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The following was posted on the Facebook page wall of Pastor Robert Jeffress First Baptist Church of Dallas

about 12:30 a.m. on Oct. 8, 2011. It was removed within two minutes.

I believe that Christ died for my sins and his atonement and grace allows me to return to live with my father in heaven. I believe that only through Christ Jesus can I be saved. I have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ in South Korea where I saw the miracles of Christ heal and lift the people of that great land. I have taken upon me his name and call myself a Christian and He expects to follow his example in word in deed in my life. I have been a minister to a local congregation and have witnessed and noted Christian service and caring. By the way, some call me a Mormon, but those who know me and my faith call it by its proper name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will let God judge whether I am a Christian, Joel J. Campbell Lindon Utah

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