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,7, 2007
Six Nations Meeting place destroyed
An Open Letter to All our Supporters:

For the past 19 months Six Nations people have continued a peaceful presence at the Six Nations
reclaimed territory of Kanonhstaton, on the outskirts of Caledonia.
Monday night that peace was disrupted when non-native vandals threw a “fire-bomb” into a building
at the front gate used as both a meeting place and security office for Six Nations people who are con-
tinuing a constant vigil on our lands.
As well as the building, a beautiful piece of artwork donated by local artist Arnold Jacobs was
Now, we need your help, the help of the Six Nations community to rebuild this important structure. A
structure that will reflect who we are as Haudenosaunee people and serve as a meeting place for our
The efforts of the land reclamation directly effects everything within our territory. It is the physical
reminder to Ontario and Canada that Six Nations of the Grand River Territory has rights set down not
just in the Haldimand Proclamation and Nanfan Treaties, but rights given us by the Creator to over-
see the protection of our lands.
At Kanonhstaton we are trying to continue to do that, but now we need your help.
We are asking all local businesses, businesses who enjoy the benefits of our fight to protect our
rights, to please come forward and donate towards the rebuilding of a meeting place at Kanonhstaton
that is reflective of who we are as Haudenosaunee.
We are hoping to rebuild our meeting place this weekend to show Ontario and Canada, the quiet
resolve, strength and unity Six Nations holds dear, in its continued fight to protect our rights and our
We ask for your help in the form of financial donations, building materials and labour.

We thank-you/ Nia:Weh for all your support.

In peace
Kanonhstaton For more information or to donate please contact:
Ruby Montour(519) 445-2159 or Hazel Hill (519)445-0719

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