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William McAngus Pure Heart

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

1. To me, there is only one area of contention, and that is between the flesh and the spirit. I really dont understand any other area. So in that sense, God is calling me to be alive to the spirit alone because that is where He and I are 1. 2. The flesh is always rising up to keep me from being my real spirit man. 3. My flesh loves to feel insecure and accused. This state of accusation leading to insecurity is the way in which my flesh has always operated.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

1. My mother always had kind words and affectionate touch. But these two things in themselves do not equal obedience to the living God. My spirit has been crying out for a mother who loves me in Spirit and in Truth, not just in surface, flesh dominated ways. I have never felt the Love of God from mom. 2. I believe that the Love of God is a very rare trait in others. I dont find it difficult to receive this Love because my heart is truly abandoned for Him. 3. I think of God as masculine. I believe that femininity is taken from the side of man. God is perfect in all His ways, whether He is angry, gentle, kind, it is all the same to me, perfect Love. 4. The only thing keeping me from His Love is my flesh. The more the Sprit inside of me is in control, the more Love I will experience and receive.

Blessed Are The Meek

1. My relationship with my earthly dad has always been a distant one in truth but a loving one in words. Dont really know who he actually is at this point. 2. I dont need anything from my earthly father, to me, he should be a brother in Christ who carries the Living God inside, that is enough for anyone. 3. He always asserted his authority over me in a very binding way. Both my parents have a spirit of poverty that makes it very difficult to live freely as a son. 4. He Loves me with everything He has. He is infinite and wishes to give me everything He has. The beauty of this is, as a rule, is indescribable and unfathomable.

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