lars, Deformation und Transdifferenz : Freak Show, frhes Kino, Tod B r o w n i n g , Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, (Kaleidogramme, 74), 2011, 687 pages. NOWELL, Richard, Blood Money : A History of the First Teen Slasher Film Cycle, New York, Continnum, 2011, xii, 287 pages. Introduction : Co-ed frenzy -- "There's more than one way to lose your heart" : the teen slasher film-type, production strategies, and film cycle -- A slay-ride to Small-Town, U.S.A : the advent of the teen slasher film, Black Christmas (1974) and Halloween (1978) -"They were warned, they are doomed" : the United States, the development of the teen slasher film, and Friday the 13th (1980) -Murder on the dance-floor : Canada, the development of the teen slasher film, and Prom night (1980) -- The animal house on sorority row : boom and bust, and the establishment of the teen slasher film, 1980-1981 -- Conclusion : time after time OPPEZZO, Valentina, Harry Potter al cinema, Recco, Le Mani-Microarts, 2010, 300 pages.


PAPENBURG, Bettina, Das Neue Fleisch : der groteske Krper im Kino Cronenbergs, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2011, 202 pages. ROSIN, James, The Invaders (A Quinn Martin TV Series), Philadelphia (PA), Automn Road Company, (Classic Tv Series), 2010, 188 pages. SALVAGNINI, Rudy, Dizionario dei film horror. DallAbbraccio del ragno a Zora la vampira, Venezia, Corte del Fontego, (Parole di cinema), 2011, 1040 pages. TELOTTE, J. P. & Gerald DUCHOVNAY (eds.), Science Fiction Film, Television, and Adaptations : Across the Screens, New York, Routledge, 2011, 232 pages. Introduction: Across the Screens: Adaptation, Boundaries, and Science Fiction Film and Television / J. P. Telotte -- Cross-Screen Dynamics. Domesticating Space: Science Fiction Serials Come Home / Cynthia J. Miller -The Cinematic Zone of The Twilight Zone / J. P. Telotte -- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: Big-Screen Spectacle and Compressed Television Images / Mary Pharr -- Case Studies: Film to Television. Finding Sanctuary: Adapting Logans Run to Television / Gerald Duchovnay -- Stargate SG-1 and the Visualization of the Imagination / Sherryl Vint - Shes Just a Girl: A Cyborg Passes in The Sarah Conner Chronicles / Lorrie Palmer -Case Studies: Television to Film. Star Trek and the Birth of a Film Franchise / M. Keith Booker -- "I want to believe the truth is out there": The X-Files and the Impossibility of Knowing / Rodney F. Hill -- Serenity, Genre, and Cinematization / J. P. Telotte -- Issues in Science Fiction Adaptation. Doctor Who: Adaptations and Flows / Mark Bould -- Deja Vu All Over Again? Cowboy Bebops Transformation to the Big Screen / Michelle Onley Pirkle -- Fan Films, Adaptations, and Media Literacy -- / Chuck Tryon. TRIBE, Steve & James GOSS, Doctor Who : The Dalek Handbook, London, BBC Books, 2011, 160 pages. VENTURELLA, Renato, Horror in cento film, Recco, le Mani-Microarts, 2010, 238 pages. VUCKOVIC, Jovanka, An Illustrated History of the Undead, New York, St. Martins Griffin, 2011, 176 pages. VV.AA (collectif)., Prince of Persia : The Visual Guide, Barcelona, Corgi Books, Ltd., 2010, 72 pages. VV.AA. (collectif), El futuro mass aca : cine mexicano de ciencia ficcion, Mexico, Universidad Nacional autonoma de Mexico, 2009, 272 pages.

