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Some Frequently used BTEQ commands

To run a very long SQL query put it in a file and run the file from the BTEQ command prompt as follows .run file=filename path (i.e. c:\mypath\mysubpath\myfirstBTEQ.txt; To set/change default database for the session; Database <database name>; To display all the default BTEQ settings show control; To show object (table, view etc) definition or create object statement show <table/view/index/procedure/trigger> ;

To terminate the connection as well as BTEQ session .quit/.exit; To terminate the connection only and NOT the BTEQ session .logoff To see columns in a table or view help [table/view] <database.table/view name>; To list all the objects present in a particular database, help database <database name> To display column headings vertically .set sidetitles on Remember that all BTEQ commands (NOT SQL commands you run in BTEQ) must be preceded by a dot . character and also BTEQ commands may or may not end with a semicolon ;. If you want to execute BTEQ commands inside of a DBC/SQL query/macro, this can be done by using the ECHO statement, for example: echo .help bteq;

The help bteq command displays a complete list of BTEQ commands with syntax.

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