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Volume 38, Number 3

49th New Summer, 593 CY


Sasserines Best Source for Fair and Balanced News

Tragedy Strikes the Islarn Family. Again

In the second time in less than a decade, a tragedy befalls the scions of House Islarn. The Sea Witch's Rag reported last week about the mysterious disappearance of Lorn Islarn and his abandoned post on Far Light Island. Unfortunately the young noble did not turn up in the bed of a local beauty but instead it appears Lorn was murdered. It is unclear if the murder happened at the island or if Lorn was kidnapped first. According to one eyewitness, a trapper from the western Jekela Bay, the body washed up on the rocks there three days ago. The same eyewitness, a simple man, traveled to the city to claimed the reward and exclaimed, 'I did not reckon the man for famous but I gladly accept the gold. I was just doing right by the dead, as my ma and pa always taught' The young man was accompanied throughout the day by a merchant contact he met during customs processing. The pair met a third un-named individual and suspiciously booked passage on a whaling ship that evening. Exclusive information obtained by the Rag confirms the trappers story as well as exonerates he and his friend, apparently Lorn died from several deep puncture wounds. A representative of the Dawn Council assures the Rag that they are thoroughly investigating the matter and will relentlessly pursue any leads. Lorn Islarn will be buried at sea following a sun rise ceremony on 41 Newsummer at the Azure Cathedral. A spokesman for the Islarn family asks that people with information about the murder of their only son speak with representatives of the family and the Dawn Council.

Flotsam and Jetsam 2 Daily Horoscope 3 Life. 4 Business 5 Gladiator Ranking 6 Entertainment. 7

Something Amok, The Dredgers Guild reports that a large Rhogedassu is indeed loose.


cording to the guildmaster, Maklath Gristwhistle, 'One of me boys encountered the thing-err, mad as a howler monkey and scary as hell. The thing nearly made took his last good arm efore I drove the monster off. ' The alleged incident took place while the Guild worked in the Shadowshore districts and the district's residents are advised to be wary of the dangerous vermin. According to one expert, Urol Farrol, the Rhogedassu is a large insect that captures prey with its hook like fore claws and drags the unfortunates to a large set of opposing mandibles. The creature is best left alone. In related news the Dawn Council is considering legislation that would ban dangerous exotic animals from the city limits. Merchant houses, specifically representatives of the Kato Mercantile House, oppose the legislation and claim that making the animals illegal would only create an illegal black market and that the exotic animal trade brings business to the city and entertainment to the Champion's District Arena.

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