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FORUM: General Assembly QUESTION OF: Illegal Trade of Narcotics SPONSOR: Sweden The General Assembly, Alarmed that

Drug use in Europe has been expanding over the past three decades, Noting that a low unemployment rate, including youth unemployment, notably reduces the risks of substance abuse, Keeping in mind that there is a broad consensus that production, trafficking and abuse of drugs must not be tolerated, Convinced that it is possible to tackle the drug problem through a strong commitment from the society and support from the general public.


Requests that the borders will be checked more thoroughly by using: a. enhanced technology, b. closely selected boarder guards, c. regular government organized border controls; Further requests that specific aid is focused on single countries such as but not limited to Afghanistan (Opium), Burma (Heroin), Mexico (Marijuana) and Columbia (Cocaine), which do not posses the financial capabilities and to further help them through: a. organizing campaigns that help raising money for these countries, b. raising public awareness; Encouraging that through public awareness more citizens of the countries involved become aware of the seriousness of the situation through the use of: a. fliers, b. posters, c. TV advertisements, d. the internet; Urges schools to apply the stricter drug control by: a. having regular controls by government officials, b. bringing suspicious behaviour to the attention of parents and school officials; Requests rehabilitation centres to be paid by heath insurance for every patient; Decides to stay actively seized on the matter.




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