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To perform a Sound Scape is necessary to consider some elements.

In first instance the idea to recreate: the landscape or situation to represent and its most important " sound elements", obtaining a general list to use in the project. Once done, you have to do a script in which these elements are distributed, taking into account: time, location, flat sound, rhythm, rests, some other.

After writing the script, it is necessary to take into account the origin of sounds. There are two primary sources where you can get. This is, first of all his processing, using the materials or objects that produce a particular sound or any other object which can absorb or equal the sonic result we want to achieve. Another option is the databases and sound libraries that can be found on the Internet, taking care to respect copyright.

Once selected the sounds we pass the editing process. For this it is important to have an audio editing program. Currently there are a variety of them: from the simplest to the most advanced, free and paid, for professional or home use. With either of them can make a good project.

The most important thing is to consider the script and indications it contains. This guide will enable us to manage our sound elements as our primary goal: recreating a scene or sound specific situation. At the end of our material is very important to listen several times to identify any errors that may occur and correct them.

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