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The purpose of the book is to enlighten a reader about the principles of vaastu and the benefits one can expect from it. The present book is not based on any ancient treatises or school of thought. It is a summary of observations and conclusions arrived at by the author after research in this field over 15 years. Every statement made here is verified innumerable times before recording in this book. WHAT IS VAASTU? 1.Vaastu is a science of structures. It deals with the impact of various directional energies on a building when it is built and completed. The building, which comes in the way of free flow of directional forces, creates an atmosphere inside it which is different from what prevails outside. 2.Further every building is a synonym for stress. Each brick loads the other and the roof loads the walls. In effect every brick used in construction represents stress. Thus a locking up of a stressful atmosphere inside the four walls always happens when a construction comes up. 3.Vaastu has nothing to do with religion or ones beliefs in God, rituals or astrology. 4.How to use the stress locked up in the building to interact with the directional forces so as to create an unusually beneficial atmosphere inside the building is the science of vaastu.

BRIEF HISTORY Vaastu is a part of Yajurveda, the sacred text of Hindus and is believed to be around four to five thousand years old. There are thirty-two books in Sanskrit language starting from Vishwakaramas Vaastu Shastra. Mayamata is another great book, which also is believed to be from Vedic times. In the modern times innumerable books have been published in various languages. However we need to look at it afresh in view of the total and summary changes that have taken place in the construction industry be it a home, office, industry or condo. It is this effort that has made the author visit more than 5000 buildings both in India and abroad and arrive at unfailing conclusions, which can be verified by any one interested.

IS VAASTU TRUE? An obvious question. Especially when a claim that a building can influence ones health and fortunes are made, it certainly sounds preposterous. But I will give you some oneliners and you can verify the truth yourself as we go along.

HOW VAASTU WORKS? When a building is constructed the impact of the various directional forces creates typical forces at the corners. Vaastu is all about the importance, characteristics and the role they play. Here not much importance is given to the cardinal directions but only to the four corner directions. If you take a building plan and designate the corners as Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest, you have more or less a rectangular sketch. By joining the Northwest and Southeast corners by a straight line you get two triangles. The triangle with Northeast apex can be considered as a positive terminal and the triangle with Southwest corner as apex can be considered as negative terminal. These terminals get created because of the impact of directional forces with the stress field inside the building. While one can do nothing about the creation of building stress by manipulating the directional forces one can effectively neutralize the stressful field present in the structure. The reaction of the two fields can be made to create a high-energy bio force, which can bring health to the occupants in an effortless manner. Even after neutralizing the stress, if the Northeast field has a surplus it creates a protective shield for every occupant so that no untimely death, accidents, chronic diseases, financial misfortune etc ever takes place. THE ASSURANCE OF VAASTU Vishwakarma the founder of Vaastu shastra enumerates the benefits of vaastu as under; THIS SCIENCE IS WHOLE AND COMPLETE. IT CAN BRING HAPPINESS TO EVERY ONE ON EARTH. IT CAN BESTOW ON EVERY HUMAN BEING THE FOURTYPES OF HAPPINESS WHICH EVERY ONE ASPIRES FOR;THEY ARE HAPPINESS IN MONEY MATTERS,RIGHTFUL LIVING,FULFILLMENT OF ALL WORLDLY DESIRES AND CAN BESTOW BLISSFUL STATE. BY A KNOWLEDGE OF THIS SCIENCE MAN BECOMES DIVINE.

IT CAN GIVE EVERY ONE GREATEST HAPPINESS AND THIS IS THE DICTATE OF GODS. VAASTU IN ANCIENT INDIA Although the science is several centuries old, there is nothing to support that it was widely practiced in the olden days. Probably the lack of proper instruments to spread the knowledge could be one of the reasons. Still there are some temples, which stand testimony to the claims of vaastu in India. One such temple is the Sri Tirupati Venkataramanaswamy Temple, which is having perfect vaastu and rakes in millions of rupees every year and an astounding number of devotees throng the temple round the year. PRINCIPLES OF VAASTU

Further the excessive positive forces occupy the structure to form a protective shield. GUIDE LINES 1. More open area in North & East. 2. Less open area in South & West 3. Level in North & East to be lower 4. Levels in South & West to be higher than floor level 5. Water body in Northeast 6. Kitchen in Southeast 7. Bed rooms in West & South 8. Master Bed Room in southwest 9. Attached toilets in Southeast or Northwest of each room 10. Staircase in Southeast or Northwest corner 11. A door in Northeast is mandatory 12. Another door can come in any other direction but must be in the positive half of that direction. 13. Sloped roofs should be towards North or East 14. When viewed the weight of the structure should be uniform every where or the West & South portions should be heavy compared to North or East half. One should follow these principles to get the best benefits. PROOF VAASTU WORKS. Vaastu is being practiced in more than 80% of the buildings in modern India. I myself have been associated in the planning of countless buildings all over India and USA. I have not come across a single instance where the owners have failed to reap the benefits of vaastu.

