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October 3, 2011

y name is Chris Byrns and I am currently attending an


international school in Seoul. I hope one day to become a construction engineer and use my problem solving, and creativity to construct innovative infrastructures for the safety and enjoyment of society. I will achieve my goals by following my career plan. College I will be attending a very high-end university on the western coast of the United States in California while majoring in Construction Engineering and minoring in mathematics to help with calculations. The school will be medium size while having and emphasis on architecture and engineering. I would minor in mathematics and major in Engineering and architecture. become successful. Once I gained this knowledge I would find a job that would use my own designs and problem solving. Capstone of Career Now that I am an adult with a job I would like to become more recognized with my own sort of brand on all of my work. I will be innovative in my new designs and unique in my own way so that I won't just be another construction engineer I will be recognized instead.
Capstone Development First Jobs

18 22 23 26 30 35 40

High School Degree College Degree in Engineering Assistant Engineer Designer Director Lead Director of projects Lead Design and Director.
First Jobs

I would gain experience in small companies that need my assistance while designing things and after, I hope to look for an even better job where I could use my own ideas and create my own constructions in my own time for it. Development in Jobs & Positions I would like to work as an assistant for some higher class engineers to get some experience and learn what they do in their designing techniques and start to ask questions in order to gain more knowledge of what they are doing and what I need to do myself in order to

Qualities to Succeed Determination Creativity Thinking

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