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Media Essay

This essay shall analyse how tension and suspense is created in this extract from “Casino Royale” by
considering the use of five main elements. First by considering how mise-en-scene, specifically,
costume design, scene setting, how props are used. Then cinematography with the use of, point of view,
close ups and establishing shot. Next focusing on editing with examples of cuts and reaction shots. And
special effects, using pyrotechnics, stunt work and CGI create suspense. Finally the importance of
sound both diegetic, for example, dialogue, SFX and ambient sound. However, non-diegetic voice over,
mood music, incidental music and its essential role in creating suspense.
Firstly the composition of the scene is greatly important to the progression of the film. The
mise-en scene was a “typical” sunny day, this establishes a loud, crowded terrain which adds to the
realism of the tension. Martin Campbell choice of shooting in the Bahamas greatly intensifies the
action as it is a hot blistering country. The costume design was

Although all of the five elements are essential in creating suspense it is really through the way that they
combine in manipulating the audience response that creates this affect. The way that the, dusty
suburban scenery adds to the atmosphere and institutes tension and confusion to the audience. A

“CGI is a great tool and can be very useful, but I will fight to the tooth and nail to do
something for real. It’s the best way to go”.

First on the schedule were the scenes on the Madagascar building site, shot in the
Bahamas on the site of a derelict hotel which Michael G. Wilson had become
acquainted with in 1977 during the filming of The Spy Who Loved Me.[30] In the scene,
Bond drives a digger toward the building, slamming into the concrete plinth on which
Mollaka is running. The stunt team built a model and put forward several ways in
which the digger could conceivably take out the concrete, including taking out the
pillar underneath. A section of the concrete wall was removed to fit the digger, and
reinforced with steel.[30]

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