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01/19/2011 Week 1 We experience sound in the time domain but we perceive it in the frequency domain.

Phase vocoding: an analysis and re synthesis tool. Fourier based algorithm that allows for the independent time scaling and shifting of virtually any sound! The big deal is being able to change time and pitch independently. Before, you could slow down a tape player but the pitch went down as well. There is always a trade off between time and frequency. When one is really tight, the other is mushy, or suffers intermodulation. Bin: relates to a frquency band Frame: a slice that contains tons of bins. You apply a window over a number of frames. Analizes how the amplitude or the frequency change over time in each band. This all gets written to separate analysis files. Change of frequency over time is Phase. Intermodulation Distortion: this is when there are few "bands" of bins Channel Vocoder: The type Tom Rhea loves, the most common found in synths like Reason. These are time based, using BPF's and envelope followers rather than FFT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Homework: 1. Mashup: 2. General cool sound design. Bring in soundbites and screenshots.

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