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newsgroups: braincell.

received: from mailqueue by vayu (mercury 1.21); 29 mar 100 20:56:36 ist+530
from: "d.suresh kumar" <>
organization: r.e.c., tiruchirappalli, india
date: wed, 29 mar 2000 20:56:32 ist+530
subject: fft r-8
priority: normal
x-mailer: pegasus mail v3.40

dear friends,
here is round 8 of fft. this is basically combinatorics or simply
counting. these are based on the talk by mr. pranach... (sorry! i
dont remember his name fully) from iisc given in a lecture conducted
by ieee few days back.
1. there are 5 letters and 5 addressed post covers. in how many
ways does none of the 5 letters go into the correct envelope into
which it had to go? (these are called no. of derangements.)
2. on circle there are 8 points. how many no. of non intersectin
chords can be drawn joining these points?
3. at a cinema hall, there are 10 people standing in the line. of
these, 5 people have just re.5/- note and the other 5 have re.10/-
note. the ticket is re.5/-. when the ticket vendor started selling
the tickets he doesnot have any change. in how many ways these ten
people can be arranged so that the vendor doesnot have any change
so, all the best!!!!!!!!
here is an interesting fact! any even no. greater than 2 can be
expressed as sum of two prime nos. and the proof is not yet known. an
english man announced $10000 for anyone who cud give the proof. wanna
try it! uh!

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