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Leonardo da vlncl
CloLLo's LamenLaLlon

Renaissance: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 1

S1AnuA8uS 8LnCPMA8kS lnulCA1C8S10
Pomework lnLerdlsclpllnary ConnecLlons key vocabulary12
8LlL8LnCLS Anu A11ACPMLn1S1314
SLandards 8enchmarks lndlcaLors13
Pomework lnLerdlsclpllnary ConnecLlons key vocabulary19
8LlL8LnCLS Anu A11ACPMLn1S20
SLandards 8enchmarks lndlcaLors24
Pomework lnLerdlsclpllnary ConnecLlons key vocabulary28
8LlL8LnCLS Anu A11ACPMLn1S29
SLandards 8enchmarks lndlcaLors32
Pomework lnLerdlsclpllnary ConnecLlons key vocabulary37
8LlL8LnCLS 38


Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 2

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 3
uue uecember 2uecember 4 3 pm

Maklng Lhe ConnecLlon 1he 8enalssance and ?ou!

A|so |ncorporate a
SpeclallsL"___!osh SenLers____
8esponslble for coordlnaLlng Lhe one lesson
LhaL lnLegraLes maLhemaLlcs wlLh aL leasL one
oLher sub[ecL SCClAL S1uulLS


SelecL one from Lhe
llsL below (ldenLlfy by
leLLer here)__u__
SpeclallsL"____Anna SenghoLL___
8esponslble for coordlnaLlng Lhe one lesson
LhaL lnLegraLes sclence wlLh aL leasL one oLher
sub[ecL (clrcle) SCClAL S1uulLS


SelecL one from Lhe
llsL below (ldenLlfy by
leLLer here)_____
Soclal SLudles
SpeclallsL"____Lrln aLLerson_________
8esponslble for coordlnaLlng Lhe one lesson
LhaL lnLegraLes soclal sLudles wlLh aL leasL one
oLher sub[ecL (clrcle) W8l1lnC


SelecL one from Lhe
llsL below (ldenLlfy by
leLLer here)__8__

If your group has a fourth member p|ace that
name be|ow w|th a 13word descr|ptor of
that person's contentarea spec|a|ty

name____Llsa McPenry_____________

8ole__Language ArLs SpeclallsL____

noLe lor your speclalLy area you wlll
W8l1L only CNL nomplete lesson plan for
Lhe unlL however you wlll ldenLlfy a 88lLl
summary (one senLence a few words
eLc) for Lhe oLher days durlng Lhe unlL
ldenLlfylng whaL wlll be happenlng ln your
speclalLy area for Lhe resL of Lhe unlL

AL mlnlmum your group should have S
lesson plans one for whlch each of Lhe
sub[ecL areas above lncludlng language
arLs ls clearly evldenLlnLegraLed as you
wlsh 8emember ?ou may lnclude your
readlng book seLs" ln Lhe unlL lf you wlsh


SubmlL Lhe
Lo Mrs
Muse Lu1


SubmlL Lhe
Lo ur
Lu1 436

Select one fiom the
list below (iuentify
by lettei heie):B,B,C

A. Nathematics with
B. 0se of electionic
map oi inteinet site
foi social stuuies.
C. 0se of an applet
(foi any subject)
B. 0se of fiee
softwaie oi a
Tutoiial (any
E. 0se of viitual
(math oi science)
l An elecLronlc game
show formaL
!eopardy Who's
SmarLer 1han A llfLh
Crader (any sub[ecL)
Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 4
Unit Uverview & Rationale

Stuuents will ieseaich anu exploie the many uiffeient aspects of the Renaissance in oiuei to
investigate how Euiopean life was impacteu uuiing the Niuule Ages. The stuuents will piouuce
numeious piojects anu complete assignments that will help stuuents make a peisonal connection
to piesent uay life anu the life in the Renaissance. They will exploie impoitant figuies anu events
thiough multiple euucational ielationships. While stuuents pioceeu thiough the Inteiuisciplinaiy
0nit they will make connections to all of theii othei couises. By pioviuing these bioau
oppoitunities foi leaining it is oui goal foi stuuents to unueistanu the significant impact of the
Renaissance peiiou.

This unit was uevelopeu to meet the 0hio Bepaitment of Euucation Stanuaius foi
stuuents. The classioom uiveisity is as follows:

giils, boys
Caucasian, 8 Afiican-Ameiican, Bispanic, anu Asian
stuuent uiagnoseu with Autism
stuuents with ABBABBB
stuuent on IEP
with a language uisoiuei

The socioeconomic status is miuule to low income woiking class families foi the majoiity of the

By paiticipating in this unit stuuents will unueistanu the uiveisity of human expeiience by
analyzing anu inteipieting how oui life was impacteu fiom events that occuiieu in the woilu
uuiing the Renaissance. In oiuei foi oui stuuents to leain anu unueistanu the Renaissance, we will
be stiessing key concepts in all content aieas. Foi example the key concept that will be stiesseu in
social stuuies is the actually histoiy of the Renaissance anu Euiope uuiing this time peiiou. We
believe this is impoitant because histoiy is known to iepeat itself. It is essential that oui stuuents
aie awaie of anu unueistanu the majoi events that have shapeu oui woilu. In math, the key concept
that will be auuiesseu is iatios. We believe this is impoitant because this skill set is neeueu to uo a
vaiiety of tasks in uaily life. Thiough these lessons we hope that oui stuuents expanu theii
histoiical, mathematical, scientific, wiiting, anu ieauing knowleuge.

As you ieau thiough this unit, you will notice that the majoiity of oui lessons aie integiateu with
social stuuies. We chose to uo this because the histoiical component of the Renaissance is the key
concept we aie teaching. New content leaineu in each lesson builus on anu suppoits a lesson that
has been pieviously taught. Foi example stuuents will be wiiting biogiaphies in an integiateu social
stuuieswiiting application lesson anu then taking theii biogiaphies anu tuining then into uigital
stoiies in anothei integiateu lesson.

When oui stuuents ask the question "Why aie we leaining this." we aie intenuing on auuiessing
this question with "The Renaissance hau such a substantial influence on Euiopean countiies anu
the woilu that majoi achievements, iueas, liteiatuie, ait, anu inventions aie still aiounu in touay's
society." We have the ability to still embiace the iueas of the Renaissance if we aie able to leain
fiom it. We aie piepaiing oui stuuents to leain about this significant woilu event, because we
believe in oiuei to be an active citizen we neeu to examine the histoiy suiiounuing the
Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 5

8enchmark A ueLermlne a purpose for
readlng and use a range of readlng
comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo beLLer
undersLand LexL

8enchmark C Make meanlng Lhrough asklng
and respondlng Lo a varleLy of quesLlons
relaLed Lo LexL

8enchmark u Apply selfmonlLorlng
Soc|a| Stud|es
Standard n|story
8enchmark C uescrlbe Lhe
characLerlsLlcs of feudal socleLles and
Lhe LranslLlon Lo Lhe 8enalssance and
8eformaLlon ln Lurope (CuLACSSS pg
229 SevenLh Crade)
Standard Soc|a| Stud|es Sk|||s and Methods
8enchmark u Work effecLlvely ln a group

L|v|ng |n the kena|ssance
Grade 7
Interd|sc|p||nary Un|t

lndlcaLor 1 LsLabllsh and ad[usL
purposes for readlng lncludlng Lo flnd ouL
Lo undersLand Lo lnLerpreL Lo en[oy and Lo
solve problems

lndlcaLor 3 SelecL creaLe and use
graphlc organlzers Lo lnLerpreL LexLual
History : 7
grade ndicators
3 uescrlbe Lhe lmpacL of new ldeas and lnsLlLuLlons on
Luropean llfe lncludlng
A 1he slgnlflcance of prlnLlng wlLh movable Lype
8 ajor achievements in art, architecture and
llLeraLure durlng Lhe 8enalssance
C. The Reformation.

