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Digital Image Processing Assignment # 1 (15 Marks)

Dead Line: September 27, 2011 Note: 50% penalty per day for late submission. Copied assignments will be awarded zero marks. The email address you will be emailing to is Place all your files in a folder and zip it. Naming convention for the zip file is Follow this convention throughout the semester.

Instructions to follow
Your code should be commented generously.

Dont use absolute paths while reading images. For Example Dont Write Image = Imread(c:\New Folder\a.jpg); use concept of Setting path and read image Like Image = Imread(a.jpg); Make .m files for solution of all questions. Surprise Demo of any student can be conducted in the Lab.

Question # 01
Make a function that take a Radius and display a Circle of that radius. (10)
Hint: Circle equation X^2 + Y^2 <= R^2 where x & y are image indexes. Traverse all the pixels of the image using For loops check circle equation on each pixel indexs if it satisfy mark it one else zero.

Question # 02
Make a function that finds negative of the input image.


Hint: Traverse all the Pixel of input image and use formula for finding image negative Negative_of_current_pixel = Maximum Grey level- current pixel Note For uint8 image Maximum Grey level=2^8=256.Use image [cameraman.tif] for that problem and take its negative.

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