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John Mary Vianney Church Marcos Highway, Mambugan Antipolo City, Rizal

To Father Luisito Atanacio:

Greetings! We are currently conducting an ethnography about gender and sexuality as part of our requirements for our Social Science III class. Particularly, we are interested in collecting opinions about homosexuality from members of the Catholic church, specifically from the priests, through questionnaires. In line with this, we would like to ask your church to participate on our research and for the priests of your parish to answer the questionnaires. We are hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you & God Bless!

Sincerely Yours,

Montessa Guelas Group Leader

Ethnography Questionnaire
Greetings! We, students of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, would like to ask for your participation in our research by answering this questionnaire. This questionnaire is composed of open-ended questions so we sincerely ask you to be patient in answering the questions. Your answers will be strictly confidential. Thank you and God bless!

Name: College:
1. For you, what is homosexuality? How do you define it?


2. What is your personal stand regarding homosexuality? Is it good/bad?

3. What is the Church's stand regarding homosexuality?

a) What are the Church teachings regarding the matter?

b) Are there any Bible verses that mention/condemn/support homosexuality? If so, what are these?

4. For you, is gay marriage okay? Why or why not?

5. What could be the reason/s that make individuals homosexuals or transgenders? (Why do you think they are gay?)

6. What advice/s can you give to these individuals?

7. Did you have an experience wherein you had an encounter with a homosexual or a transgender? If so, what was it? What did you feel during that encounter?

8. Any Additional opinion regarding the matter?

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