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create or replace function func_toconvert_date_time (v_date date,type varchar2)

return date


--/*--created by : ashish murali
--/*--datelastmodified : 05-mar-2008
--/*--purpose : to change the timestamp into date and time part
separately accordin the request -*/
--/* time will be in 01-jan-1900 hh24:mi:ss and date in
dd-mon-yyyy 00:00:00 format --*/
--/*--version : 1.0
--/*--sample : select func_toconvert_date_time(sysdate,'date') from
dual; ----------------------*/

v_output date; --/*-to display the output

v_error exception; --/*-handling exception


--/*----------if the type requested is "date" then output will be date part of the
timestamp data ------------*/
--/*----------time part default as 00:00:00

if (type='date') then

v_output := to_date(to_char(v_date,'dd-mon-yyyy')) ;

return v_output;

--/*----------if the type requested is "time" then output will be time part of the
timestamp data -----------*/
--/*----------date default as "01-jan-1900"

elsif (type = 'time') then

v_output := to_date('01-jan-1900 '|| to_char(v_date,'hh24:mi:ss')) ;

return v_output;


raise v_error;

end if;


when v_error then

raise_application_error(-20001,'please change your type - '||sqlcode||' -error-



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