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Comparison of Essential Newborn Care by DOH and actual practice in GAT Andress Hospital

In keeping with the government's developmental goal in reducing childhood mortality, the Department of health recently lauched a nationwide campaign on proper newborn care practices called "Unang Yakap". The Essential Newborn Care protocol is a simple, conncise and straightforward guideline that is backed by solid research evidence. It emphasizes a sequence of four actions that are performed step by step. First, immediate and thorough drying for 30 seconds to one minute warms the newborn and stimulates breathing. this. Second, early skin to skin contact between mother and newborn and delayed washing for at least six hours to prevent hypothermia, infection and hypoglycemia. Third, properly timed cord clamping and cutting to prevents anemia and prevent brain hemorrhage in premature newborns. And last, Non separation of newborn and mother for early breastfeeding to protect infants from infection. This actions are also performed in Gat Andress Bonifacio Memorial Hospital. The nurse stimulate the breathing of the infants my making them cry. We also delayed washing but we give oil bath to the infants to cleans the blood in the their body. Properly cord clamping is done by waiting for the cord pulsation to stop then proper cord care is also done. But before giving the infant to the mother, the infant is being assess first if he can adopted in his new environment by means of APGAR scoring. A Ballard test is also done to know the age of gestation of the infant. We also check for the anthropometric measurement, anus patency and if the infant can suck well. Then if there is no diagnosis of disease or difficulty of breathing the infant and mother bonding can now proceed. But if the infant is need to stay in the NICU, the mother can visit and do breastfeeding. There is no significant difference between the essential newborn care protocol by the department of health and the protocol performed in the Gat Andress Bonifacio Memorial Hospital.

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