You are on page 1of 7


O,peT.~ttornds~t!.:J!5, : J.\JRlRlES.. I .'PD .-'..M~IO '.,S, [ISS E-Jtij' R>~O!rt'cd on : No,Y--21\·-2~0l9 {Flrl)'2ikllUI Oct:wl1" 'OOtw~~n : NClli'·:Zl..lID9 (,Fri.) :i!!u:zrn, t!n~ N'ON'"\2'7~2tJ09' (F,ri.,~2102:0 A'iUiO~~ on : No,,,,";2;9,,;ZOimi~f ~.) = 1.9'~85 ,.~~' ,- %-, R_1.\!CliEL A a. ib(· kpor~: s!.[brnl'lt-od Diy: ,]01.11'11,-,T.I!_~· .ERSE-·' ~AJ..lFRED Otg unit· ~'Iit T.R.O ': .DmSr-2' , -1JlM:!6, Ac~p!illni~ by: : ]03)609 SiltCI G:lE:U_ RG; 'R,1rAN

u~llici!l, :!-----=


.FAmi~.y \I'1i;liliknce : NO'

[)~;Llic~.:;:! D~R'~: is -Gfiid : 6H ~ ~~lonytl\l~i~:~nl~~ll,Qr : :M D~'[lS r-: _'0' '~R(~O D, '- .... : ), S,.~ii(IJl s~ud.y: N.O!],.AFfiLIC-IBLE,

~tlirnicl,p~I~Iy: .RORACOUfil)':: .AIRt\,_"tUJO,g A

........... ___, -- ..........

-OD"en~~ (C@m:g:deIOOlAtI~Lfii~JtQiII) O.II~I~:S~: tn s:n 1 - '0' PUOL fC IP'EACE ..WUBORm;!">,_,~;~,, J:..lK'atuou, ; EU,GlolWA \1" - ~~}OiU}/ALLRy , O,(('endl;r suspcM'ed, ofll~dmJ;g :~OT i\,'1?~~r

.R~'n:t~~ 'f~rnoot~)

If ll~l" SmJ~d~t~ IllJJformD~liDiil)

StfM:.M:Q:N$ "fH:: E\vmN'G,. ffO~

W ~-, ,_'-~_

A URQRA. fOLICiE II)EP.AI~T]-:E T ." ,~Ir."'":tir'~ D'y". Ul&l".II!:.I"I...!\ u; 'OE'E'ENS> IE': ll]1 "'ID'ifji;~'O-, ,_,;'.",-,',_, g. ~~~'L'.Ii.'".
G'O-,," .~, .. ·~~Q.~OiDi. (;i; n,'i'lIo'ri!:',f:o".,· .', '," "10' 'on, d1Oll\O'i:'~' ~~~-~J.Il,

i .f:'Ii.J~:-··V



(Cns(:' $pt'4ilir~ hi_f~it.inIDartio[ID)

S(;X : :lFEMAL,'1!;

Rl1ic.e~ .IfIiLACK .:

]j:ttimi,c~!Y..:·N'?N\..nlS~'A Dale i)f~~rth _ .A.&lr.ess :' Hei~~~: 5."~ . We'JJglu.: .~7.5 ~Ib~ Hair ,c{j;~~r~.6JL#!'.C'K
~).!'e. CiDIQT :


C i\u.rtnRA. 800 I.~~,



,., '. "

Mrugii(l:1rNum~ tildex .~ferrencc Ra,ce : :otACK

SeN : 'F]~ir"~IAJ_Jl::

8Ui\!li'!I!lONS H.2;;: ,1E"L"'G-NEtTLE-S,


• ' '_'


[Jal:e ,~f"lbirU~L..........,.,--____J ~ Alillise~ :'E'W _NG, CR,YSTAt. :L : NETIL[-S~, R¥SJ An:. r, e




