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Lifecycle of an attack

-Apoorva Srinivasan

Lifecycle of an attack
Probing Penetrate Persists Propagate Paralyze

Attacker first explores the target, and looks for the vulnerability in the system. The common methods for doing this are -

Scanning ports/IP and checking for open ports . Tools

used are nmap

Guess users and passwords Guessing some common

users that are created for some special purposes. host

Run traceroute print the route packets take to network Exploiting the bugs/loopholes of the target s/w



An attempt to get into the target system by exploiting the vulnerabilities found. The methods used are

Buffer overflows: to overflow the system stack/heap to

either crash the account (DoS) or to get control of the execution

Email attachments: Sending an executable via attachment. Back Door and Trojans: Backdoors are unauthorized or
a secret entry that surpasses all kind of security

Java applets & Active X controls: Accessing full Brute Force attacks: Trying all combinations of
passwords to login.

windows system information via Active X control. Can be developed in any language.

Makes changes into the target system to Weaken the existing security settings or by install new services by -

Creating or modifying files weaken Registry strings install new services Register Trap doors

The virus can then be transferred to another communicating machines in many ways

Email : eg automatically forward the virus to all the

contacts in the address book.

Internet connections FTP infected file shares

Since now the attacker has access to the target system, the final stage depends upon the attacker and what damages he wants to do. Some things may include

Reading or corrupting confidential data Formatting the disk Crashing the system Remove all the security

4187107-life-cycle-of-an-attack 2010/04/crim.gif 6.0.1 Using Management Center for Cisco Security Agents


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