$ociaI $tudies $iIIs and Methods: 7

6 Answer llLeral lnferenLlal evaluaLlve and synLheslzlng
quesLlons Lo demonsLraLe comprehenslon of grade
approprlaLe prlnL LexLs and elecLronlc and vlsual medla

SLudenLs wlll wrlLe
blographles abouL people
from Lhe 8enalssance
SLandard WrlLlng rocess
8enchmark A CeneraLlng wrlLlng Loplcs
and esLabllsh a purpose approprlaLe for Lhe

8enchmark 8 ueLermlne audlence and
purpose for selfselecLed and asslgned
wrlLlng Lask

8enchmark D roduce lnformaLlonal
essays or reporLs LhaL convey a clear and
accuraLe perspecLlve and supporL Lhe maln
ldeas wlLh facLs deLalls examples and
explanaLlons (CuLACSLLA pg 166 Lnd of
37 program)
Mathemat|cs Students est|mate
and measure to a requ|red degree
of accuracy and prec|s|on by
se|ect|ng and us|ng appropr|ate
un|ts too|s and techno|og|es
Wr|t|ng rocess
lndlcaLor 1 CeneraLe wrlLlng ldeas from prlnLed
maLerlal and keep a llsL of wrlLlng
ldeas(CuLLLAACS pg133)

lndlcaLor 2 ConducL background readlng lnLervlews
or surveys when approprlaLe (CuLLLAACS pg117)

lndlcaLor 3 LsLabllsh a Lhesls sLaLemenL for
lnformaLlonal wrlLlng or a plan for a narraLlve wrlLlng

8 use convenLlons of
puncLuaLlon and
caplLallzaLlon ln wrlLLen
work 8 use
convenLlons of
5:nct:ation and
SLandard hyslcal Sclence
8enchmark u uescrlbe LhaL energy Lakes many
forms some forms represenL klneLlc energy
and some forms represenL poLenLlal energy
and durlng energy LransformaLlon Lhe LoLal
amounL of energy remalns consLanL

Sclence 7
Crade lndlcaLors
2 uescrlbe how an ob[ecL can have
poLenLlal energy due Lo lLs poslLlon
or chemlcal composlLlon and have
klneLlc energy due Lo lLs moLlon

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 6

Sub[ect Day 1

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day S Day 6 Day 7
90 mlnuLes

of 8enalssance
rlor knowledge

LlL Croups WlLh
1exL SeL
Show Lxample
of ulglLal SLory

Work Cn
SLory 8oards

CompuLer Lab ulglLal SLory
ulglLal SLory
43 mlnuLes

PlsLory of
Leonardo da
8elaLlonshlp Pe
Pas WlLh
8ead AbouL
Wlll Work
Cn 8aLlo
Leonardo da
vlncl AcLlvlLy
ConLlnue Lo
Work Cn
Leonardo da
vlncl AcLlvlLy
8eporL Croup
uaLa lrom

SLudenLs llnlsh
Class ulscusslon
on Leonardo da
43 mlnuLes

Callleo wlLh
CreaLe Lab
Croups and
ulscusslon Cf
Lab 8eporLs
uue and CA
Sesslon Cf
8evlew lor
Culz Law of
43 mlnuLes

lndlvlduals of
Lab SLarL
Worklng Cn
Worklng Cn
eer LdlLlng
lndlvlduals of
noLes * 1hls planner ls sub[ecL Lo change dependlng on Llme lnLervenLlon speclallsLs wlll be avallable for sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 7
L|st of Cb[ect|ves]Grade Leve| Ind|cators |n Un|t

Language Arts
Lesson Cb[ecLlves
O SLudenLs wlll use Lechnology Lo creaLe a vlsual represenLaLlon
O SLudenL wlll make connecLlons Lo people and/or evenLs ln Lhe 8enalssance

CradeLevel lndlcaLors
Wr|t|ng rocess lndlcaLor 1 CeneraLe wrlLlng ldeas from prlnLed maLerlal and keep a llsL of
wrlLlng ldeas (CuLLLAACS p49 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 2 ConducL background readlng lnLervlews or surveys when approprlaLe
(CuLLLAACS p49 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 3 LsLabllsh a Lhesls sLaLemenL for lnformaLlonal wrlLlng or a plan for a narraLlve
wrlLlng (CuLLLAACS p49 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 4 WrlLe lnformaLlonal essays or reporLs lncludlng research LhaL presenL a llLeral
undersLandlng of Lhe Loplc lnclude speclflc facLs deLalls and examples from mulLlple sources
and creaLe an organlzlng sLrucLure approprlaLe Lo Lhe purpose audlence and conLexL
(CuLACSLLA pgs 116117 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 10 use avallable Lechnology Lo compose LexL (CuLLLAACS pg 104 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 11 8eread and analyze clarlLy of wrlLlng (CuLLLAACS pg 104 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 12 Add and deleLe lnformaLlon and deLalls Lo beLLer elaboraLe on a sLaLed cenLral ldea
and Lo more effecLlvely accompllsh purpose (CuLLLAACS pg 104 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 17 repare for publlcaLlon (eg for dlsplay or for sharlng wlLh oLhers)wrlLlng LhaL
follows a formaL approprlaLe Lo Lhe purpose uslng such Lechnlques as elecLronlc resources
prlnclples of deslgn (eg marglns Labs spaclng and columns) and graphlcs (eg drawlngs
charLs and graphs) Lo enhance Lhe flnal producL (CuLLLAACS pg 104 SevenLh Crade)
Wr|t|ng Convent|ons lndlcaLor 4 use correcL caplLallzaLlon (CuLLLAACS pg128 SevenLh

Lesson Cb[ecLlves
O SLudenLs wlll be learnlng abouL Lhe hlsLory of Leonardo da vlncl
O SLudenLs wlll learn how raLlos are relaLed Lo Leonardo da vlncl's work ln archlLecLure
O SLudenLs wlll be lnLroduced Lo raLlos
O SLudenLs wlll learnlng how Lo do raLlos ln maLhemaLlcs
O SLudenLs wlll be dolng a Leonardo da vlncl AcLlvlLy uslng raLlos
O SLudenLs wlll compare resulLs of Lhe acLlvlLy Lo Lhe whole class resulLs and make a
spreadsheeL showlng Lhe daLa from Lhe acLlvlLy
O SLudenLs wlll deLermlne lf Leonardo da vlncl acLlvlLy ls correcL or noL

CradeLevel lndlcaLors
lndlcaLor 4 Solve problems lnvolvlng proporLlonal relaLlonshlps and scale facLors eg scale
models LhaL requlre unlL converslons wlLhln Lhe same measuremenL sysLem
(CuLACSM pg74 SevenLh Crade)

Lesson Cb[ecLlves
O SLudenLs wlll read a varleLy of LexL for Lhe purpose of produclng dlglLal sLory
O SLudenL wlll make connecLlons Lo people and/or evenLs ln Lhe 8enalssance

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 8
CradeLevel lndlcaLors
kead|ng rocess
lndlcaLor 1 LsLabllsh and ad[usL purposes for readlng lncludlng Lo flnd ouL Lo undersLand Lo
lnLerpreL Lo en[oy and Lo solve problems (CuLLLAACS p74 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 3 SelecL creaLe and use graphlc organlzers Lo lnLerpreL LexLual lnformaLlon
(CuLLLAACS p74 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 6 Answer llLeral lnferenLlal evaluaLlve and synLheslzlng quesLlons Lo demonsLraLe
comprehenslon of grade approprlaLe prlnL LexLs and elecLronlc and vlsual medla (CuLLLAACS
p74 SevenLh Crade)
lndlcaLor 7 MonlLor own comprehenslon by ad[usLlng speed Lo flL Lhe purpose or by sklmmlng
scannlng readlng on looklng back noLe Laklng or summarlzlng whaL has been read so far ln Lhe
LexL (CuLLLAACS p74 SevenLh Crade)


Lesson Cb[ecLlves
O SLudenLs wlll undersLand Slr lsaac newLon's law of moLlon by recreaLlng Callleo Calllel's
ball experlmenL
O SLudenL wlll connecL lmporLance of conLlnued and cooperaLlve work on same pro[ecL
O SLudenLs wlll galn knowledge on sclence 8enalssance flgures (Callleo Calllel and Slr lssac
newLon) for posslble cholces of blography

CradeLevel lndlcaLors
lndlcaLor 2 uescrlbe how an ob[ecL can have poLenLlal energy due Lo lLs poslLlon or chemlcal
composlLlon and have klneLlc energy due Lo lLs moLlon (CuLACSS pg 69 SevenLh Crade)

Soc|a| Stud|es

Lesson Cb[ecLlves
O SLudenLs wlll creaLe blographles LhaL hlghllghL Lhe llfe of slgnlflcanL lndlvlduals from Lhe
8enalssance from Lhe one of followlng areas archlLecLure arL exploraLlon and
dlscovery governmenL llLeraLure rellglon and sclence and lnvenLlon
O Lach blography wlll lnclude key evenLs from Lhe lndlvldual's llfe ma[or
accompllshmenLs whaL llfe was llke for Lhls person before/afLer Lhe 8enalssance an
explanaLlon of how Lhls lndlvlduals work or ldeas lmpacLed Luropean llfe a descrlpLlon
of how Lhls lndlvldual conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe reformaLlon of Lurope and Lhree predlcLlons
of how Lhls lndlvldual wlll be vlewed by fuLure generaLlons and why
O Lach blography wlll have a works clLed page
O 8lographles wrlLLen by sLudenLs wlll be complled lnLo a class newspaper
O SLudenLs wlll have a greaLer undersLandlng of Lhe lndlvlduals and ldeas of Lhe