On 11 ~2. '1 ~ IJ 5.1 a ~'ppIoM:imat: e l:y 2 o.~01 hour-s~. I (Of f icer snl'J! lIi. t.WO· ieer pf:!li;:: :t:'(),J! 'iri'i It.Ih Of fi'ee r Iij SMI3ElRliJ 'iMe were d:t i V'l f.l9 ~e:. Olll ::;Qible Blvd a'l;. !!!lalSt :Il3,tn Ave - '~e' @~e'rV(l:d Q. II'tI.a.raOilil, Mit,;!iI'U.ibJ,shi S toll the Q:~ive;~s :~,:Ld' nlight out. d~'::':ving' SQue-h. We turned. ~rQI,I:J.cndJ l!.nJ,'fo'wCl t,ne vehic:le.' ,sou't: t.i. wi th t:.l:'Ii(3, i TiI.t.ent to. E!i'te:p t.he v(:;hicla and! c~iI:: i1;I! - ._ 1:11 (br.i 'if-ii!-r. 'The v.e!·hi eto: d Ii Colo;r'adJ:! t.empO;ra ty iPermi t nulllU;:

hoI' ~ 3rOl~,'')':2 ,- ST-!BiRD :S<iEu·,r. :~e]·i;!1l;ed dia ee I t,.iifil~: 'ov- :2!'\P -.2(1 (i1'$1





'tI,,'e""e~e in a t.~lly.· r&i:.e.d. ~t ;c'o.l e :t:' w,~t.b if'.!, AU~Qira pii'-l i~~ Del? it, is·i!ll'l,l,e..:'i 'YrJd.forms.
We 1a-ot:1vtlt,ed our




ovej['!he~.d ligbts at:. E.!l:G~ 1.211;: A:'II.-and Nc_,th sable :elv·[L The vehic :t,e G'O:IiiIt in-Uledi eo.utn and, IMde. let t han~' __ _". on jgB Bit; 11 t: i'Ii A:vi::! "Mile _ vcbi>cl!l!i cOIiiIE irnJ.ed! dClw.riJ, lltb and pul iledl iq.~ t:..- dr i''lTe~y o.f Ea.s It 11.;,.h Ave if.!. t:'h~ Cit;y o:E ,1!;Ii,:!,:f,"Q:t:: • ,1IL~a.patb.olBCoun'fy " lQJr-aQJQ. Tbl! clir-:&. '!tE!!r wss :n. oat,e r po 't.ivli!ly :ideo:t· f 'eci ~ ttl. a aolot:' " -ivE'rBl lice S,' a:a:. Crystal EW::U.lIIJ-:m;:TTLES: 00.8 EW.IW-m-'I,. ··,ex-;ij,-t.ed· hie 'lI ~,iQ11I;II ~i!;i, I;!:oon >;I,S ~ho Itl'l:o.pPt1:1ti1 .and! ;ei,t.a;a;1I; ed wa:U,o;J,-nQ b~ ok 'err. - "1: o!!!l.r pa'l;; rea. ICi!!Ir. I '!lie ry. pol i t.e 1.y asked "a.1:" to p eelae s it b cit in 1f:I' r '. ."-cl e . She· irepoxlidad by s ill'S , - I 1 Vi!; .!iiere ~hy yO!.!. lSto,w::i.n-9 me n ill 1_'a8lkleij :her' agltin, to P,lllaJBE! sit. bac_ i i~: he.I." ·'Ii.\e_ ie .. i!:!, ,She :resp'~@d by I! N7Q '~_Qt:: Yin!:. n you ~ell me why. y'~u. :Ei iEClpp edi 'me~IQ I tol ell hor in a ~irme:t" - JLQyd,.cr voioe t: 00 is·it, in ihe':t,' v'ehJl,c 10, afne ~,e,!3pOl'n;;1led by sa-yi:tl:Q1. !If No I de " _" 0 anyehing-. .... 