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My reasoning for signing up for English 2116 is rather basic. This class is a requirement for my major course of study. It was not an easy task however. I had to wait for open enrollment because all of my program slots were taken. This wait gave me much time to read and reread the catalogue description, weigh other options for fulfilling my credit hours if unable to have this course at this time, and to realize those other options would not work out as well for me this semester. What I found out about 2116 was very interesting. It seems as though it will be unlike most of the English courses I have previously had to take. Since English is not my favorite subject when it comes to structured education I was not excited originally as I may have been for another subject. As I have had several dates to attend class and gain a better understanding for how 2116 will work, I realize it is going to be a positive which is what separates it from my past English classes. In this course many of the writing prompts will be something I am genuinely interested in. Acquainting myself with my classmates has been right up my alley. I tend to be quite inquisitive of others around me. This activity has given me grounds to ask my colleagues of their lives and personal processes. My group mates: Josh and Taral are very down-to-earth and motivated. We learned that we all play sports which use bats. Softball for me, cricket for Taral, and baseball for Josh. In our group interaction we shared the floor well, tossed around great ideas, and got things done. Before my group formed I had to come up with a few questions to ask my classmates. This was in order to collect raw data to transform into some visual data representation. I originally chose a bar chart depicting the number of colleges my peers had attended before attending UNCC. That went well. I did have to refine my question to a yes-or-no form before it could be combined with my groups report. It was not a difficult task. My bar chart was modified to a 100% bar chart. Both are captured herein.

The Getting Acquainted project has informally concluded and we present this weeks Thursday.

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