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Individual Behavior in Organizations

Human behavior is a system by which human being senses external events and influences, interprets them, responds to them in an appropriate manner and learns from the result of these responses.

Environmental Effect on Behaviour

1. Physical:It includes noise level, heat, ventilation, cleanliness, nature of job office furnishing, no. of people working at a given place, etc. 2. Social:It includes interaction among people, rules & norms created by people to regulate

Causes of Human Behaviour

1. Inherited characteristics o Physical Characteristics o Intelligence o Gender o Age o Religion

2.Learned characteristics o Perception o Attitude o Personality o Values

Perception:- It is the process by which information enters our minds and is interpreted in order to give some sensible meaning to the world around us. It is the result of a complex interaction of various senses such as feeling, seeing, hearing, etc. Attitude:- It is a perception within a frame of reference. It is a way of organizing a perception. It is a tendency to act in a certain way, either favorably or unfavorably concerning objects, peoples or events.

Attitude has three elements Feelings Thoughts Behavior Attitude of an individual can be Positive or Negative. Attitude can be changed or modified.

Personality:- It is a set of traits and characteristics, habit patterns and conditioned responses to certain stimuli that formulate the impression an individual makes upon others.

Values: They are emotionally charged priorities and identify a persons moral structure. Values indicate behavior pattern Highly stable Determines the form of social organization Determine what is right, what is wrong Influences decision making process

Behavior as an input- output system

Model : S<->O<->B Where, S:- stimuli generated by the external environment as input O:- human organism that is activated by physiological as well as psychological processes B:- behavior as output Before behavior is exhibited, there is mutual interaction between the stimulus and the organism

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