'YQiiJI ar'e a!;'QItping m...: hc~ use 1: ~m blalc:lk; to! F.~ING ..NETTLES "en lWal.ked ek tOW.!llt'cl!s t:he. ca,r ,andl fIi'tal" -ye:ll!. ing , II cdll. John I, t.o . ·er OC:C;U.P~fit.G (j.£ t,he v,ehicle. Fin.a], ll,l" af'I!:.E!~lj; te, ling iE;WI~-WB.TT!l:.Eg 6- S. :fI t:JO' '9'.cJ'1:, JJ!llck in !the. car and ·bcin..g oi!lilled. a racis't y h ·r. she, (;l_ "f c::i.tti:t':l9 on the edge 0'''' the ,Q(lJilt. but :refu·a.e.d t.o ,cl.o.SQ h,e;r dlOOlL ]t. mfI,. '., ,i!.ter "_:c9:ij,it:.i:veiy id~l;.i ied by' Nlilibr~8k8i d!"ivers lioefi:!l:o ,as.• Johmi EWl!'il\G, '08, 04 1.:B - 61, C\8![!!I1!;!! 0lJ:!; of t.he ,flmn~ doCir of it.bie nOUGe" IliWn: 'J, Jr i!3 t od _prox1me. ee 1y 2.5 f'!B~t a.f~y' .at, til'!,e . '.O'l!tom of tJie N .~'I;;:,a ~d ~!:O .e~l at, from my left:, l;iii,d,e as I W ,t::r:ying' tQ give Pll'if,G-NE-TTItB8, . .-:" lCl;! to g-elt ·Me:· im: hEr. Cil.r em Imy' rign,t:., I hi-iII l.a~tul QN.e~S te '~ b·' w... _, t..iIi·e nQ__e" B =:fI"ilI~G J.r :["I!!! flL1ll!!3tI:~:0! n-dt lEI,tated. IIIIN'O I dQI'il.· iI;; ~ it:b~ve to!, J He. .';;:11 cop.pIe clo.""c·;r .i'I!di cont..'::n'IJed toO yell. I -aa 'I; ~·i~.g to d~" my ~t.te[!.t i,lon be.1l:.- eon 11W1OO :17; ~.ndl !W ING~ ~E'T'FL_l1!S.."'e WBi,9i Q:o-ing' thi fl If.i -.,' ~ETTLIE'$ got kiack O'llt of it:~ oi3.r and was. '8:~af; wi!Eh in 12 inche.Si lof ii'OO. bad nee ;I'lot ieedi she ~d got !ten bii!lcti::, ou'ir. o.,t U!ie car .and ~pprn . hed;. ibeca:u!lIe! 'I,'Ia5 giving EWlI~'"G, Jr Q' de'l's t.o go baC'ik in. t_he ~liouse. T'b is. ,a,,i . " On ~i!;i pQtent i ill'Ji.y "IIery &n,gerous and! !;los e a tht"ear; 't 0 O:ff ic.or [0. SALBER - .,' nO. ~J;I! .Ql! tn€:: :SHill.8'Sen't!le·r s iCihe Qf, tbe 'C(ICI:" afl,d. mysal f. I t Q<Ok !E1Iil r::Nt; -NET"l"L!!i.'lS in:t.Q CII.:!!S eooy ae thar. p f:d.:~.!t 11:'0 cQr;iI:.r-ol at, le'aBt ha,l f 'of the p. obll.&m I waa dealin91 with. I u