VERIFY YOURSELF But my statement would not be enough. You need solid proof. Unlike other Para normal matters where hard proof or verification is difficult one can easily verify the principles of vaastu easily. Here , I will enumerate the problems that arise when defects are present in a building. The purpose of use is not important. The effect always follows. All you need to do is to check whether the statements are true. We are aware that the worlds two largest killers are CANCER & HEART ATTACKS. In spite of the giant strides of modern medical sciences these two diseases continue to haunt the populace. Surely you will have come across a few families who had the misfortune of losing a loved ones for one of these diseases. The defects in a building which can result in the above problems are given below. Just check it yourself. 1. Master Bed Room in Southeast with Toilet in Northeast - BREAST CANCER 2. Master Bed Room in Southwest with Toilet in Southwest-HEART PROBLEMS/DEATH 3. Level of Northeast higher in the floor- MONEY PROBLEMS/HEART PROBLEMS 4. Master Bed Room in Northeast with toilet in Northeast - BRAIN CANCER 5. Master Bed Room in Northwest with toilet in Northeast- LUNG CANCER 6. Master Bed Room in South with Toilet in Northeast- STOMACH CANCER

OTHER EFFECTS WHICH YOU CAN VERIFY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Projected Southeast in a building towards East- Fire accidents,surgery Projected Northwest in North- Financial loss/divorce/litigation Missing Northeast- No progress, No progeny Projected Southwest towards West - Premature death of husband Projected South of Southwest- Death of wife Toilet in Northeast- Never ending financial problems Toilet in Southwest- Financial drain Level of North high - Efforts fail Level of East high- Education of kids suffer.

That should be enough to start with. All you have to do is to verify such defective buildings and check the incidents to convince yourself that we are dealing with a science which has much to contribute to human welfare. If you would like to gain comprehensive knowledge about the subject visit and down load the book AMAZING SCIENCE OF VAASTU. If you are an USA resident then download the book INDIAN VAASTU FOR AMERICAN HOMES WANT TO KNOW HOW GOOD IN YOUR HOUSE/BUSINESS PREMISES/INDUSTRY? You can also get a vaastu report of your residence / business place. Draw a sketch of the premises on a sheet of paper and fax or scan and email to the following address: Greynium Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd 5th Floor, Shanthishree Industrial Complex, #17/1, Rupena Agrahara, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 068. Phone: +91 80 2518 0800 (Board) / 2518 0802 (Direct) Fax: +91 80 2518 0801

VAASTU CORRECTIONS WITHOUT DEMOLITIONS Wherever there is a defective vaastu building the only remedy available in vaastu is a structural correction to rectify the defects. Much as it is desirable many a times the solution is not practical. This may be due to the age and construction of the building which may not have the structural strength needed to with stand such correction. Another problem may be the prohibitive cost such a correction requires. Thirdly the conveniences, which are presently available although the building is defective, may not be available when such corrections are incorporated. After vaastu caught the interest of Indians the fact that the corrections are not easy made the people look at alternatives. The Chinese Feng Shui had promises of enlivening the atmosphere so as to remove the negativity. It is no wonder therefore that Feng Shui became popular almost overnight. A verity of Feng Shui gadgets entered the market just like magic. The Happy Buddha statue adorned