CradeLevel lndlcaLors
n|story: 3 uescrlbe Lhe lmpacL of new ldeas and lnsLlLuLlons on Luropean llfe lncludlng
4 1he slgnlflcance of prlnLlng wlLh movable Lype
4 Ma[or achlevemenLs ln arL archlLecLure and llLeraLure durlng Lhe 8enalssance
4 1he 8eformaLlon
(CuLACSSS pg 230 SevenLh Crade)
Soc|a| Stud|es Sk|||s and Methods 6 Answer llLeral lnferenLlal evaluaLlve and synLheslzlng
quesLlons Lo demonsLraLe comprehenslon of grade approprlaLe prlnL LexLs and elecLronlc and
vlsual medla
Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 9
Pothwise 4pp/icotion

A1 8ecom|ng fam|||ar w|th re|evant aspects of students' background know|edge and exper|ences (pg17)

ln our lnLegraLed soclal sLudles and wrlLlng appllcaLlons lesson on slgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance
sLudenLs flll ouL kWL graphlc organlzer charLs 1he purpose of Lhls graphlc organlzer ls Lhe preassess sLudenLs
prlor knowledge (k porLlon) monlLor Lhelr learnlng (W porLlon) and posLassess whaL sLudenLs learned (W and

A2 Art|cu|at|ng c|ear |earn|ng ob[ect|ves for the |essons that are appropr|ate to the students (pg 3)

Cne way we arLlculaLed clear learnlng goals for our lessons LhaL were approprlaLe for our sLudenLs was by uslng
Lhe Chlo ConLenL SLandards CradeLevel lndlcaLors and 8enchmarks for sevenLh grade We made sure LhaL we
meeL all of Lhe requlremenLs for Lhls unlL by lnLegraLlng our lessons connecLlng Lo prevlous learned maLerlal and
bulldlng upon maLerlal learned ln conLenL area classes

A3 Demonstrat|ng an understand|ng of the connect|ons between the content that was |earned prev|ous|y the
current content and the content that rema|ns to be |earned |n the future (pg40)

1he Mlnllesson on caplLallzaLlon and puncLuaLlon are skllls Lhe sLudenLs wlll need Lo masLer by conLlnuously
pracLlclng aL many dlfferenL grade levels 8y revlslLlng Lhls grammar sklll ln a conLenL connecLed lesson Lhe sLudenLs
wlll pracLlce wlLh LexL Lhey don'L Lyplcally come lnLo conLacL wlLh ln Lhelr dally wrlLlngs

A4 Creat|ng or se|ect|ng teach|ng methods |earn|ng act|v|t|es and |nstruct|ona| mater|a|s or other resources that
are appropr|ate to the students and that are a||gned w|th the goa|s of the |esson (pg 36)

ln Lhe readlng lesson a gulded readlng sLraLegy was used ln coordlnaLlon wlLh maklng LexL Lo selfconnecLlons
ln dolng so Lhe sLudenLs are able Lo access prlor knowledge Lo ald ln comprehenslon of Lhe new maLerlal 8y
provldlng Lhls addlLlonal scaffoldlng Lhe sLudenL wlll be able Lo focus more cognlLlve capaclLy on comprehenslon
whlch Lhey wlll need for wrlLlng and creaLlng Lhelr dlglLal blographles

AS Creat|ng or se|ect|ng eva|uat|on strateg|es that are appropr|ate for the students and that are a||gned w|th the
goa|s of the |esson (pg16)

Cne of Lhe evaluaLlon sLraLegles we used Lo assess sLudenL learnlng was worksheeLs 1hese worksheeLs
monlLored sLudenL comprehenslon and learnlng AnoLher evaluaLlon sLraLegy we used was sLudenL creaLed reporL
SLudenLs lnvesLlgaLed Lhe hlsLory of Lhe 8enalssance by wrlLlng blographles on lmporLanL people durlng Lhls Llmes
perlod 1he blographles are Lurned ln for a grade and worLh 30 polnLs

C1 Mak|ng |earn|ng ob[ect|ves and |nstruct|ona| procedures c|ear to students (pg36)

Cne way we made sure LhaL Lhe ob[ecLlves and lnsLrucLlonal procedures were clear was by modellng some of
Lhe acLlvlLles and pro[ecLs LhaL Lhe sLudenLs had Lo compleLe All members of Lhe Leam made sure LhaL we read Lhe
dlrecLlons aloud Lo Lhe sLudenLs and answer quesLlons We also clearly explalned whaL was expecLed of sLudenLs for
each asslgnmenL and provlded exLra help and asslsLance lf needed

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 10
C2 Mak|ng content comprehens|b|e to students (pg 23)

Cne example of how we made conLenL comprehenslble for sLudenLs durlng Lhe lnLegraLed maLh and soclal
sLudles lesson was by relaLlng raLlos Lo everyday llfe evenLs and Lo sLudenLs own personal self We lnLroduced Lhe
hlsLory of how Leonardo da vlncl's acLlvlLy on arm span ls relaLed Lo Lhe vlLruvlan Man 1hls ls Lhe measuremenL
from one flnger Llp across Lhe chesL Lo Lhe oLher flnger Llp ls equal Lo hls helghL So we had Lhe sLudenLs Lake a
measuremenL of Lhelr own body Lo see lf Lhelr flnger Llp spread ouL across Lhelr chesL Lo Lhelr oLher flnger Llp was
equal Lo Lhelr helghL

C3 Lncourag|ng students to extend the|r th|nk|ng (pg23)

My group encourages sLudenLs Lo exLend Lhelr Lhlnklng by asklng Lhem some hlgher level quesLlons durlng Lhe
acLlvlLy ln maLhemaLlcs LhaL had Lo do wlLh Leonardo da vlncl Also we had Lhe sLudenL compare Lhelr own
measuremenLs Lo see lf Leonardo da vlncl's Lheory was correcL or lncorrecL 1hls challenged Lhe sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk
and be preclse ln Lhelr work

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 11
Lesson 1|t|e Callleo Calllel's 8all LxperlmenL Grade Leve| SevenLh Crade

O SLudenLs wlll undersLand Slr lsaac newLon's law of moLlon by recreaLlng Callleo Calllel's ball

O SLudenLs wlll connecL lmporLance of conLlnued and cooperaLe work on same pro[ecL

O SLudenLs wlll galn knowledge on sclence 8enalssance flgures (Callleo Calllel and Slr lsaac
newLon) for posslble cholces on blography

hyslcal Sclence
8enchmark u uescrlbe LhaL energy Lakes many forms some forms represenL klneLlc energy and some forms represenL
poLenLlal energy and durlng energy LransformaLlon Lhe LoLal amounL of energy remalns consLanL
CLl 2 uescrlbe how an ob[ecL can have poLenLlal energy due Lo lLs poslLlon or chemlcal composlLlon and have klneLlc
energy due Lo lLs moLlon
Crade 7

Soclal SLudles Skllls and MeLhods
8enchmark u Work effecLlvely ln a group
CLl 4 8eflecL on Lhe performance of a classroom group ln whlch one has parLlclpaLed lncludlng Lhe conLrlbuLlon of each
member ln reachlng group goals
Crade 7

1eacher MaLerlals Lwo balls of Lhe same slze buL dlfferenL mass sLep sLool vldeo camera or web cam
SLudenL MaLerlals charL lab packeL pen

ConLexL 1hls ls Lhe flrsL lesson on newLon's laws of physlcs
AlloLLed 1lme 343 mlnuLe lessons

uay 1 l wlll begln class by sLandlng on desk and dropplng a ball from Lhe hlghesL l can reach l wlll ask sLudenLs WhaL
does my acLlon have Lo do wlLh Lhe 8enalssance?" Class wlll spend 3 mlnueLs bralnsLormlng whlle l wrlLe sLudenLs ldeas
on board 1hls ls Lhe engaglng componenL of Lhe flve e's" 1hls acLlvlLy leads lnLo background lnformaLlon on Callleo
and Slr lsaac newLon speclflcally how Lhe ldea of moLlon sLarLed and was expanded upon Lo reach modern day law(23
mlnuLes) AfLer noLes sesslon ask sLudenLs whaL oLher groups of people have plcked up where someone else lefL off?
WhaL would happen lf people dldn'L share lnformaLlon and everyone sLarLed aL ground zero? 1hls ls Lhe explore plece
(10 mlnuLes) Wrap up class wlLh asklng lf Lhere are any quesLlons

uay 2 8evlew noLes (13 mlnueLs) CreaLe lab groups and have Lhem answer quesLlons based on noLes wlLhln Lhe groups
(30 mlnueLs) Pave sLudenLs explaln answers Lo each oLher whlle l walk around and monlLor sLudenLs Lxplaln
experlmenL and ask why Lhey wlll recreaLe? 1hese quesLlons supporL Lhe explaln porLlon of Lhe 3 L's"
uay 3 8egln class by lnLroduclng experlmenL (3 mlnueLs)
Lesson rocedures (Launch Lesson Core C|osure)

