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Background My name is David Lee and I am currently a student at an International school in Seoul.

It is my goal one day to become a research professor in the field of biomedicine/molecular biology where I could dedicate my experience and creativity to both research and teaching. This career plan is going to help me get there by drawing me a mental picture of what to do from now on. College years I would like to attend a medical or a biology program in an East Coast university that has a sizable research department. Hopefully, this university would be an Ivy League school or a school of similar distinction, as I would like to be exposed to very experienced and skilled individuals in my field. My major would probably be molecular biology/biomedicine, and I may take up a minor in education. Since I would like to actively research as well as actively teach, I may have to alternate between jobs, hence the rather unrelated major-minor. Out into the playing field (jobs) I would like to intern at universities in general, in their research departments, or be part of high-profile NGO or GO research, such as in the WHO or the NIH programs. Anywhere that they are doing breakthrough work (such as in Wake Forest University, where they are pioneering cell printing mechanisms, etc), I would like to be there as even a dishwashing intern, part of the new discoveries and the experiences. My first job position would be fine as a research assistant. Job Development I hope to continue working within the university-lab atmosphere, because thats probably where Id get most experience. Plus, Id have the chance to attend lectures given by professors, and thatd also give me exposure to my eventual job experience. I would like to continue working up the ranks of the university by going from assistant to assistant professor, etc. The Ideal Life Now that I am a full-fledged professor, I would now be lecturing, researching, and be living it up in the college campus. As I think about retirement, hopefully I have saved up enough in research grants and other funding to lead a comfortable retirement. Maybe I will have written a book! Or have won a Nobel if I suddenly became really smart. If all else fails, I would invest in stocks and gain a side-income that way. And in the end, I would hopefully feel that I have lived a life worth living.

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