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Evolution of Computer Systems Basic Applications of Comptuers Types of Software and Hardware Telecommunications and Computer Networks Telecommunications and Computer Networks Telecommunications and Computer Networks Telecommunications and Computer Networks Telecommunications and Computer Networks Telecommunications and Computer Networks

Evolution of Computer Systems, Input, output and storage technologies Computers in our life and technology behind it Embedded computer systems,

contemporary hardware and software platforms(Open Source, Web Software L etc.), Storage of Data Resources Definition of network , types of networks Comparison of various types of networks and advantages and disadvantages vis a vis each other Applications of networks , internet . Cloud Computing ,application and implementation GSM & CDMA , GPRS and other related technologies Voice over IP , ATM , 3G , 4G and other related technologies ecommerce - introduction and applications ecommerce - technology and implementation Practical implementation via demonstration on computer egovernance - applications , impact and implementation

10 Electronic Commerce Systems, & Egovernance 11 Electronic Commerce Systems, & Egovernance 12 Electronic Commerce Systems, & Egovernance 13 Electronic Commerce Systems, & Egovernance

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