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Hi, We have to submit the discussion report of strategic management on next friday i.e. sep 9,2011.

I have divided the parts. please prepare ur reports according to the following format: Font: times new roman Main heading size:18,bold Sub heading size:14,bold Text:size 12 formatted text i.e. justified The parts are divided as follows: 1.INTODUCTION,WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITION?WHY DO COMPANIES GO FOR INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITION? ORGANIC/INORGANIC GROWTH.:AAkanksha 2. METHODS OF FINANCING INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITON,FACTORS AFFECTING INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITIOn, POST ACQUISITION INTEGRATION:vipul study1:tata corus :namitha study 2:prity 5. RECENT INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITIONS ,CHALLENGES FACED,SOLUTIONS FOR CHALLENGES, CONCLUSION :RUTU

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