the drawing room of every house in no time. Wind chimes ,Symbols plates ,pakua mirrors and a host of such gadgets did brisk business. However the craze for Feng Shui gadgets has now reduced very much. It is not because Feng Shui does not work but it has its own limitations. People saw Feng Shui as a panacea for all their problems. They expected improvement from the day after installing the gadgets. When this did not happen they felt let down. The limitations of Feng Shui Firstly there are basic and irreconcilable differences in the principles of vaastu and Feng Shui. Vaastu recommends lower levels and open space in North & East, higher levels in South & West, water bodies only in Northeast. Similarly, kitchen and toilet position are recommended only in southeast or northwest. Feng Shui recommends the opposite. Hills and mountains in East and North, open South preferably with a stream and low level in West compared to East. It also has no objection for toilets in Southwest or Northeast both prohibited in Vaastu. But the studies show that vaastu is correct and Feng Shui is wrong when it comes into the question of levels, location of toilets /kitchen. We have to therefore come to the conclusion that Feng Shui is no match to vaastu on the practical level when the objective is to derive some benefits. This does not mean that Feng Shui has no practical value. The one unique feature of Feng Shui is to apply the principles on an individual basis. Vaastu is general in approach. For every building irrespective of its use or the date of birth of the occupant, the principles remain the same. In other words vaastu does not take into account any astrological aspects of the occupant while laying down the rules. Feng Shui, on the contrary, does a commendable job here. It assigns a Kua number for each person born depending on his date of birth. The Kua number gives valuable insights to the persons helpful and harmful directions and shows ways to strengthen the directional forces using gadgets. In truth Feng Shui gadgets give little results if the building is against vaastu principles and fundamental vaastu defects exist. This is one reason why Feng Shui lost its popularity too soon in India. Secondly, Feng Shui works best in box like structures where the vaastu field is neutral but not negative. In such spaces a little stimulation like using a wind chime or an aquarium makes a lot of difference. However in a highly defective vaastu building these have little or no effect.

Thirdly the Feng Shui gadgets are to be selected carefully depending on the problem for which the solution is sought and the Kua number of the particular individual. That is the reason they are called cures. No cure works for two different diseases. Similarly the same cure will not give the same effect on a particular individual when the disease is different. In most of the cases people picked the gadgets at random from the gift shops thinking to have them in their houses or bed rooms is good. Obviously it did not work and so we are back to square one. After years of study and experimenting I came to the conclusion that to correct an energy field you need another energy field not gadgets or symbols. Developing and experimenting with various such energy devices I have now come out with remedies which are energy based and can be an answer to a host of problems associated with vaastu. The following are the devices which can neutralize vaastu defects.


There is no Question without an answer There is no problem without a solution There is no disease without a cure Anonymous Overcoming Vaastu Defects; THE COSMO PYRAMID

The performance of rituals like Vaastu Pooja, Vaastu Homa and the like are mentioned to get the blessings of the plot organism which goes without saying that the house, in the first place, should be as per vaastu. I have come across several defective houses that has put the occupants to misery in spite of the fact that before entering the house all the rituals were performed in a grandiose manner as per the texts. It is also true that if one were to occupy a house built as per vaastu even without performing any of these poojas or homas, one will still enjoy the benefits of being in a good vaastu house. Rituals have therefore no part to play in vaastu.

Any problem due to vaastu can only arise only if the Northeast force in the plot is weak. If the Northeast is strong in spite of defects in other sectors, the occupants are unlikely to suffer the effect of such vaastu defects. The following are some of the problems, which can arise due to defective Northeast. Sl.No Nature Of Northeast Defect Effect 1 Elevated Northeast; Poverty 2 Staircase in Northeast Circulation problems 3 Kitchen in Northeast Quarrelsome members 4 Rounded Northeast No male children 5 Depressed Southwest Heart problems 6 Roof Sloping towards West Health Problems 7 Roof Sloping Towards South Financial Loss 8 Elevated Floor Levels towards North/East Circulation problems Feng Shui remedies do not create energy. They can only increase the positive vibrations in an area. Hence they can work only if the energy in an area is neutral. An alternative, which is used by many in practice, is the employment of pyramids.

Pyramids are again energy cleansers. They do not create energy on their own. It is important to remember that only the area inside a pyramid is devoid of negative energy even if the pyramid itself is in a negative field. Thus all the devices like pyramids and Feng Shui remedies gave satisfactory results in neutral houses but are found to be less than satisfactory when the defect was in Northeast. In other words if the Northeast is defect free and that too if only a minor defect lies in other sectors then the chances of getting good results by using pyramids and Feng Shui remedies are great. But if the defect lies in Northeast or the sector defects are serious then using these devices is a waste of your money. Similarly Feng Shui remedies fail in cases of other defects as mentioned above. So far there was no device, which could act as a positive energy releaser to the surroundings. This was the main reason why rectification without structural correction was a difficult task. I have been working to develop a device, which can attract the surrounding negative energy and release it after converting it into a positive one The device I have now developed which I have named as COSMO Pyramid is

