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Tuke some tIme out und veud

tLese beuutIIu! wovds .

Iutev, veI!ect on wLut you Luve
Just veud.
Suve!y you wI!! undevstund u !ot
oI tLIngs.
nffor somo monfhs nf fho
fho ongg coIIogo , fho
rofossor gnvo us n CK fosf.
IoIng n good sfudonf, I
quIckIy nnsworod nII fho
quosfIons. nII, buf fho Insf:
Whnf Is fho nnmo of fho
swooor of our InsfIfufo
IIrsf !osson
I hnndod ovor my fosf nor,
IonvIng fho Insf quosfIon
unnnsworod. Jusf boforo fho
Iosson ondod, nnofhor sfudonf
InquIrod If fho Insf quosfIon wouId
bo mnrkod.
CorfnInIy!", fho rofossor roIIod.
You wIII moof mnny ooIo In
your IIfo. AII of fhom wIII hnvo
somo dogroo of Imorfnnco.
IIrsf !osson
%hoy wIII dosorvo your
nffonfIon, ovon If If Is n
sImIo smIIo or n sImIo
I novor forgof fhIs Iosson.
nnd wonf on fo Ionrn fhnf fho
nnmo of our swooor wns
IIrsf !osson
$ocond !osson
On fho momonfous JuIy
26,2005 rnIny dny In
MumbnI ,n frnII mnn wns
sfnndIng on fho rondsIdo, In
knoo doo wnfor
HIs cnr hnd brokon down nnd
ho dosornfoIy noodod hoI.
Wof fo hIs coro, ho sIgnnIIod
fo fho nssors by.
$ocond !osson
A young mnn, sfood fo
hoI hIm ouf.
Ho ushod hIs c nr fo hor
fo n snfo Inco, cnIIod n
mochnnIc nnd hnIIod n n nufo
for hIm. %ho frnII oId mnn
soomod fo much In n hurry,
buf dId nof forgof fo fhnnk
hIm nnd fnko down hIs
nddross on n Ioco of nor.
$ocond !osson
$ovon dnys hnd nIrondy
nssod whon somoono
knockod nf fho door of fhnf
young mnn.
%o hIs onormous surrIso, If
wns n courIor wIfh n hugo
nckof fo doIIvor n n I-Mnc
comufor & IhIIIs MusIc
$ysfom wIfh n nofo: Mnny
fhnnks for hoIIng mo on fho
rond fhnf nIghf.
$ocond !osson
%ho rnIn hnd comIofoIy
dronchod mo nnd my souI
whon you nonrod.
%hnnks fo you ,I wns nbIo fo
ronch my dyIng wIfo jusf In
Cod bIoss you for hnvIng
hoIod mo.
r. IK $InghnnIn"
%hIrd !osson
$omofImo ngo, whon fho Ico-
cronms woro nof so
oxonsIvo, n fon-yonr oId boy
wonf fo IruIn`s Ico-cronm
sho. WhIIo sIffIng nf fho
fnbIo, ho nskod fho wnIfor,
How much doos n $undno
cosf !s.40,ho roIIod.
%ho boy fook ouf hIs monoy
from fho ockof nnd bognn
counfIng If.
%hIrd !osson
WoII, how much doos n
sImIo Ico-cronm cosf".
%horo woro ofhor ooIo
wnIfIng fo bo sorvod, so fho
wnIfor bognn fo gof n IIffIo
!s. 30!" ho roIIod nbrufIy.
%ho boy counfod hIs monoy
ngnIn nnd snId: IIonso gof
mo n sImIo Ico-cronm!"
%hIrd !osson
%ho wnIfor sorvod hIm fho Ico-
cronm nnd hIs bIII. %ho boy nfo hIs
Ico-cronm, nId hIs bIII nf fho cnsh
counfor nnd Ioff.
Whon fho wnIfor wonf fo cIonn fho
fnbIo ho bognn fo cry. for fhoro, In
fho cornor of fho Info,
woro !s l0 . hIs fI.
%ho boy fook n sImIo Ico-cronm
Insfond of n $undno so ho couId Ionvo
n fI for hIm.
If you hnvo novor oxorIoncod
fho dnngor of wnr or fho
soIIfudo of ImrIsonmonf, fho
ngony of forfuro nnd hungor,
you nro much nhond of fho
500 mIIIIon ooIo who IIvo In
fhIs worId.
If you hnvo food In your
rofrIgornfor, cIofhos fo wonr, n
roof on your hond nnd n Inco
fo sIoo, you nro rIchor fhnn
fho ?5 of fho ooIo who IIvo
on fhIs Inrfh.
If you cnn go fo your Inco of
worshI wIfhouf boIng
fhronfonod, nrrosfod, forfurod
or kIIIod, you nro IuckIor fhnn
fho 3000,000,000 orsons of
fhIs worId.
If you hnvo monoy In your
bnnk nccounf nnd your wnIIof
nnd somo Iooso chnngo In
somo IIffIo box, you nro ono of
fho worId`s 8 woII-fo-do
If you nro nbIo fo rond fhIs
mossngo, you hnvo jusf
rocoIvod n doubIo bIossIng.
ono, somoono Is fhInkIng
nbouf you.
fwo, you nro nof ono of fhoso
2000,000,000 ooIo who nro
Somebody suId ut some tIme:
Wovk ns If you hnvo no nood
of fho monoy.
Iove ns If nobody ovor mndo
you suffor.
unce ns If nobody Is
wnfchIng you.
SIng ns If nobody Is honrIng
IIve ns If fho InrndIso woro
on fhIs Inrfh.
IrIghfon u somoono`s dny!
If you don`f forwnrd If... nofhIng wIII hnon, or boffor,
nofhIng drnsfIc wIII hnon... fhIs Is jusf ono of fhoso
oorfunIfIos fhnf Ioso fhomsoIvos In our dnIIy roufIno.
%ho onIy fhIng fhnf WI!! hnon Is fhnf If wIII brIng n
smIIo on fho fnco of nII who rocoIvo If... If u jusf forwnrd
If you IIko fhIs omnII sond If fo nII you consIdor your
ow, you cnn do fwo fhIngs:
l) frnsh fhIs o-mnII
2 ) $ond If fo nII fho ooIo whom
you consIdor Imorfnnf.
IncIudIng fho ono who sonf If fo
choIco nII urs!
Hnvo n Ico ny!

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