Mater|a|s 1echno|ogy and kesources

Ch|o Standards 8enchmarks and Grade Leve| Ind|cators

Lesson Cb[ect|ves

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 12
rocedures (30 mlnueLs)
We wlll cllmb Lhe ladder and prepare Lo drop boLh balls from Lhe same helghL aL Lhe same Llme
1 urop Lhe balls and record Lhe resulLs ln Lhe charL by checklng off whlch ball hlL flrsL
2 uld one ball hlL Lhe ground before Lhe oLher? uld Lhey hlL aL Lhe same Llme? (LxLend)
3 lor any experlmenL lL ls lmporLanL Lo do mulLlple Lrlals Lo assure LhaL your resulLs are conslsLenL 8epeaL Lhe
experlmenL aL leasL Len Llmes and record your resulLs ln Lhe charL
uay4 8evlew group flndlngs as a class Pow does Lhls supporL Lhe law of moLlon? WhaL else can Lhls lnformaLlon Lell you
abouL Lhe oLher laws of physlcs? (LvaluaLlon) rovlde Llme for group work Lo flnlsh lab and quesLlons
uay 3 CollecL lab reporLs and follow up wlLh quesLlon/answer sesslon Also ask lf anybody wlll be uslng elLher of Lhe
sclenLlsLs we learned abouL? Also ask lf anybody lnLeresLed ln worklng wlLh physlcs?
uay 6 8evlew resulLs from lab and quesLlons from lab reporL

uay 7 Culz

Croup dlscusslons monlLored by Leacher Lo check for undersLandlng
Lab reporLs

1hls lesson ls can be adapLed Lo address Lhe needs of many learners wlLh a varleLy of excepLlonallLles 1hls lesson ls
modlfled for Lhls classroom descrlpLlon
1he dlsLrlcL you are ln ls undergolng some demographlc LranslLlons 1hlrLy years ago lL was consldered an upper
mlddle class suburb relaLlvely close Lo downLown ClnclnnaLl buL ln recenL years many people have moved
furLher away from Lhe cenLer of Lown

1he dlsLrlcL ls now much more bluecollar and worklng class wlLh a more dlverse raclal and socloeconomlc mlx
of famllles ?our parLlcular class for Lhls module ls made up of 28 sLudenLs ln Lhe sevenLh grade 1he deLalls of
Lhls class proflle ls as follows

13 glrls 13 boys
12 Caucaslan 8 AfrlcanAmerlcan 6 Plspanlc and 2 Aslan
1 has been dlagnosed wlLh AuLlsm and ls on an lL (see aLLached)
1 has been dlagnosed wlLh Auu/AuPu LhaL ls falrly exLreme so s/he ls on lL
1 has an expresslve language processlng dlsorder (le dlfflculLy communlcaLlng
LhoughLs uslng spoken and someLlmes wrlLLen baslc words or expresslve wrlLLen

1 has a hlgh cognlLlve processlng sklll and ls currenLly belng LesLed for placemenL ln Lhe
school's glfLed program Lhls sLudenL ls very lnLeresLed ln Lhe arLs
1 has a 304 plan for hemophllla

D|fferent|at|on ] Accommodat|ons

Student Summat|ve Assessment (Cpt|ona|)

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 13

MosL of Lhe famllles ln Lhls dlsLrlcL do noL have compuLers Lherefore whaLever work Lhe sLudenLs do noL flnlsh ln class
wlll be compleLed durlng sLudy halls lunch or homeroom

ln order Lo accommodaLe Lhe lower ablllLy sLudenLs l wlll creaLe groups LhaL conslsL of mlxed ablllLles 1hls wlll allow Lhe
hlgher level sLudenLs Lo read Lhe lab and quesLlons and faclllLaLe dlscusslon whlle Lhe sLudenLs LhaL need asslsLance
wlLh readlng and arLlculaLlng LhoughLs wlll recelve Lhls asslsLance by Lhelr peers 1he sLudenLs LhaL need
accommodaLlons wlll be dolng Lhe acLual experlmenL SLudenLs wlLh needs for lndlvlduallzed asslsLance wlll meeL wlLh
Lhe lnLervenLlon speclallsL Lo provlde exLra Llme as well as lndlvlduallzed Leachlng Lo compleLe asslgnmenL SLudenL wlLh
lL for AuPu wlll have opLlon Lo leave room every LwenLy mlnueLs and sLay sLandlng durlng class

CompleLe lab reporL lncludlng reflecLlon on group parLlclpaLlon

1hls lesson ls a parL of Lhe lnLegraLed unlL for ConnecLlng Lo Lhe 8enalssance" and wlll provlde background lnformaLlon
on Lwo sclenLlflc flgures LhaL can be used Lo compleLe blbllographles lL also explores Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween mulLlple
people ln hlsLory on Lhe same Loplc ln addlLlon lL requlres Lhe ablllLy Lo acLlvely parLlclpaLe and learn wlLhln a group

O Slr lsaac newLon
O Callleo
O Law of MoLlon
O 1ower of lsa
O poLenLlal energy
O klneLlc energy
O gravlLy
O mass
O acceleraLlon


CharL for sLudenLs Lo record lab
Lab packeL



ey Vocabu|ary

Interd|sc|p||nary Connect|ons

nomework Cpt|ons and nome Connect|ons

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 14

CharL for LxperlmenL

Trial # Heavier Ball Lighter Ball Same Time

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 15
Lab ackeL for SLudenLs

1 Cllmb Lhe ladder and prepare Lo drop boLh balls from Lhe same helghL aL Lhe same
2 urop Lhe balls and record Lhe resulLs ln a daLa Lable by checklng off whlch ball hlL flrsL
3 uld one ball hlL Lhe ground before Lhe oLher? uld Lhey hlL aL Lhe same Llme? vlew Lhe
vldeo recordlng Lo verlfy your resulLs
4 lor any experlmenL lL ls lmporLanL Lo do mulLlple Lrlals Lo assure LhaL your resulLs
are conslsLenL 8epeaL Lhe experlmenL aL leasL Len Llmes and record your resulLs

ame Date
Lab Re5ort
1. Where yo:r 5redictions acc:rate?
2. Why do yo: think that this ex5eriment is im5ortant?
3. What are other exam5les oI 5eo5le contin:ing with someone else`s work?
4. How did yo: contrib:te to the gro:5?
5. What were some challenges yo: Iaced working in this gro:5?

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 16
Lesson 1|t|e SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance Grade Leve| SevenLh Crade

O SLudenLs wlll creaLe blographles LhaL hlghllghL Lhe llfe of slgnlflcanL lndlvlduals from Lhe
8enalssance from Lhe one of followlng areas archlLecLure arL exploraLlon and
dlscovery governmenL llLeraLure rellglon and sclence and lnvenLlon
O Lach blography wlll lnclude key evenLs from Lhe lndlvldual's llfe ma[or
accompllshmenLs whaL llfe was llke for Lhls person before/afLer Lhe 8enalssance an
explanaLlon of how Lhls lndlvlduals work or ldeas lmpacLed Luropean llfe a descrlpLlon
of how Lhls lndlvldual conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe reformaLlon of Lurope and Lhree predlcLlons
of how Lhls lndlvldual wlll be vlewed by fuLure generaLlons and why
O Lach blography wlll have a works clLed page
O 8lographles wrlLLen by sLudenLs wlll be complled lnLo a class newspaper
O SLudenLs wlll have a greaLer undersLandlng of Lhe lndlvlduals and ldeas of Lhe

n|story SLudenLs use maLerlals drawn from Lhe dlverslLy of human experlence Lo analyze and lnLerpreL
slgnlflcanL evenLs paLLerns and Lhemes ln Lhe hlsLory of Chlo Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lhe world" (CuLACSSS pg
42 SevenLh Crade)

Wr|t|ng App||cat|ons SLudenLs need Lo undersLand LhaL varlous Lypes of wrlLlng requlre dlfferenL language
formaLLlng and speclal vocabulary WrlLlng serves many purposes across Lhe currlculum and Lakes varlous forms
8eglnnlng wrlLers learn abouL Lhe varlous purposes of wrlLlng Lhey aLLempL and use a small range of famlllar
forms (eg leLLers) ueveloplng wrlLers are able Lo selecL LexL forms Lo sulL purpose and audlence 1hey can
explaln why some LexL forms are more sulLed Lo a purpose Lhan oLhers and begln Lo use conLenLspeclflc
vocabulary Lo achleve Lhelr communlcaLlon goals roflclenL wrlLers conLrol effecLlvely Lhe language and
sLrucLural feaLures of a large reperLolre of LexL forms 1hey dellberaLely choose vocabulary Lo enhance LexL and
sLrucLure Lhelr wrlLlng accordlng Lo audlence and purpose" (CuLACSLLA pg 113 SevenLh Crade)

n|story C uescrlbe Lhe characLerlsLlcs of feudal socleLles and Lhe LranslLlon Lo Lhe 8enalssance
and 8eformaLlon ln Lurope (CuLACSSS pg 229 SevenLh Crade)

