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Tarra Aulia Shafanna

SMPN 73 Jakarta Grade 7-A

Means of Information and Communication Technology

Ancient Communication Media

Kentongan Has been used for a longtime, started from kindom of demak, surakarta, yogyakarta and etc.


1. To give information (code/sign) for flood, robberry, party, celebration 2. Sign that praying time has come


Famous for Indian tribe in America Function to send secret information to a friend or foe. Sample : one cloud of smoke means warning. Two cloud of smoke mean danger three trouble/request for help. Epigraphy and Palmyra palm

For correspondence started in period of Kutai, Taruma negara, Majapahit, Sriwijaya, and Mataram kingdom.

Modern Communication Media

A Telephone and Cell phone.

Inveted by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 from fix line to a cellular phone since April 3rd 1973. Not only for communicating,cell phone also has many functions sending text messages, pocket camera, video recorder, portable radio and even your pocket PC.


A simple printed publication Media contains the latest news about various topics (sport, politic, economy, etc) Nowadays, newspaper is avaible in online version.

A communication media trough electronic equipment where you can see vivid picture and hear the sound. It gives you various information from all over the world, inveted in 1883 by Paul Nipkow from black and white TV to colourful TV and even INTERNET TV now.

Telegraph Is a long distance message sender and receiver founded by Samuel F.B Morse and Alexander Brain. Telegraph uses morse code (standard of tone voice, or light transmitting data by differentiating dash and dot tap from sentence word, letter, number, and punctuantion mark message. A message sent/received is called telegram.

Communication Radio
We sometimes called it as walky talky or handy talky. Its a two way radio can be used to communicate in two ways. Two or more people can communicate. Radio Radio is a product of technology that is used for signal transmission in modulation and electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetig waves).

Pager Pager is a persoal telecommunication tool to send and receive short messages.

Satellite Phone
The size of satellite phone is not as big as GSM phone. This phone has inter-receiver iintercom function (just like Walky-Talky) equipped an automatic scanner to scan waves and other impressive features.

Internet Internet is one of most advanced products of communication and information technology at this moment.The development of internet started when computer networking technolgy was created in around 1960. Initially, computer network was employed by US Force to develop neclear weapons. After that, in 1970, the internet was used a lot by Universities in USA and has been developing rapidly until today.

The History of Information and Communication Technology

The History of Calculation Tools

1. The History of Calculation Tools.
At first, our ancetors didnt know any numerical symbols. Even so, they had known how to count. For example, they counted cattle that they herded. Every morning when they released the cattle, they carved lines on a tree. In the afternoon, they matched the sum of their animals with the sum of their animals with the sum of lines on the tree before harding the cattle to the barn.

Other tools that were used to count were fingers, pebbles, and knots on rope. In South America, people of Inca Indian used ropes knots as numerical symbols symbolized by certain knots arrangement. All the knots arrangements are called kuipu.

By the time went by, calculation tool developed with the invention of numerical symbols. At around 1800 years ago, a simple means of calculation named abacus was found. The oldest abacus was found in Mesoptamia in Salamis Island and Pharaohs Hieroglyph in Egypt. Abacus was beginning of the birth of computer.

After Abacus was found, means of calculation had been trough such a rapid development. In 1917, John Napier found a way to calculate by using a square with 9*9 columns, each column contains number 1 to 9. This tool was called Napiers Bone. With this tool, we can do logarithmic calculation . In 1621, slide rule was found, which was an advance in mechanic calculation tool.

Now, we can calculate digitally and fast using a calculator. Calculator makes complicated calculation simpler and faster. Multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, or otheer functions such us time, cosine, and tangent can be easily processed with this tool. The development of Calculation tools enables us to develop a sophisticated and complicated technology of calculation tools. The development of calculation tools was the pioneer of the birth of computer.

The History of Computer Development.

The beginning of computer invention was started by a mathematician professor from England, Charles Babbage. Babbage made a difference engine that was used to calculate differential equation. By using steam energy, the engine can save program and calculate and print the result automatically.After working for ten years, Babbage made the first general purpose computer, Analytical Engine. Analytical Engine was the first computation tool that used punched cards to store data.

In 1890, Herman Hollerith from US Census Bureu was able to create punch card as data medium. The inventio of punch card as a data medium was a brilliant invention in the history of computer.

In 1944, Howard Aiken from Harvard University together with International Business Machine (IBM) succeeded in creating a machine that was able to perform a series of arithmetic operation automatically. This machine was called Mark I.

Along with the development of science and technology, computer also went trough some progress. The size of computer was getting smaller by time and its getting more and more efficient in use. The development of computer can be divided as follows.

a. First Generation
The first generation computer was developed during War World II. The charateristic of the computer in this generation was that operating system was made specifically for certain task. Everycomputer had different binary code that was called machine language.This made computer at that time hard to be programmed and was limited in speed. Computer of this generation needed a lot of electrical power. Examples the first generations are Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, IBM 702, and IBM 709.


Second Generations

The second generation computers didnt have vacuum tube anymore, which was replaced by transistor. There was also an anti-magnetic memory development that helped computers development to become smaller, faster, reliable, and more efficient in energy using, compared to the predecessors. The second generation computers replaced machine languague with assembly languague. Assembly Languague that uses abbrevations to use binary code. Example the second generation computers are IBM 7070, IBM 7080, IBM 1400, IBM 1600, and NCR 300.


Third Generation

Transistor components that were used on the second generation computer were replaced with integrated circuit (IC). This is because transistor produced too much heat that could destroy computers internal part. Ic combined 3 electronic components in a small silicon disc that was made from quartz sand. Scientist were also able to put more components in a single chip, which was called semiconductor. As a result, the size of computer was getting smaller. The operating system enabled a machine to run different programs all at one time with one main program that monitored and coordinated the computers memory. Besides, computer of the third generations were also cheaper and more effective in terms electric use. Example of the computers are UNIVAC 1109, UNIVAC 9000, and Burroughs 5700.

d. Fourth Generation
In this generation, the aim of computer development was to mae circuit and electric components smaller. Computers had been using Large Scale Integration (LSI). LSI could store hundreds of component inside a chip. This storage ability caused the fall of computers preice. This also increased the computers capacity, efficiency, and dependability. In this period, there was a development in microcomputers that used microprocessor and chipshaped semiconductor as computers memory. IBM also introduced Perconal Computer (PC) for home, office, and school use. Computers also continued their evolution to the smaller size, from desktop computers to portable computers that fit a bag (laptop), or even computers that fit our palm (palmtop).

Besides IBM, Apple-Macintosh Company made popular General User Interface (GUI) system on its computers. Macintosh also introduced the use house device. Those incuded in the computers of the fourth generations computersare IBM 370, Apple II, IBM PC/XT, IBM PS/2, IBM PC/386, IBM PC/486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, AMD k6, and Athlon.

e. The Fifth Generation

Computer of the fifth generation are still under development. The component used is VLSI (Very Large Scale Intefration). Computers of this generation will be developed into computers that are able to interpret human languague, communicate with human, and diagnose illness more accurately. Besides, they are also predicted to be able to think and feel just like human.

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