8l~,""-. .:


I!ir~ING Jr W.aa or(iered :by lO'ff CI2l." Sl,;jJl'bergJ"

t.o go '~ail:"k,in the' hou.l5H~ at. l,eas t 5 1:: ime B (\eV'e~ tWi~(l eacitl 'c.i:rt'iJ.} he re.fusE!.d_ :t;- :INlJ .)"i:," was told if he (j,oiidn!

GO :llD:OPi..4!80iS8 (AIUI[S'f I A'[~D' ,1 •


sue you,! i1 lLn:e,teilJ:l Qf 'Obey,Lng 'my la'iJfu 1 o~,de!'E':8 he k,eiPi!;: y,e], 1 ing lbaC!ti:, int,o thiB' sel for lIItQcrr.e peopl e to ClClmlDJ eue s ido~aliiti! k~p It, yell i rig ,i;I!'l;, U,~ '" ,At ,one' point t'hJ.e:r-e wer,e oar; ll,eas l:: S. peopl,tii 'On tons porcn lre ill ing ~ ,!!j! ~ii'l'e t,;r i,ed, to. gain c~] Lance , 'i'i.'ehadJ tiC) call flO,r mOre of:fice'n:;: .. ie, tl.e e i'tlLHJft::,,i em. was .5,pll.r.a U. ing Dl!I,t. Oof: CQ:~t~! '" Of,f iCG':i:' C' ROBIimTS p lttIIicJ;..eI'I e , .- .-'::~',j' and sgt, ]) SM.ID()''llAi. a~ri.'v,edl, ,toO :tieJip '!JG, eo-nt::t''01 'tile Sl ituat;; iQ.Tii. 'I"he,'." ~r'Qf f ieers had to. respond! with 1~;g'~:1;,g:, .;I:nd, 'ch'C:L".L!;. to ,Q.f!sht:.. T~iSl :in i~~, ~EiI ,Ii!! ~J:ligie'rli:i!u£!, acit 'EnE,it; !i'O!a ~ p,1:"e!i;!!p'l.'talted ,b.¥' I1i!i!ilI~iJ'·~BT'I'I,·BiE ~ EfAlING J:r I ,EI f~ 'f1. 'U~ to e:be-y
I wi:l!.l

I, IE!

~QU ~ .



Ie -. -

_' ,,'--:-






o:f'f ie'Ell!"

i Bi8,~~ng iEW~ Jr hif! :El,'!.tllnTI!:on.1t1h!2i !::i'&.at;cd In!:;! a:nd th!;l!'I!;, ~ tSmulL,~ $I ~ "Ife hi:m. 'I! :re spec't ii




~e'lt ired,

. _ 'l;l!Je

:i_:!;Q'! <rf tlll,i:s '"


EWIHG,-,NU~TT.lrES e Itat,ea
Ci;Ii'!f;,j' ii'i'ieii

ee o IE 1,(l;Qr SALB8RG!. whdlle f ift:tlinl'il.Rg bes idee ehe pat ::;"01 had !:;laved'her l..fc t,h~ yt::i!i,r :P[t.i.1J:~; .~~.e 'LIlaB ,i~,,,,,o],:\IIe~ in ~ car ;;II,cc:ident: 'on i -32 S . :i!1:~:1iiNG ~~E'T'F,[,E:S :jS,iti!!LteDi ". 1o'lQ~d never d i,s reB!pe,c'i;; the' Efoli ce ., Of,~ ice if: SALiB'ERiG &d,v i,slI:I.d, :SMING!·NEd .'.' ._. hai,1t :helt i'lJct i'0J:11S, '[by [lot O:be-yi:ng' ~, law'rul, orCi;er to get ,in,!l' vi3n i 'r -' . ~t ~:l Q;!;!:e:her ,d;DCllr and cQt!it!;l,tar;ri;:,] ¥ l~k1:rt!g' rac:,ial rell'la.!L'iitQ i,g: tU s.:rQ I:il,P~::. 'iI,JI]., ~ING =~L'!:S: :B'l: aeed :1to W.a'Sl ,!;Ilnd shie waB !5!OciCQ" ecpecially :=dnGJ h.-. ~.-!t:ner is w'hit:.e.. ..

,~1 ING=~L~~ was i 6 suei! MUQ1i;eipa,l :fJ,l'I:" Si ~J':u.l'1'!!lH;,ffi _ ghe 'liI9IiI3, 't.!tl,arged. '!,\I'lith ltl[(ll ;51,;:::,~'11 Q (S) [lii:sO'rde r ly COJ1d\!~t f F . :i:tJim to abs;;! ,;31, 1;5I:wful O:Ea:e.T; a:nei iM1"C :2 02(ll ,ID!;!! fE!:t;:1l; ,ive drivers s let!) »8dl'

e;~,I~G Jr
$l4J -11,0 (5)


s ,i s:8flJfl:cli M'Iln.ieipSi,l


~1 cemduct: (:Fa'


#.111.'8 €l 'i. He w,!iliJE!: oetJiargedl e to, abe:;r ~ l'iiIIl:t?;f"ul o6'dc'ii:'.

'W,i, U.


~oth -Of:E' i,,!t;,c::' S'F.EiiUERSE:N" tbitl :re.p~:rt.


