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How to call Ajax without appending parameter to the url: calling Ajax appending parameter to the url:

function displayCorrectionMessage() { var correctionval=document.lcoutstandfrm.hidcorrection.value; //alert("hsdhhds"+correctionval); var seqnoval=document.lcoutstandfrm.hidseqno.value; url = '<%=request.getContextPath() %>/app/tradefinance/ hidcorrectionval='+correctionval+'&hidseqnoval='+seqnoval+'&<%=pageToken%>=< %=pageTokenValue%>&<%=sessionToken%>=<%=sessionTokenValue%>'; //alert(url); xmlRequest(url, null, dispCorrectionMsg); }

In the above screenshot, you can see that the request parameters are appended to the end of the url .With this type of invocation, there is a potential security threat called Cross Site Request Forgery. To ensure that the request parameters do not get appended to the end of the URL, the way we invoke ajax calls needs to be changed as shown below:

calling Ajax appending parameter to the url: function displayCorrectionMessage() { var correctionval=document.lcoutstandfrm.hidcorrection.value; var seqnoval=document.lcoutstandfrm.hidseqno.value; var params=new Array(); var p=new Array(); var v=new Array(); p[0]="hidcorrectionval"; v[0]=correctionval; p[1]="hidseqnoval"; v[1]=seqnoval; p[2]="pageToken"; v[2]='<%=pageTokenValue%>'; p[3]="sessionToken"; v[3]='<%=sessionTokenValue%>'; for(var i=0;i<4;i++){ var paramObject = new Object(); paramObject[p[i]]= v[i]; var str = $.param(paramObject); params.push(str); } var data = params.join('&'); url= '%=request.getContextPath(%>/app/tradefinance/tradefinance.tfreportbilldue.oncor'; } xmlRequest(url, data, dispCorrectionMsg);

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