just the device and the only device needed to set right the effects of bad vaastu. It also effectively neutralizes Geopathic stress in the house. Read about Geopathic Stress in the authors book Amazing science Of Vaastu for more information. Unlike conventional pyramids the Cosmonite pyramids is a solid pyramid and has no hollow inside. The pyramid is made from a special material called cosmonite, which is adhesive packed. This pyramid has the capacity to release pranic energy continuously. Its special quality is that it attracts the negative energy in the area and converts it to positive energy. This is a solid pyramid unlike others which are hollow. The best benefit is derived when four cosmonite pyramids are buried under the earth outside the building in the four corner directions. This in effect establishes a virtual pyramid and the entire building is covered with this pyramid energy. Thus any defective field inside the building gets completely neutralized with pyramid energy. In cases of apartments it is sufficient if the four pyramids buried in earthen pots are kept in the four corners of the apartment in the four corner directions.

. One face of the pyramid is to be aligned with Magnetic North. . The pyramid makes the negative energy flow towards its base by attracting it and releases the positive energy through the apex. USES OF THE PYRAMID; When kept in the Northeast corner a sense of well being is felt by all the members of the family. When kept in the Southwest corner in bedroom it ensures sound sleep and you feel fresh and lively in the morning. House wives feeling tired and restless should keep one in the Southeast corner of the kitchen to become energetic. Use it in study rooms of kids to have more concentration in their studies and to improve their academic performance. Keep it in your office cabin in the Southwest corner for smooth running of the business. If a person in the family is ill keep a pyramid near his bed on the Southwest corner for quick recovery. If you feel some one has performed black magic on you or wishing you ill, bury four such pyramids in the four corner of the house.

If you are worried that people with harmful intentions are coming to your house keep the pyramid in the northwest corner of your house to keep them off. Childless couple aspiring for a baby should keep one in the Northeast corner on the floor in their bedroom. If you are having litigation problems bury a pyramid near your house in Northwest corner. If you live in an apartment keep a pot filled with earth and bury the pyramid which is to be placed in the Northwest corner. If the marriage is on the rocks keep a pyramid each buried in the pot in northwest and southeast of your bed room. If you are finding it difficult to sell your property bury a pyramid in the northwest corner of the lot.(plot). The pyramid effectively neutralizes geopathic stress in the area. In short there is no area in your life where this unique pyramid cannot help. Use one and convince yourself.

Energy Threshold For Wrong Entry Positions

A major vaastu defect can arise in the following cases whether it is an apartment or independent building or an office. 1 .Entry door or exit door in (a) Northwest of North, (b)East of Southeast, (c)West Of Southwest and (d)South of Southwest. 2.Toilets in Southwest corner or northeast corner of the house. 3. Attached toilets in the Northeast or Southwest of the bed room. 4 .Entry door facing lift or staircase.

In all the above cases a negative energy field spreads out and fills the structure. The effect of these defects are as under: 1)Entry door in North Of Northwest- financial loss, litigation, misunderstandings, becomes a victim of cheating. 2) Entry door in East of Southeast - Accidents, Fires, surgeries, matrimonial discard. 3).Entry door in West Of Southwest- Tight finances, Health of Male affected. 4) Entry door in South of Southwest- Tight Finances, health of senior female member affected. 5)Toilet in Southwest Corner of the house Heart problems/losing money 6)Toilet in Northeast corner of the house Sickness /poverty 7)Toilet in Southwest corner of attached toilet Heart attack 8)Toilet in Northeast corner of bed room - Chronic illness 9) Entry door facing lift /stairs- every problem gets magnified. In all these cases an Energy Threshold is a satisfactory solution to solve the problem. See the Figure of energy threshold.

The threshold is a fiberglass box done with teakwood color. It comes in Lengths of 24,30and 36 to suit different size doors. If there is threshold it is fixed in front of the door to serve as a threshold. If there is a threshold already then this threshold is placed either above it or by its side. A little MSEAL is used to fix it in place. The energy threshold hold different crystals under pressure so that a continuous energy gets liberated from its surface. This effectively bars the negative energy be it from the toilet or the wrong direction of the main door entering the structure.


