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Valor: 8,0 C. E. Professor Renato Azevedo. Instrumento de avaliao: Recuperao de Ingls Cabo Frio, _________ de ______________________ de 2011.

Professora: Brenda Oliveira dos Santos Disciplina: Ingls Ensino: (X ) Mdio Turno: Aluno(a): 01) Complete o quadro abaixo: INFINITIVO break left read see wrote be did seen escrever partir, deixar PASSADO PARTICPIO PASSADO TRADUO Nota:

Referente ao Bimestre: 3 Turma: 3001 N:

02) Marque as frases que contm verbos no Presente Perfect: ( ( ( ( ) Kate studied at that scool in 2009. ) Paul has studied here since 2009. ) My father has sold his old car. ) My father sold his old car last week. ( ( ( ( ) Have you been to So Paulo? ) My parents went to So Paulo two years ago. ) Sue hasnt told me the news. ) When I got home, she has alread left.

03) Complete as lacunas com os artigos a, an ou the: a) Amanda Brown is _______ dentist. Her sister is _______ architect. b) I saw _____ good film last night. ______ film was about monsters. c) There is ______ dog in the kitchen. ______ dog is very hungry. d) He only cares about money. I wonder how he spends _____ money his father gives him every week. e) Wheres _______ book I lent you last month? f) I would you like to eat ______ apple or ______ pear. 04) Leia o texto: Hello! My name is Linda Minogue. I am Australian. I have got two sisters and five brothers. I live with my parents in Sidney, a beautiful city near the coast. Our family is quite big. I have got three grandparents. On my fathers side I have only got one grandmother. She lives in my house. She is very old. She is eighty-five years old. She has got short wavy white hair. I have got four uncles, seven aunts and twenty-five cousins. I love our birthdays and Christmas. We make great parties for all the family. Today is I am in Portugal on vacation. I am here with my husband and my two daughters. We love Portugal. De acordo com o texto marque se as sentenas so verdadeiras - true (T) ou falsas - false (F). (T) (F)

a) Her name is Tracy. b) She lives in Portugal. c) She has got 35 cousins. d) She is from Australia. e) Today she is in Portugal with her father.

a) b) c) d) e)

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