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False Dilemma, also called Bifurcation Fallacy, is committed when a false dilemma is presented.

For example, when someone is asked to choose between two options when there are more options available. It is a fallacy with the following pattern of reasoning: Either A or B is true (when both could be false). B is false. Therefore, A is true. This type of reasoning is fallacious because if both premises could be false, then it cannot be inferred that one is true because the other is false. For example, Bill: Jill and I both support having prayer in public schools. Jill: Hey, I never said that! Bill: Youre not an atheist are you Jill? For a clearer explanation, here is another example: Either 1+1= 4 or 1+1=12 It is not the case that 1+1=4. Therefore 1+1=12.

There are also cases that there are only two options. This makes the argument not fallacious.

My reaction to this fallacious argument is that, it gives a clear explanation of the dayto-day conversations of people. When people converse with each other, there are instances that they give options, wherein there are other options left but they limit themselves in just only two choices, which in turn are both false and impossible.

Non Sequitur is a fallacy that does not follow the premises. It uses statements that do not follow logically from or are not clearly related to anything previously said. For example, two friends are arguing about a certain thing then one of them suddenly says something about a topic not related with the one they are arguing about. Just like this conversation I had with my dad one morning,

Me: Dad, Im going to my friends house this evening.

Dad: How many pair of animals did Moses take on the ark?

See, my dad there gave a non sequitur to what I was telling him. Leading the conversation into a not-in-this-world thing.

I agree on the explanation of this fallacy. Anything said that is unrelated to the topic is non sequitur. From the literal meaning itself, not related, those who commit this fallacy say unrelated things about the central topic of any conversation. I only wonder, what if you are talking to someone, then something suddenly pops into his mind and he starts telling you about it? Is it still non sequitur or not?

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