\.!IV ~

"I'D'An, .....~IOlill,c:\Q s, ... EifID '&'It."T t« '._w.u. . ~'A"ll11h1T'i;;). 'U1J! G'~aQ ,n.l~I.Jlt~~r~

Fo~low Up, :R~l1(S) :~ol]illi!l\vUp ~ 1. Asslglllme]!II[ hl~orm:ru~iii)fil Ms;~gLl'ed, 1~S81 ~ 8ANDOVilL~ IDIAVWD to

Drg. un~Jt: PA:.I.ROLIDISI11rrl¥.tlJ:\'lliJ,

Ca:pm::,LEy :: O"T.UER. ~s.s:i;gn'1i~ D~(!:-Ol.:2lD09 (\,V.cdl.) 0719' by' '195S[ ~ SANDOV'.AL~, DAV]D on . :Re;pil:rt due Ofli. Dee.,..02~200~! (V'·iI1d.)!

.... ,.

,I ......._,


GENEitA.L O]F,[FENSiE:lL4lt1!)CO:PY '!t'*fUBfuIC!ltIli:'


Ra la.ted

datel timt!J. a.

:N1iiI.]tIRATIVElR~KS: 19,5,S 1 ~, ~AL",


:DAVID, =:2 (!I 01:9

:2 020 hc:ults of,[ j,:;::er ~ ~e:nelf~e:n a:ru;1!o:!I:'~ic;; e r '_,," ~e:r91 it.:iIt,B'f'i ic 1i;l't.Q];!' i;iI,t • N'Ot l:Qn91 .;I!~' ~"a 11 i:n'g ' ~~.e _erltio_p. ,?:C f ~,celr S,tene r~en ,~'B~,ed for a ~Q"lelf ~"~E", :i '1;,:~lIJ,~b' 't.'h'· ~~,!;lJ ~d ,.' 81!1lC!3 Sl!:.lI;!tilll;!'rs,en and ~a libel':31 'We:t."e ,~ t,\\I'O -'~T:l, ¥In:!!'!l;.. ~!I; abo'U~ I, ,c_;nO\!i:t:',~ di~w'~C':h, fiO'~i f i1.i2!di, me iinO! ,B!l;:oBit'G!d,~ 'rn5IIle :~l["t:~t~ it"E!'t e:re'ncer-It'h, n"-af,f i.e !51't.Clp, Want'Bd], €I! Sla,rgB.:i:ntEo E\BSpond to t}ll.,e el.;;;'ene ,',

111;2 7 j 10s a,t, ,abou:t,




part iea ,St,e:<oorSe!lt was dnE,c,K!.ng !i.i!i:~8 '00, Ithe MDC I.'!I'nen i "-_J'd! eVe'[E Ite him to ask whr:a.t W~1Si gl;l<ing on"' I: a:p~~'O~,clT!~{l che [Pi;il!;.:t-,O!, _ , ,~i,' 'ltbe - ;f,el;Tlij!le~', ' i(ile:n,1l;, if [,e'o. aa CE"yi!;ll;a::Jl, ~~i;p,~- ~e.Ii;.'I;.lie<s-~ ~I~,-the C;:i(;" t;. a,,~:~edif :: tl'olill Ii ,8,iPiE1i;!11K tQ he:!r" I QP l;Iinled t:he baC"j{,- d'Qo:t;:" t'o ta l' ,,' .'tl~, C~ya tal ;;ff~.Ql i'r,I!I1}".iiiate,l'l( ,Slhe 8i'Ea t,~ Di iiI giot (nllti;: ¢:f ny c~.r C!IlI(l .:;H.iI;':IIII , i, ,~_' .', to the of f ice:r' ..... 'hen: he a:s:r~:sa:ritE! t.o ge';:' ,ti::..aCK: in 'It:i,Y car"' '. Cr.y;5l,taJi IfiA ",-, IOn to ear Il! kr.l_.Q'jII I: ,shOoul d liI~,i:V,~ .1 is!. ~T.iledto 'him tn:iit 'J tiruought ;;;.Da,t . '_ ca' 'e It~ i e 'w-a:e my hou'5l,e I coul d get OUl:,ii. After e,,::q;lla,iiJ!:i~['!Qi !EO :h~r 'E'hat:~ -,fiCiE!r19 ~!E!r-e~ iI,Ini;l!w~re' ~:hi~ iLiI'ai!il h~r :rEn!:l irl!B~~'Ei ''i'i''hEi I1l. ,they Clf:,~oppeg, he:it ~~', a,.a .a,id, i, J :lrnaw ~ I r:egJ,ll:y .;illll; !;;lorry r m noil: a ,cad pe r8!otii and I I!3noulO! nav.e 11 a,~d! II _


