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accessing windows partition from linux:

first create folder(s) in "/mnt" folder you may give any name to those folders
but for your easy identification use win-c,win-d and so on till how much drive(s)
u have.

then u must find u'r physical address of u'r windows partition by an in build
utility in linux named hardware browser(i think it is under settings pannel).here
u must note all the physical address of windows partition(i think that it starts
like hd<a or b>1 for c: and so on.u must also b careful that it is not necessary
that ur d: must start as hd<a or b>2 it may be more than that.i.e.,4,5,etc.,)

now u have physical addr and local folders which require for mounting windows

now go to terminal and type as "mount -t vfat /dev/hd<a or b>1/mnt/win-c".u

must repeat this command for all partitions(i.e. by changing their corresponding
drive name(d:,e:,etc.,) and physical address[2,3,4]).


this will mount windows partition in linux but if u restart then u must follow
these steps again to avoid this u can edit a file named fstab in etc

open this file in any editor(like gedit) and add following line at last
"/dev/hd<a or b>1 /mnt/win-c vfat auto,umask=0 0 0"

repeat this for all partitions.

to do all these u mut login as "root" else use "su" cmd to switch to root

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