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Chapter 6 : Nutrition Answer: 1(a)(i) (ii) (b) Leaf 1 Grana -Light energy excites the electron of chlorophyll molecules

to higher energy levels -Light energy is used to split the water molecules into hydrogen ions (H +) and hydroxyl ions (OH) (c) Oxygen 1 1 Total-2 marks 1 1 Total-2 marks


Oxygen is used for cellular respiration


Hydrogen atoms are used to reduce carbon dioxide in a series of reactions to form glucose.

(f) (g)

The glucose monomers undergoes condensation to form starch. light 6H2O + water 6CO2 chlorophyll carbon dioxide C6H12O6 +

6O2 glucose

1 mark

oxygen 1 mark Total = 11 marks

2(a)(i) 100 g bread - 900 kJ 50 g cheese - 50/100 x 1600 - 800 kJ 10 g butter - 10/100 x 3000 - 300 kJ Total amount of energy = 20000 kJ 2(a)(ii) Sandwich contains bread, butter and cheese. Bread is a source of carbohydrates to supply him with energy butter is a source of lipid which also supplies the athlete with twice the energy of carbohydrate cheese is a source of protein for growth and repair of damaged cells and also to synthesis haemoglobin to transport oxygen. 1 Pts 2 and 3 = 1 mark 1 only pt 1= 0 mark 1 1 Max 3 marks 1 1 1 1 Max : 4 marks

All 3 pts = 2 marks


- The food pyramid specifies the amount of each class of nutrient that is required on a daily basis. - At the base of the pyramid, and comprising the largest section are carbohydrates. Next tier is occupied by vegetables and fruits. Protein foods occupy the next higher tier. At the top, occupying the smallest section are the lipids. - A healthy diet uses more foods at the base of the pyramid and fewer at the top. - Relatively, the students ( in question a i) food is sufficient in carbohydrates . But there is no vegetables .

1 1 1 1 1


- Lipids intake should be reduced - Y is a healthy normal boy while X is suffering from kwasyiorkor - This is because Y is eating a balanced diet while X does not receive sufficient protein in his diet - Y experiences normal growth while X experiences stunted growth // growth of Y is normal while X has thin muscles, thin hair and a swelling abdomen due to retention of fluid in

Max: 3 marks

tissues 2 (d) A balanced diet contains the major nutrients such as carbohydrates,proteins and lipids as well as vitamins, minerals, water and roughage in the correct proportion to meet the daily requirement of the body is essential for healthy growth and development of body. Total 1 1 1 15 marks Total-3 marks

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