,!il, shor i:. to bi~ :l,i!I!:ll:,er' aI.n.d o:O:,e:nl'$O, fellTlElle, ~ ~' :ba:'I;::k.~ l!; cdi: iPi!Ii,Erol vern .• i!!; ,r c:.'iri'O ~i:lI,;r t" on 't:.he f~':;;:¢:~,J,~~. cl ?i,~ !ii'l!gi'll~~:tfa 1 wi!Ii.lkiLng i!lr>01;Il!ll[j i:f!i'El! ide it:hl!~,'l"ee,~dre-n-ce ne: "t'he"i!fOlli,'t;. deor , Of f 1c,e~





'J:. then ~,5lli;;!I;!!!j t.o iEiI,pe~J(,~i,'I;':t:!! tille .sp~}l;; w.ith i;j, ~e'~g,e.a~t " _Several


rna 1 e: [.)i9 ':y

'~ho call e·1i di ~E.l,pat'C!h~d wan:tl~d a toO i~.~i!de '~aid t.he::(' ~illl;ljJ gc:t hira, and At: ee r a oorlJl,ifj;le of mi
nILLii:.oCi:li or ao

a 'IMol,e p~ r c.y ,"",'M idle-nit i f :ied ~ims, dloO':!:', I ~ ~ke~, ,JI'ohn, t,Q I~tep CI !. ![]it a:lt~d he '!>ila ~ ;r..cI:"i roc~ p'~J i~ , i.l .., i't :l.n91 h.:5..s !!ill:li. !;;t,e e , C'i::y,~t"' '" , i El Jo't'l'r.! 'rM.a~, 1.!I:plSe'i:e ..... r the y', e
he, :ibe1,i,e"i,l'~d, he, :h~~ ev-'

'I;.hie :Dack.a:l,cle



re:;:: idence.
'lIi:£! ,i:!Ictlld

;John Eiwi, oome 'iiQ llkin-~ eo tha f:.Jt.C'tlt t:,~n k ee 'me ,r t,;:; wh,itCh he did" -i e!!l:r f'r,O'Irl Ni Goouri aJ:r.Jd iWa~ .in, Atirn1t~,

--;f teer st,ene:r(l'en 't!!llkcd to ll:ti:iIi, :H'(!l :enid. II:h4 t ~:igh,1:. tIC c::~e .oU'!: Si ide: ond db:iiic:fiC ~i':i~t 't.'~ ~ 'go i.fig' 'Oft", :i '~~la,ined" t-e, JohF~-:h 'I; '~",e ,d,i~ have i:..Mt, :..1ght but. th!!!J,t, it. 'Was &o1iL of ~ :tee:!:' sa fe Ity 'COcfllce·r-n· , the, o~ff i~e:".l:'~ IL)E!lrt: be>oa.u:rile C:t::r~ t~l ~houltl! hll.~ '~ul'led over fer' o:f":l:" de:~, way' :be~',oit'e: he:l:" refl :ldetliltlg. i JO:~n, !S'c,s.ted hc didln'l t '1ike the~ tone of S, ,. ,';"'enB Iflfie:1l he. 1:0.](1 him t.e ~o tla.,ek i.!ilsi,d@ II:llf!' roe!l;l i,de:n:c'e. :il: :l ~ t ,,' :Ii, a:t:'ned f:r<:lm S'c,€: ner:!lien that rJo~ '.!I'fil:iiiftl~ 1 i nig tl:t~ Is,,;l;.l!Jat 100 by e~, Iii - 'ot nel's rnlt,siiEle, t 'iMilo 'ltffi:rn if.llfl ia~ 'i:-:~l@: res,;i(JIenG@.
1 •

is Bued J,ohn ar.t;d, Crys tal

:lrruni S'Lmu~ns ~.

Se,e ili,G, ~eporm::. fo.iI:'

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