Wr|t|ng App||cat|ons u roduce lnformaLlonal essays or reporLs LhaL convey a clear and accuraLe perspecLlve
and supporL Lhe maln ldeas wlLh facLs deLalls examples and explanaLlons (CuLACSLLA pg 166 Lnd of 37

GradeLeve| Ind|cators
n|story: 3 uescrlbe Lhe lmpacL of new ldeas and lnsLlLuLlons on Luropean llfe lncludlng
b 1he slgnlflcance of prlnLlng wlLh movable Lype
c Ma[or achlevemenLs ln arL archlLecLure and llLeraLure durlng Lhe 8enalssance
d 1he 8eformaLlon
(CuLACSSS pg 230 SevenLh Crade)
Ch|o Standards 8enchmarks and Grade Leve| Ind|cators

Lesson Cb[ect|ves

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 17

Wr|t|ng App||cat|ons 4 WrlLe lnformaLlonal essays or reporLs lncludlng research LhaL presenL a llLeral
undersLandlng of Lhe Loplc lnclude speclflc facLs deLalls and examples from mulLlple sources and creaLe an
organlzlng sLrucLure approprlaLe Lo Lhe purpose audlence and conLexL (CuLACSLLA pgs 116117 SevenLh

O A varleLy of prlnL resources books encyclopedlas magazlnes conLalnlng blographlcal

lnformaLlon on speclflc lndlvlduals from Lhe 8enalssance
O A varleLy of Lechnologlcal resources compuLer lnLerneL webslLes vldeos conLalnlng
blographlcal lnformaLlon on speclflc lndlvlduals from Lhe 8enalssance
O enclls/ens
O ArL supplles markers crayons colored penclls sclssors glue
O 28 kWL CharLs
O Copy machlne
O SLapler
O aper

712 LducaLors (2009) loqtopby tobtln 8eLrleved from
Clovls unlfled School ulsLrlcL (nd) omoos people of tbe teoolssoone tefotmotloo ooJ tbe snleotlfln tevolotloo etos
8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwclovlsusdk12caus/alLa/lmc/famous_people_of_Lhe_renalssancehLm
Mc8el (nd) letsooolltles of tbe teoolssoone 8eLrleved from

WesL vlrglnla ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (2009) kwl nbotts 8eLrleved from

Context 1hls lnLegraLed lesson ls one unlL LhaL wlll be covered ln a 8enalssance lnLerdlsclpllnary pro[ecL lL ls Lhls flrsL
soclal sLudles lesson lnLroduced ln Lhe unlL

A||otted 1|me Seven 43MlnuLe Sesslons

Day Cne 4S m|nutes:
8efore beglnnlng Lhe SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance acLlvlLy have sLudenLs flll ouL a kWL CharL llrsL
revlew Lhe kWL process for sLudenLs Lxplaln whaL each secLlon ls and whaL goes ln each secLlon Pave sLudenLs
flll ouL and record Lhelr responses ln Lhe k and W secLlon of Lhe charL (10 mlnuLes)
Lesson rocedures (Launch Lesson Core C|osure)

Mater|a|s 1echno|ogy and kesources

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 18

O llll ln Lhe k porLlon of Lhe organlzer by asklng yourself WhaL do l already know abouL Lhls Loplc?
1hlnk aloud by saylng for example 1he Loplc ls Lhe 8enalssance and Mlddle Ages l know Lhls Llme
perlod emphaslzed arL muslc and llLeraLure Lhere are 8enalssance falrs Leonardo da vlncl was a
famous palnLer l know LhaL Lhe word 8enalssance means reblrLh
O nexL flll ln Lhe W porLlon by asklng yourself WhaL do l wanL Lo know abouL Lhls Loplc? Agaln
verballze your LhoughLs by saylng lve always been curlous abouL slgnlflcanL lndlvlduals who llved
durlng Lhe 8enalssance Callleo Shakespeare Slr lsaac newLon CuLenberg 8oberL Pookel wanL Lo
know why Lhese people are famous how dld Lhey conLrlbuLe Lo Luropean SocleLy

AfLer sLudenLs are flnlshed fllllng ouL Lhelr kWL charLs explaln Lhe SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance
acLlvlLy and answer quesLlons sLudenLs have (3 MlnuLes)

lmaglne LhaL you are a reporLer for Lhe SocleLy secLlon of Lhe newspaper @be keoolssoone @lmes lL's
nearlng Lhe end of Lhe 18
CenLury and Lhe newspaper ls runnlng a speclal Mlllennlum serles uslng
avallable resources you and your sLaff (your classmaLes) musL each wrlLe a dlfferenL blography of a
slgnlflcanL lndlvldual of your Llme (Lhe 8enalssance perlod) ?ou may choose an lndlvldual from any of
Lhe followlng areas
O ArchlLecLure llllppo 8runelleschl Mlchelozzo Mlchelozzl Leon 8aLLlsLa AlberLl
uonaLo 8ramanLe
O ArL Leonardo da vlncl Ll Creco 1lLlan !an van Lyck
O LxploraLlon and ulscovery Marco olo Pernando CorLez Slr lrancls urake
O CovernmenL klng Penry vlll Anne 8oleyn !oan of Arc nlccolo Machlavelll
O LlLeraLure Mlguel de CervanLes uanLe Allghlerl ueslderlus Lrasmus Slr 1homas
O 8ellglon lgnaLlus of Loyola !ohn Calvln !ohn Wycllffe MarLln LuLher
O Sclence and lnvenLlon CuLenberg Slr lsaac newLon Callleo Calllel Copernlcus
?our blography musL lnclude ALL seven crlLerla
1 SlgnlflcanL evenLs Lhe lndlvldual's llfe
2 Ma[or accompllshmenLs
3 WhaL llfe was llke for Lhls person before/afLer Lhe 8enalssance
4 LxplanaLlon of how Lhls lndlvlduals work or ldeas lmpacLed Luropean llfe
3 uescrlpLlon of how Lhls lndlvldual conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe reformaLlon of Lurope
6 3 redlcLlons of how Lhls lndlvldual wlll be vlewed by fuLure generaLlons and why
7 Pave a worksclLed page

AfLer blographles are flnlshed we wlll complle Lhem lnLo a newspaper encourage sLudenLs Lo
volunLeer Lhelr asslsLance (eg lnLeresLed sLudenLs could deslgn a cover or headllne for Lhe paper) We
wlll dlsLrlbuLe Lhe paper so LhaL sLudenLs can revlew Lhe blographles A class dlscusslon wlll be faclllLaLed
focuslng on whlch lndlvldual from each area had Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL lmpacL on Lhelr socleLy as well as
whlch lndlvlduals had Lhe mosL lmpacL on Loday's socleLy SLudenLs wlll also be creaLlng dlglLal sLorles
ouL of Lhelr blographles ln Language ArLs class

Class wlll spend resL of Lhe perlod (30 mlnuLes) aL Lhe llbrary selecLlng books relaLed Lo Lhe person Lhey are
researchlng and Lhe 8enalssance AsslsL sLudenLs ln plcklng ouL good nonflcLlon books LhaL are approprlaLe for
Lhelr readlng level SLudenLs wlll begln Lo read Lhelr books and creaLe rough drafLs of Lhelr blographles

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 19

Day 1wo Day 1hree and Day Iour 4S M|nutes

Class wlll spend Lhe enLlre perlod (43 mlnuLes) aL Lhe compuLer lab on days Lwo Lhree and four of Lhe lesson
uurlng Lhls Llme sLudenLs wlll be gaLherlng lnformaLlon from Lhelr llbrary books Lhe lnLerneL rellable webslLes
encyclopedlas and vldeos conLalnlng blographlcal lnformaLlon on Lhelr speclflc lndlvldual from Lhe 8enalssance AfLer
sLudenLs have collecLed enough lnformaLlon Lo meeL all slx crlLerla Lhey wlll begln drafLlng Lhelr blographles SLudenLs
wlll need Lo have Lhelr blographles Lyped up wlLh correcL puncLuaLlon and grammar A works clLed page wlll also be
needed ln order Lo make sure Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey used ls rellable lf sLudenLs flnlsh early and have exLra Llme Lhen Lhey
can begln Lo flnd plcLures Lo go wlLh Lhelr blographles LhaL Lhey wlll laLer use Lo creaLe a dlglLal sLory ln Language ArLs

Day I|ve 4S M|nutes

lf needed have sLudenLs flnlsh Lyplng up Lhelr blographles SLudenLs wlll be peeredlLlng and conferenclng wlLh
me and Lhelr classmaLes uurlng peeredlLlng sLudenLs wlll check for correcL caplLallzaLlon puncLuaLlon and grammar
When conferenclng wlLh me l wlll make sure each of Lhe seven crlLerla of Lhe asslgnmenL has been addressed and
answer sLudenL quesLlons

