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Accommodations & Transportation.

The purpose of this survey is to find out how many students in UBD prefer to commute every day or to live at the residential hostel. (Tick your answers) 1. State your gender Male Female 2. Faculty FOS FASS APB HIS SHBIE 3. Which district do you live in? Brunei Muara District Tutong District Belait District Temburong District Others : ___________

Average Poor 8. How do you travel to school? Own transportation Car-pooling 9. Why do you prefer to stay at the hostel? (ONLY FOR THOSE WHO LIVE AT THE RESIDENTIAL HOSTEL)


Far from home No Driving license Interested to join activities organize by RESCO To make new friends Difficult to park car Independent No transportation 10. Why do you prefer to commute every day? (ONLY FOR THOSE WHO PREFER TO COMMUTE) Carpooling with friends Homesick Not far from home

4. Are you staying at the residential hostel? Yes No

Someone is able to send & fetch me home 5. How much do you spend per month? Below $50 $50 - $ 150 $150 - $ 250 More than $250 6. How long is the duration from your home/hostel to the campus? Less than 5 min 5 min 20 min 20 min 35 min More than 35 min 7. Are the necessities for those who are living at the hostel are satisfying? (Rate the satisfaction) Good Not comfortable to live at the hostel Allowance provided can be used for else need

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