IMPORTANCE OF SHANKU IN VAASTU We often hear the term SHANKU in connection with the commencement of the work of some building. The term which often appears in newspapers is SHANKUSTHAPANA or Installation of Shanku. In reality, we take it to mean laying of the foundation stone. Normally, a stone is selected for this purpose. It is washed and cleaned. Some pooja is offered to this stone which is then preserved carefully. This stone is later used in foundation. Mostly, people mean this procedure when one refers to Shankusthapana. In some other places, there is a practice of worshipping a coconut and burying it in the plot and even this is termed as Shankusthapana. However, both these procedures have nothing to do with Shanku which is intended to nullify the harmful radiation emitting from the earth. It is a very important step and ignoring it may well deny the Vaastu benefits for an occupant. It is not a religious procedure but a practical and scientific one. As per the ancient texts, there is a detailed procedure for installation of Shanku. The installation is supposed to bring health, happiness and prosperity to the occupants. Let us see what the old texts say about Shanku. A SHANKU is made from the dry stem of a tree. The preferred trees are teak, peepal and neem. A piece of wood measuring about ten inches in length and a thickness of two to three inches is to be made from the stem. The wood should be defect free with no bends or knots in the selected portion. It should contain no moisture and should be fully dry. The total length of this wooden piece is now divided into three equal parts. A skilled carpenter is required to carryout the precision work on this piece of wood. One-third the length is rounded and the end of the wooden piece is made spherical. The middle portion is shaped as a square and the top one-third is shaped as an octagon(eight sided figure) Thereafter, one should mark the point on a plot where the two diagonals intersect. This is the NABHICHAKRA or Navel Centre of VAASTUPURUSHA. A pit, one feet deep is to be dug in this portion and the Shanku with the octagon at the top should be buried here. The pit is to be closed with excavated mud and construction should begin only after this is done. It is interesting to speculate why the ancients prescribed this step. One can easily see that the Shanku is a carefully designed geometrical shape. It has sphere at the bottom repressing the earth. The four corners of the square represent the four cardinal directions and the octagon represents the eight sectors. This much is clear.

But what was it supposed to achieve? Recent research in various parts of the world have revealed that stress under the surface of the earth can get generated due to various reasons. An underground stream changing its course suddenly due to an obstruction, two rocks pushing against each other, a cavity etc., can all create stress below the surface. This stress comes out in the form of radiation and is termed as EARTH RADIATION. These are difficult to detect and only experts with special measuring instruments can locate radiation points on a plot. Such services are offered by various firms in Europe and Australia. But they are quite expensive. The probability of any plot, having such radiation points are, unfortunately, high. As you are aware, most of the plots have underground streams or water bodies as can be made out from the popularity and number of bore wells in urban areas. If there are streams underneath, they may be releasing radiation. The Chinese were also aware of the dangers of such radiation. They usually avoided building houses in such places. Some Chinese authorities maintain that driving a copper rod could negate the effects. This appears possible. The stress radiation is electromagnetic in nature. If the point of radiation can be accurately located, then driving a copper rod could ground it. The problem is finding the exact point of release. Without sophisticated instruments this task cannot be done. Any stress moves towards the center point where the energy is zero. Hence, the center of any plot with a boundary will be a release point of radiation. The Shankhu appears to be an effort to ground the earth radiation at the point of release. Earth radiation is known to create health problems, depression, heart problems and cancer in various organs. The assurance of the old texts that a Shankhu can ensure a life of happiness, health and prosperity appears to be well-founded. All the same, a Shankhu may not be the ideal way of suppressing radiation. While the intention appears to be well-founded, it is doubtful whether a Shankhu is apt for the role. Abroad these radiations are suppressed with the help of neutralizers. These are of course expensive. To suppress any energy field, you need another energy field or a converter. Pyramids are known to convert harmful or distorted energy fields to beneficial ones. Hence in place of Shankhu one should use a pyramid. The Astamoga Pyramid is the most ideal as it can take care of distortions from all directions. Here the material of the pyramid should be such that it remains unaffected by humidity or termites. The procedure is simple. All you have to do is to take a cement pot square in shape, which is easily available. A pot of 12"X12" is more than adequate. Dig a pit of about a foot deep at the point of intersection of the diagonal on your plot. Place the Astamoga pyramid inside the pot and align it on North-South axis of your plot. Carefully lower the pot to the pit and close the top with a cement slab. This is an inexpensive exercise. The chances are it will help remove the defect of earth radiation, if any, in the plot. Although this step is easy to implement before construction, one should consider incorporating it even in case of existing structures where earth radiation is suspected.

SHANKHU STHAPANA is therefore not a Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony. There is more to it than that!

CONCLUSION; The deployement of these three devices in defective structure can mitigate the problems connected with defective vaastu. If you have any queries regarding the usage of these devices please send an email. To

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