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Risk for imbalanced nutritio:less than body requirements related tpo glucongenesis imbalanced nutrition: less than body

requirements refers to intake of nutrients insufficient to meet metabolic needs.(doenges,2008) According to strain, when a new diagnosis of diabetes is established, among the first stressful thoughts experienced by the patient are concerns that they will not be able to eat foods they prefer and that their way of living will compromised.if certain dietary changes do not occur,the individual may not be able to control his/her blood glucose and may find himself/herself att risj for the host of complications assosciated with poorly controlled diabetes. However it is seldom acknowledge that a person with diabetes should be ating the diet which is basically similar to that of non-diabetic individuals, according to the recommendation pf the dietary guidelines for American.2005.these guidelines do not impose foreboding protocol but advise how everyone should be eating to consume the nutrients the human body requires and avoid the weight related illnesses.healthy eating and working toward an optimal lifestyle,including physical activity

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