Day S|x 4S M|nutes

SLudenLs wlll work LogeLher Lo publlsh blnd and creaLe @be keoolssoone @lmes newspaper SLudenLs wlll
deslgn a cover page lnserL plcLures creaLe an lndex and organlze Lhe blography arLlcles l wlll make coples of Lhe
newspaper and dlsLrlbuLe @be keoolssoone @lmes Lo sLudenLs Leachers and sLaff ln Lhe school

Day Seven 4S M|nutes

SLudenLs wlll flll ouL Lhe L" secLlon of Lhe kWL charL SLudenLs wlll ask Lhemselves WhaL dld l learn abouL Lhe
8enalssance afLer researchlng my slgnlflcanL lndlvldual? Pow dld Lhey lmpacL Lurope durlng Lhls Llme perlod? l wlll LllclL
responses from sLudenLs and a class dlscusslon wlll be faclllLaLed among sLudenLs focuslng on whlch lndlvldual from each
area had Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL lmpacL on Lhelr socleLy as well as whlch lndlvlduals had Lhe mosL lmpacL on Loday's

1hls lesson ls can be adapLed Lo address Lhe needs of many learners wlLh a varleLy of excepLlonallLles 1hls lesson ls
modlfled for Lhls classroom descrlpLlon
1he dlsLrlcL you are ln ls undergolng some demographlc LranslLlons 1hlrLy years ago lL was consldered an upper
mlddle class suburb relaLlvely close Lo downLown ClnclnnaLl buL ln recenL years many people have moved
furLher away from Lhe cenLer of Lown

1he dlsLrlcL ls now much more bluecollar and worklng class wlLh a more dlverse raclal and socloeconomlc mlx
of famllles ?our parLlcular class for Lhls module ls made up of 28 sLudenLs ln Lhe sevenLh grade 1he deLalls of
Lhls class proflle ls as follows

13 glrls 13 boys
D|fferent|at|on ] Accommodat|ons

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 20

12 Caucaslan 8 AfrlcanAmerlcan 6 Plspanlc and 2 Aslan
1 has been dlagnosed wlLh AuLlsm and ls on an lL
1 has been dlagnosed wlLh Auu/AuPu LhaL ls falrly exLreme so s/he ls on lL
1 has an expresslve language processlng dlsorder
1 has a hlgh cognlLlve processlng sklll and ls currenLly belng LesLed for placemenL ln Lhe
school's glfLed program Lhls sLudenL ls very lnLeresLed ln Lhe arLs
1 has a 304 plan for hemophllla

MosL of Lhe famllles ln Lhls dlsLrlcL do noL have compuLers Lherefore whaLever work Lhe sLudenLs do noL flnlsh ln class
wlll be compleLed durlng sLudy halls lunch or homeroom

ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe Lngllsh Language Learner's Lhese sLudenLs wlll work wlLh buddles Lo research and
creaLe Lhelr blographles l wlll be able Lo provlde oneonone exLra asslsLance lf needed durlng wrlLlng conferences 1wo
coples of blllngual dlcLlonarles can be found ln Lhe soclal sLudles classroom for Lhese sLudenLs Lo use lf Lhey need Lo
clarlfy meanlng of words

ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe chlld LhaL ls dlagnosed wlLh AuLlsm l wlll creaLe many worksheeLs LhaL serve as
vlsual remlnders of Lhe Lasks LhaL need Lo sLlll be compleLed l wlll hlghllghL Lhe due daLe and Lhe seven crlLerla LhaL
need Lo be lncluded ln Lhe blographles lf Lhe sLudenL feels Loo overwhelmed Lhen Lhe needed crlLerla can be reduced
from seven Lo four

ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe chlld LhaL ls dlagnosed wlLh Auu/AuPu l wlll asslgn seaLs ln Lhe compuLer lab so l
can make sure Lhls sLudenL lsn'L slLLlng by Lhe wlndow door or frlends l wlll do agenda checks Lo make sure Lhls sLudenL
ls keeplng record of all Lhelr asslgnmenLs due daLes and LesLs Slnce Lhe ma[or asslgnmenL of Lhls lesson ls on Lhe
compuLer l belleve Lhls sLudenL wlll en[oy and succeed durlng Lhls asslgnmenL

ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe chlld who has an expresslve language processlng dlsorder l would also allow Lhls
sLudenL Lo work wlLh a buddy ln order Lo compleLe Lhls asslgnmenL slnce Lhese chlldren Lyplcally have dlfflculLy

ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe chlld who has hlgh cognlLlve processlng sklll l would allow Lhls sLudenL Lo research
an arLlsL from Lhe 8enalssance slnce Lhey are lnLeresLed ln Lhe arLs l would also palr Lhls sLudenL up wlLh a sLruggllng
sLudenL 1hls chlld could provlde exLra asslsLance and help Lo Lhelrs peers when needed lf Lhls sLudenL flnlshes Lhe
asslgnmenL early Lhey could creaLe a posLer or owerolnL showcaslng whaL Lhey learned

ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe chlld who has a 304 plan for hemophllla l wlll make sure Lo have a flrsL ald klL
avallable ln Lhe classroom and noL permlL Lhls sLudenL Lo cuL wlLh sclssors lnsLead Lhls sLudenL can be ln charge of
glulng and deslgnlng Lhe cover

SLudenLs wlll need Lo compleLe Lhelr blographles durlng sLudy halls lunch or homeroom lf Lhey do noL flnlsh Lhese
durlng class Llme lf Lhere ls compuLer access aL home Lhen sLudenLs may chose Lo compleLe Lhelr blographles for

Interd|sc|p||nary Connect|ons

nomework Cpt|ons and nome Connect|ons

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 21

1hls lesson ls already lnLegraLed wlLh Lwo sub[ecLs soclal sLudles and language arLs Whlle sLudenLs are learnlng abouL
Lhe hlsLory slgnlflcanL flgures of Lhe 8enalssance and Lhe lmpacL Lhls Llme perlod had on Lurope Lhey wlll also be
developlng wrlLlng appllcaLlons by creaLlng blographles SLudenLs wlll be exLendlng Lhls lesson ln Language ArLs class
where Lhey wlll be Lurnlng Lhelr blographles lnLo dlglLal sLorles on Lhe compuLer

Meanwhlle all Lhe lessons found ln Lhls enLlre unlL are connecLed Lo each oLher Lhrough our maln Lheme of Lhe
8enalssance lor example sLudenLs learn abouL Leonardo da vlncl ln maLh class by explorlng Lhe vlLruvlan Man Callleo
ln sclence class by recreaLlng hls ball experlmenL and boLh of Lhe flgures ln @be keoolssoone @lmes and dlglLal sLorles

O 8enalssance Lhe LranslLlonal movemenL ln Lurope beLween medleval and modern Llmes
beglnnlng ln Lhe 14Lh cenLury ln lLaly lasLlng lnLo Lhe 17Lh cenLury and marked by a humanlsLlc
revlval of classlcal lnfluence expressed ln a flowerlng of Lhe arLs and llLeraLure and by Lhe
beglnnlngs of modern sclence
O 8lography an accounL of a person's llfe wrlLLen composed or produced by anoLher

numerous sLudles conflrm Lhe beneflLs of uslng graphlc organlzers ln Lhe classroom ln Lerms of helplng sLudenLs
develop and process lnformaLlon 1he mere facL Lhls ls a meLhod LhaL has been backed by such a sLrong body of
evldence has lmbued me wlLh confldence LhaL Lhls lnLervenLlon wlll yleld poslLlve resulLs Craphlc organlzers are a way
Lo help sLudenLs grapple wlLh core ldeas of Lhe conLenL and develop sophlsLlcaLed relaLlonal undersLandlngs of lL (Lllls
Craphlc organlzers are sLrucLures or LemplaLes LhaL help sLudenLs Lo undersLand Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween concepLs
and vocabulary 1hey are a qulck and efforLless way Lo dellver effecLlve lnsLrucLlon lf used approprlaLely and responslbly
ln Lhe classroom 1he learner does noL have Lo process as much semanLlc lnformaLlon Lo undersLand Lhe lnformaLlon
1hls ls one reason why graphlc organlzers are such powerful devlces for sLudenLs wlLh language based learnlng
dlsablllLles (Lllls 2004)
Ll l l s L (2004) ; wbot s tbe bl q Jeol wl tb qtopbl n otqool zets? 8eLrl eved from
hLLp //graphl corganl zers com/Sara/ArLl cl esAbouL/CA20Craphl c20Crganl zer

O kWL CharL (pg )
O SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance lck Cne WorksheeL( pg)
O 8ubrlc for blographles(pg )


ey Vocabu|ary

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 22

kWL CharL for SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance

hat I KNO What I WAN1 to

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 23
SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance
(lck one person from Lhe 7 caLegorles llsLed below Lo research and wrlLe a blography abouL
Sorry no dupllcaLes)