VV .AA.(collectif), Pesadillas en la oscuridad : el cine de terror gotico, Madrid, Valdemar, (Tapa blanda), 2010, 456 pages. VV.AA. (collectif), La bestia en la pantalla, Guipuzcoa, Donostia Kultura, 2010, 328 pages. WALLISS, John & Lee QUINBY (eds.), Reel Revelations : Apocalypse and Film, Sheffield (UK), Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2010, vii, 179 pages. WALTERS, James, Fantasy Films : A Critical I n t r o d u c t i o n , Oxford & London, Berg Publishers, 2011, 192 pages. WEMAERE, Sverine & Gilles DUVALL, La Couleur retrouve du Voyage dans la lune, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Fondation Groupama Gan pour le cinma, 2011, 192 pages. WETMORE, Kevin J. Jr., Back from the Dead : Remakes of the Romero Zombie Films as Markers of Their Times, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 252 pages. WILLIAMS, Tony (ed.), George A. Romero : I n t e r v i e w s , Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2011, 224 pages. WILSON, Natalie, Seduced by Twilight : The Allure and Contradictory Messages of the Popular Saga, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 242 pages. WILSON, Scott, The Politics of Insects : David Cronenbergs Cinema of Confrontation, New York, Continuum, 2011, 240 pages. WOOLEY, John, Wes Craven : the Man and His Nightmares, Hoboken (NJ), Wiley, 2011, 272 pages. ZIMNY, Claudia, 2001 : A Space Odyssey das Motiv der Reise in Stanley Kubricks Science Fiction Film, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 52 pages. ZINOMAN, Jason, Shock Value : How a Few Eccentric Outsiders Gave Us Nightmares, Conquered Hollywood, and Invented Modern Horror, New York, The Penguin Press, 2011, 272 pages. Much has been written about the storied New Hollywood of the 1970s, but at the same time as Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Francis Ford Coppola were making their first classic movies, a parallel universe of directors gave birth to the modern horror filmaggressive, raw, and utterly original. Based on unprecedented access to the genre's major players, The New York Times's critic Jason Zinoman's Shock Value delivers the first definitive account of horror's golden age.



COOPER, Lydia R., No More Heroes : Narrative Perspectives and Morality in Cormac McCarthy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 2011, x, 185 pages. MICHEL, Mlodie, Indiens dAmrique du Nord : Cinma et identit : analyse historique et contemporaine, Sarrebrck, ditions universitaires europennes, 2010, 90 pages. ORANTEK, Kerstin, 1898 Sieben Tage im Leben Old Shatterhands, HohensteinErnstthal, Karl-May-Haus Hohenstein-Ernstthal, 2011, 67 pages. PIPPIN, Robert B., Hollywood Westerns and American Myth : the Importance of Howard Hawks and John Ford for Political Philosophy, New Haven, Yale University Press, (Castle Lectures in Ethics, Politics, and Economics), 2010, x, 198 pages. In this path breaking book one of America's most distinguished philosophers brilliantly explores the status and authority of law and the nature of political allegiance through close readings of three classic Hollywood Westerns: Howard Hawks' "Red River" and John Ford's "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" and "The Searchers". Robert Pippin treats these films as sophisticated mythic accounts of a key moment in American history: its 'second founding', or the western expansion. WITSCHI, Nicolas (ed.), A Companion to the Literature of the American West, Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, xi, 563 pages.

BOGGS, Johnny D., Jesse James and the Movies, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, ix, 269 pages.

This illustrated filmography analyzes the plots and players of the more than forty motion pictures about the legendary Missouri outlaw Jesse James (1847-1882), from the silent era to the 21st century. Among the films and actors covered are Jesse James (1939) with Tyrone Power, Kansas Raiders (1950) with Audie Murphy, The Great Northfield Minnesota R a i d (1972) with Robert Duvall, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) with Brad Pitt. Each evaluation compares Hollywoods version of history to the hard facts. A brief biography of the outlaw provides an overview of his life and career. Also examined are European films, made-for-television movies and continuing TV series that have featured episodes involving Jesse James.

BARKER, Martin, A Toxic Genre : The Iraq War Film, London, Pluto, 2011, 192 pages. FULLER, Randall, From Battlefields Rising : How the Civil War Transformed American L i t e r a t u r e , New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, 272 pages. MURAIRE, Andr, Hollywood-Vietnam : la guerre du Vietnam dans le cinma amricain, Paris, M. Houdiard, 2010, 270 p. VRAY, Laurent & David LESCOT (dir.), Les Mises en scne de la guerre au XXe sicle : thtre et cinma, Paris, Nouveau Monde, 2011, 692 pages. Plus de rfrences sur le rcit de guerre et le western dans le prochain numro. A suivre...


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