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Celestial Courts

Refrain: Celestial Courts admire your grace and candid love As you climb ever higher the temple steps to God Show us, show us Oh Mary the everlasting joy Of living with you daily at the feet, at the feet of the lord.

Queen of the Presentation

Queen of the presentation, Virgin Mary, Mother of God Crowed Queen of earth and Heaven In you we place our trust in him Renew our love dear Mother And our life of prayer

This child coming up to that temple Is Mary whose age is but three To offer her youth pure and simple Accepted by God, Trinity To offer her youth pure and simple Accepted by God, Trinity (Ref)

Deepen our faith and hope Make our life a total of giving of love.

Queen of the presentation Virgin Mary, Mother of God Model of contemplation With you we come to Him in prayer

The pious crowd watching Mary The high priest received for her God Her youthful voice rising up clearly As solemnly she vows to God. Her youthful voice rising up clearly As solemnly she vows to God. (Ref)

Make of us dear Mother, True women of prayer Make our life forever; A constants YES to your dear Son.

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