ArchlLecLure llllppo 8runelleschl Mlchelozzo Mlchelozzl Leon 8aLLlsLa
AlberLl uonaLo 8ramanLe

ArL Leonardo da vlncl Ll Creco 1lLlan !an van Lyck

LxploraLlon and ulscovery Marco olo Pernando CorLez Slr lrancls urake

CovernmenL klng Penry vlll Anne 8oleyn !oan of Arc nlccolo

LlLeraLure Mlguel de CervanLes uanLe Allghlerl ueslderlus Lrasmus Slr
1homas More

8ellglon lgnaLlus of Loyola !ohn Calvln !ohn Wycllffe MarLln LuLher

Sclence and lnvenLlon CuLenberg Slr lsaac newLon Callleo
Calllel Copernlcus

SlgnlflcanL lndlvlduals of Lhe 8enalssance 8lography 8ubrlc
Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 24

Cr|ter|a ts
SlgnlflcanL evenLs Lhe
lndlvldual's llfe are lncluded

Ma[or accompllshmenLs
of Lhe lndlvlduals llfe are

WhaL llfe was llke for Lhls
person before and afLer Lhe
8enalssance ls lncluded

LxplanaLlon of how Lhls
lndlvlduals work or ldeas
lmpacLed Luropean llfe are

uescrlpLlon of how Lhls
lndlvldual conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe
reformaLlon of Lurope ls

3 redlcLlons of how Lhls
lndlvldual wlll be vlewed by
fuLure generaLlons and why

WorksclLed page ls lncluded

CorrecL spelllng
puncLuaLlon grammar

o|nts Larned ______________]S0 o|nts

Lesson 1|t|e SlgnlflcanL MaLh ConcepLs of Lhe 8enalssance Grade Leve| SevenLh Crade
Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 25

O SLudenLs wlll be learnlng abouL Lhe hlsLory of Leonardo da vlncl
O SLudenLs wlll learn how raLlos are relaLed Lo Leonardo da vlncl's work ln archlLecLure
O SLudenLs wlll be lnLroduced Lo raLlos
O SLudenLs wlll learn how Lo do raLlos ln maLhemaLlcs
O SLudenLs wlll be dolng a Leonardo da vlncl AcLlvlLy uslng raLlos
O SLudenLs wlll compare resulLs of Lhe acLlvlLy Lo Lhe whole classes' resulLs and make a spreadsheeL showlng Lhe
daLa from Lhe acLlvlLy
O SLudenLs wlll deLermlne lf Leonardo da vlncl acLlvlLy ls correcL or noL

Ch|o Standards

n|story SLudenLs use maLerlals drawn from Lhe dlverslLy of human experlence Lo analyze and lnLerpreL slgnlflcanL
evenLs paLLerns and Lhemes ln Lhe hlsLory of Chlo Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lhe world (CuLACSSS pg 42 SevenLh Crade)

Mathemat|cs SLudenLs esLlmaLe and measure Lo a requlred degree of accuracy and preclslon by selecLlng and uslng
approprlaLe unlLs Lools and Lechnologles (CuLACSM pg 11 SevenLh Crade)

Ch|o 8enchmarks

n|story C uescrlbe Lhe characLerlsLlcs of feudal socleLles and Lhe LranslLlon Lo Lhe 8enalssance and 8eformaLlon ln
Lurope (CuLACSSS pg 229 SevenLh Crade)

Mathemat|cs L use problem solvlng Lechnlques and Lechnology as needed Lo solve problems lnvolvlng lengLh
welghL perlmeLer area volume Llme and LemperaLure
(CuLACSM pg37 SevenLh Crade)

Grade Leve| Ind|cators

n|story S uescrlbe Lhe lmpacL of new ldeas and lnsLlLuLlons on Luropean llfe lncludlng
e 1he slgnlflcance of prlnLlng wlLh movable Lype
f Ma[or achlevemenLs ln arL archlLecLure and llLeraLure durlng Lhe
g 8enalssance
h 1he 8eformaLlon
(CuLACSSS pg 230 SevenLh Crade)

Mathemat|cs 4 Solve problems lnvolvlng proporLlonal relaLlonshlps and scale facLors eg scale models LhaL
requlre unlL converslons wlLhln Lhe same measuremenL sysLem

(CuLACSM pg74 SevenLh Crade)

Ch|o Standards 8enchmarks and Grade Leve| Ind|cators

Lesson Cb[ect|ves

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 26

1 enclls/ens
2 Measurlng 1apes or ?ardsLlcks or 8ules
3 ?arn SLrlng
4 Craph aper
3 SpreadsheeL on CompuLer
6 aper

Leonardo da vlncl AcLlvlLy (1eacher Lesson lan)

Context 1hls lnLegraLed lesson ls one unlL LhaL wlll be covered ln a 8enalssance lnLerdlsclpllnary pro[ecL lL ls Lhe fourLh
maLhemaLlcs lesson lnLroduced ln Lhe unlL

A||otted 1|me Seven 43MlnuLe Sesslons

Lesson |ans for the seven day |ay out

1 uay Cne lnLroduce Lhe hlsLory of Leonardo da vlncl and Lhe relaLlonshlp he has wlLh maLhemaLlcs
2 uay 1wo lnLroduce 8aLlos Lo Lhe class and read abouL Lhem
3 uay 1hree SLudenLs wlll sLarL Lo work wlLh raLlo problems
4 Day Iour Leonardo da V|nc| Act|v|ty ( Lesson |an w||| be taught)
3 uay llve SLudenL wlll conLlnue Lo work on acLlvlLy LhaL was ln sLarLed ln class on Leonardo da vlncl
6 uay Slx SLudenLs wlll reporL group daLa from Lhe acLlvlLy and Lhe Leacher wlLh sLarL a spreadsheeL wlLh
Lhe group's daLa on lL
7 uay Seven SLudenLs wlll flnlsh up spreadsheeL wlLh group daLa and Lalk abouL how Lhe each group's
compares Lo each oLher 1he class wlll declde lf Leonard da vlncl acLlvlLy ls correcL or lncorrecL

Lesson rocedures for Day Iour

1 lnLroduce whaL Lhe Leonardo da vlncl AcLlvlLy ls abouL and how lL relaLes Lo raLlos
2 8ead Lhls paragraph Lo Lhe SLudenLs vlLruvlus a 8oman englneer from flrsL cenLury 8C lnfluenced Leonardo
da vlncls work ln archlLecLure and also hls drawlng of Lhe human flgure Cne of Leonardos drawlngs ls called
Lhe V|truv|an Man lL ls based on a model of ldeal proporLlons whlch vlLruvlus esLabllshed
3 1he drawlng shows a square lnscrlbed lnslde a clrcle 1here ls a man wlLh ouLsLreLched arms and legs ln facL Lwo
palrs of each whlch Louch boLh Lhe clrcumference of Lhe clrcle and Lhe verLlces of Lhe square upon vlewlng Lhe
Lesson rocedures (Launch Lesson Core C|osure)

Mater|a|s 1echno|ogy and kesources

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 27

drawlng Lhe concluslon can be made LhaL Lhe lengLh of a mans arm span ls equal Lo Lhe helghL of Lhe man ln
oLher words Lhe raLlo of Lhe V|truv|an Mans arm span Lo hls helghL equals 1

Pow can we LrusL a drawlng? 1he followlng acLlvlLy wlll lnvesLlgaLe lf Lhls ls Lrue or noL AfLer daLa has been
gaLhered from all of Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe class sLudenLs wlll be asked
1 Lxplaln Lhe concluslon Lo Lhe quesLlon ls your arm span equal Lo your helghL?
2 uo men (boys) of Lhe 1900s and 2000s have Lhe same proporLlons as Lhe vlLruvlan Man?
3 uo women (glrls) of Lhe 1900s and 2000s have Lhe same proporLlons as Lhe vlLruvlan Man?
4 Are Laller men (boys) more llkely Lo have vlLruvlan Man proporLlons Lhan shorLer men (boys)?
3 Are Laller women (glrls) more llkely Lo have vlLruvlan Man proporLlons Lhan shorLer women (glrls)?
6 Cenerallze for all of Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe class uslng Lhe class daLa
7 Lxplaln whaL your graphs showed
CuesLlon ls Lhe raLlo of our arm span Lo our helghL really equal Lo 1?

