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September 6, 2011 The Academy System & the Rococo

Pictures: 21.1 Jean-Honor Fragonard, The Swing, 1766 21.6 Jean-Antoine Watteau, Pilgrimage to Cythera, 1717 21.9 Clodion, Satyr Crowning a Bacchante, 1770

Terms: Le beau ideal Rubenism vs. Poussinism The Salon Fte Galante

Questions to Get You Started Understand what the Royal Academy of Painting & Sculpture is, and its purpose, goals and philosophies. How did the death of Louis XIV affect art? Know the hierarchy of genres and why they are organized that way. Why were women artists limited to the lower genres? What is the Rococo? Understand why each of the above works belongs to this movement.

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