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Lab# 4 Title: Leaf structure- stomatas Aim: to Identify the structure and function of the stomatas Procedure: students

were placed into six groups and a compound microscope was obtained. Place fresh lettuces in a dish half full with distilled water. (The green outer leaves are the best for the purpose of this investigation) Cut the leaf if is too large allow the leaf to remain in the water for at least 5 minutes. (Notice the leaf becomes stiff turgid in the water) Step 2 : bend back an edge of the leaf and a stripe off the transparent epidermal layer Step3 place one drop of 5.0% sodium chloride solution on a slide ( what is the purpose of sodium chloride solution) Step4 cut off a small section of the thin leaf epidermal layer membrane and place it in drop of sodium solution and cover with a cover slip then examine the preparation under low power maganifation: Discussion: what did u notice happen to the lettuces leaf after it was placed in distilled water. How are the structures of the cells around the stoma different from other plant cells Estimate the number of stoma in one half of the field of view. what is your estimate of the number of stoma per square millimeter Draw the epidermal cells and specialize Guald cells around the stoma List further observation of the epidermal and the gaud cells when theses are view under high power

Material: lettuces leaf , Petri dish. Compound microscope, micro slides cover slips. Paper towel, droppers, 5.0% sodium chloride solution, scissors, faucets distilled water

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