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Warm greetings! My name is Cyarnah Jerah J. Alejan, a freshman student of Business and Enterprise Management, group M12.

It is my pleasure to present my topic about My First Visit to Camiguin Island, a heaven-like province in the Philippines. March 2008, we my sister, cousins and aunt, went to visit Camiguin Island, Philippines for the first time. Camiguin Island is known for its picturesque beauty and an all-in-one vacation destination. It's so complete that you can go to a White Sand Beach, or dive in a cold Spring, or dip into a hot spring, or have a taste of a kind of water that tastes like Soda and more! No wonder, it is one of the favorite tourist spots in the Philippines and in the world. We started out very early in the morning and arrived there around noontime. It was time for lunch and we headed to a seafood restaurant. It was like a big feast of mouth- watering seafood. From the restaurant, we sailed out to the White Island. There, we enjoyed the white sand beach that is so white like crystals! We went swimming and had fun playing games along the beach. About dusk, we sailed back to the main island and we checked in to our reserved accommodation. Though I was tired, I went to bed happily. The next morning, we visited some spots around the island. The island is quite small that you can literally tour it for just one day. First stop, we viewed the Sunken Cemetery. We viewed the volcano on the horizon. Second stop, we visited Sto. Nino Cold Spring. Then we proceeded to Soda Swimming Pool as our third stop. They say that the water of the pool tastes like soda. Hmmm we didnt bother to taste. We also stopped for a while at Ardent Hot Spring. However, we didnt forget to stop by at the Guiob Church Ruins on our way. For lunch, we went to Fishpen Lagoon. It is a floating cottage restaurant. The food there was so yummy. After lunch, it was our time to go home. We headed to the pier and crossed the sea with a barge. On the bus going home, I dozed off with the wonderful memories with me. I could never forget that visit. I hope to go back there again. And, of course, we took tons of pictures along with the memories. This is the end of my presentation. Special thanks for lending me your ears. My apologies for any mistakes I made.

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