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FORUM: General Assembly QUESTION OF: Reducing and Eliminating Child Labor SUBMITTER: Italy The General Assembly

Bearing in mind that Child Labor is a major Human Rights abuse, Acknowledging that every year, 22,000 children die from accidents related to their work, Taking into account that poverty and the absence of good education are the reasons why families send their children to work, 1. Encourages all Member States to: a. Limit the maximum hours a child can work according to age, b. Ensure that the condition of the children does not fall under the Worst Forms of Child Labor (WFCL), c. Take immediate action against employers, if working conditions or materials effect the childs physical and psychological conditions; 2. Requests to make a fund sponsored by More Economical Developed Countries (MEDCs) and supported by the International Labor Organisation (ILO) to: a. Financially help families that as a consequence of poverty are forced to send their children to work, b. Build new schools in Less Economical Developed Countries (LEDCs) that are free from fees and allow children to take part in class additionally or instead of working; c. Give Scholarships to children with extraordinary talents or effort in order to give them the opportunity to attend an University; 3. Suggests the police of all Member States to work together to control child labouring, especially concentrated on illegal trafficking and smuggling of children in and out of their borders; 4. Strongly urges all Member States that have not yet done so to ratify the ILO Conventions on Child Labor, specifically the Minimum Age Convention which states that it is prohibited to employ any child under the age of 16; 5. Recommends that all Member States draw public awareness to the seriousness of Child Labor and the consequences it can have on a childs health; 6. Expresses its hopes that all countries will act co-operatively in order to put an end to illegal Child Labor.

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