4 ass ouL Lhe followlng maLerlals for each group of four sLudenLs
a 2 measurlng Lapes and/or yardsLlcks and/or rulers
b sLrlng
3 lnsLrucL Lhe sLudenLs Lo work ln palrs and measure boLh Lhelr helghL and Lhelr arm span As Lhey measure Lhey
should cuL a plece of sLrlng equal Lo Lhe Lwo measuremenLs 1hls can be accompllshed by measurlng flrsL and
Lhen measurlng ouL Lhe sLrlng C8 by uslng Lhe sLrlng as Lhe measurlng devlce cuL lL and Lhen flnd Lhe lengLh of
Lhe sLrlng LlLher meLhod should resulL ln Lwo pleces of sLrlng per person and noLed measuremenLs per person

-ote ootbet metboJ lo tbe lotetest of tlme ls to nteote o meosotloq oteo lo tbe toom @ope op some yotJ
stlns ooJ bove stoJeots ose tbot ptepoteJ oteo to meosote tbelt belqbt Oone tbot meosotemeot ls polnly
toeo tbey noo tetoto to tbelt qtoops to meosote tbelt otm spoos
6 Pave Lhe sLudenLs noLe Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe lengLhs of sLrlng even as Lhey noLe Lhe exacL llnear
measuremenLs LhaL Lhey flnd As Lhey work wlLh Lhe daLa and calculaLe Lhe raLlos remlnd Lhem of Lhe Lwo sLrlng
lengLhs as a physlcal remlnder of Lhe numerlcal daLa

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 28

7 CollecL Lhe sLudenL daLa by recordlng on Lhe overhead chalkboard or posLer paper Cne column should llsL
Lhe helghL a second column should llsL Lhe arm span and a Lhlrd column wlll be Lhe raLlo of Lhe Lwo
8 Cnce Lhe daLa has been enLered lnLo columns one and Lwo have Lhe sLudenLs calculaLe Lhe raLlos for Lhe Lhlrd
column 1hls could be compleLed several ways
O Lach sLudenL compleLlng Lhe calculaLlon and Lhen reporLlng comlng Lo consensus and recordlng for all Lhe class
Lo see
O Lach group Laklng several Lo calculaLe and Lhen reporLlng and recordlng for all Lhe class Lo see
9 Pave each group glve you Lhelr resulLs and you place Lhe resulLs on a spreadsheeL for all of Lhe sLudenLs Lo look
aL and observe

ulsnossloo ;oestloos
O uo men (boys) of Lhe 1900s and 2000s have Lhe same proporLlons as Lhe vlLruvlan Man?
O uo women (glrls) of Lhe 1900s and 2000s have Lhe same proporLlons as Lhe vlLruvlan Man?
O Are Laller men (boys) more llkely Lo have vlLruvlan Man proporLlons Lhan shorLer men (boys)?
O Are Laller women (glrls) more llkely Lo have vlLruvlan Man proporLlons Lhan shorLer women (glrls)?
O uoes Lhe arm span lncrease llnearly wlLh helghL le ls Lhere a sorL of besLflL llne Lhrough Lhe daLa polnLs or
does Lhe Laller you are mean Lhe wlder your arm span ls?

10 Pave Lhe sLudenLs explaln Lhe concluslon Lo Lhe quesLlon ls your arm span equal Lo your helghL?
11 Make sure Lo explaln whaL your graphs showed Lo Lhe sLudenLs

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 29

1hls lesson ls can be adapLed Lo address Lhe needs of many learners wlLh a varleLy of excepLlonallLles 1hls lesson ls
modlfled for Lhls classroom descrlpLlon
1he dlsLrlcL you are ln ls undergolng some demographlc LranslLlons 1hlrLy years ago lL was consldered an upper
mlddle class suburb relaLlvely close Lo downLown ClnclnnaLl buL ln recenL years many people have moved
furLher away from Lhe cenLer of Lown

1he dlsLrlcL ls now much more bluecollar and worklng class wlLh a more dlverse raclal and socloeconomlc mlx
of famllles ?our parLlcular class for Lhls module ls made up of 28 sLudenLs ln Lhe sevenLh grade 1he deLalls of
Lhls class proflle are as follows

13 glrls 13 boys
12 Caucaslan 8 AfrlcanAmerlcan 6 Plspanlc and 2 Aslan
1 has been dlagnosed wlLh AuLlsm and ls on an lL (see aLLached)
1 has been dlagnosed wlLh Auu/AuPu LhaL ls falrly exLreme so s/he ls on lL
1 has an expresslve language processlng dlsorder (le dlfflculLy communlcaLlng
LhoughLs uslng spoken and someLlmes wrlLLen baslc words or expresslve wrlLLen

1 has a hlgh cognlLlve processlng sklll and ls currenLly belng LesLed for placemenL ln Lhe
school's glfLed program Lhls sLudenL ls very lnLeresLed ln Lhe arLs
1 has a 304 plan for hemophllla

O ln order Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe Lngllsh Language Learner's and Lhe one sLudenL wlLh expresslve language
processlng dlsorder l wlll be puLLlng Lhem lnLo groups worklng on Lhe acLlvlLy So Lhe sLudenLs wlll be work wlLh
buddles ln a group on Lhls acLlvlLy
O lor Lhe sLudenL LhaL ls on a 304 plan for hemophllla l wlll have a flrsL ald klL ln my classroom for Lhe sLudenL
O lor my sLudenLs LhaL are Auu/AuPu Lhls acLlvlLy ls greaL for Lhem 1he sLudenLs wlll be up movlng around and
have Lhlngs ln Lhelr hands Lo keep Lhem focus on Lhe Lask Also l wlll be walklng around Lhe room Lo remlnd
Lhem Lo sLay on focus on Lhe acLlvlLy
O lor my hlgh cognlLlve processlng skllled sLudenL l wlll have Lhem help creaLe raLlos LhaL would show LhaL
Leonardo da vlncl acLlvlLy ls correcL or lncorrecL l wlll also have Lhls sLudenL draw Lhe plcLures of Lhe dlfferenL
measuremenLs of Lhe sLudenLs LhaL are ln hls group
O 1he one sLudenL LhaL has AuLlsm wlll be place ln a group LhaL he ls usually comforLable wlLh l wlll make sure
LhaL Lhere are no sudden changes ln Lhe classroom or ln Lhe acLlvlLy durlng Lhls lesson l wlll make sure LhaL Lhe
nolse level sLay under conLrol and everybody sLays focus

1he sLudenLs wlll Lake home Lhelr plece of sLrlng Lo Lake a measuremenL of Lhe adulLs LhaL llve ln Lhelr household Lo
see lf Lhelr flnger Llp spread across Lhelr chesL Lo Lhelr oLher flnger Llp ls Lhe same lengLh as Lhe helghL of Lhe person
1hls wlll be a fun acLlvlLy for Lhe sLudenLs Lo do and lnvolves adulLs ln Lhelr learnlng

Interd|sc|p||nary Connect|ons

nomework Cpt|ons and nome Connect|ons

D|fferent|at|on ] Accommodat|ons

Renaissance Unit: McHenry, Patterson, Senghott, Senters 30

1hls lesson ls already lnLegraLed wlLh Lwo sub[ecLs soclal sLudles and maLhemaLlcs Whlle sLudenLs are learnlng
abouL Lhe hlsLory slgnlflcanL flgures of Lhe 8enalssance ln Soclal SLudles 1hey wlll be learnlng abouL Leonardo da
vlncl acLlvlLy on 8A1lCS ln MaLhemaLlcs

8aLlo comparlng one number Lo anoLher number

SheeLs ! (2009 May 9) ,otbemotlns onoJemln nooteot stooJotJs 8eLrleved from

Ale[andre S (2009) leoootJo Jo vlonl ontlvlty teonbet lessoo ploo 8eLrleved from

vlrLual manlpulaLlves provlde LhaL addlLlonal Lool for helplng sLudenLs aL all levels of ablllLy Lo develop Lhelr
relaLlonal Lhlnklng and Lo generallze maLhemaLlcal ldeas (Moyerackenham Salklnd 8olyard 2008 p 204)
All sLudenLs learn ln dlfferenL ways lor some maLhemaLlcs ls [usL Loo absLracL MosL learn besL when Leachers
use mulLlple lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles LhaL comblne seeheardo acLlvlLles MosL beneflL from a comblnaLlon of
vlsual (le plcLures and 2u/3u moveable ob[ecLs) and verbal represenLaLlons (le numbers leLLers words) of a
concepL whlch ls posslble wlLh vlrLual manlpulaLlves and ls ln keeplng wlLh alvlo and Clarks uual Codlng
1heory 1he ablllLy Lo comblne mulLlple represenLaLlons ln a vlrLual envlronmenL allows sLudenLs Lo manlpulaLe
and change Lhe represenLaLlons Lhus lncreaslng exploraLlon posslblllLles Lo develop concepLs and LesL
hypoLheses uslng Lools such as calculaLors allows sLudenLs Lo focus on sLraLegles for problem solvlng raLher
Lhan Lhe calculaLlon lLself"
ueubel (2009) ,otb moolpolotlves 8eLrleved november 03 2009 from CompuLlng 1echnology for MaLh
Lxcellence Web slLe hLLp//wwwcL4meneL/maLh_manlpulaLlveshLm


ey Vocabu|ary

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