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A fost o vara foarte importanta si tensionata,deoarece am dat primele examene di n viata mea.

Au fost 2 examene importante,rezultatul acestora avand rol in inscri erea la liceu. Vacanta adevarata a inceput abia in iulie,dupa ce mi-am depus ,impreuna cu mama, dosarul la liceul Mihai Viteazul,un foarte bun liceu din Bucuresti. Deoarece tatal meu a fost plecat in delegatie,nu am putut face excursii impreuna cu familia,dar acest lucru nu m-a impiedicat sa-mi petrec vacanta alaturi de pr ieteni. Ziua obisnuiam sa ies cu colegii din gimnaziu si ceilalti prieteni,iar seara leg am noi relatii de prietenie pe facebook cu viitorii colegi de liceu. This summer meant alot to me because I had my first exam. The results of the exa ms where very important because based on them I could choose a highschool to go to. The real vacation started in july, after me and my mother filed my file at Mihai Viteazul College, one of the best highschools in Bucharest. Because of my father, who was gone with some busyness, we couldn't go in any kin d of road trips, but this little fact didn't stop me from spending some time wit h my friends doing all sort of funny things, going to concerts and many more. I used to spend time with my old classmates from school and other friends of mine, and in the noon I was chatting with my future highschool mates. It was a great summer.

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