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Briefly identify the main features of bureaucratic


Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and political science

referring to the way that the administrative execution and
enforcement of legal rules are socially organized.

This office organization is characterized by standardized

procedure, formal division of responsibility, hierarchy, and
impersonal relationships.

• Main feature of bureaucratic organizations are:-

 Written rights and responsibilities
 Hierarchical Order of Authority
 Formal Appointment an Promotion
 Expert/Technical Training
 Fixed Monetary Salaries
 Admin as a Full Time Occupation
 Separation of Office and Person

A bureaucratic organization can also be viewed as a more

efficient and better controlled organization:-
 Work process is more precise
 Production speed is faster
 Ambiguity of work tasks are reduced
 Unity and uniformity throughout the organization
 Effectively disciplined employees

1b. Why has bureaucracy been described as “an

instrument to obliterate responsibility”?

• Establishment of Hierarchy
 Individuals are confined to their job scope. Instructions
are given by higher authority; therefore management
will be responsible of the outcome.

• Technical over Moral Responsibility

 Bureaucracy exist with a predominant view that is then
encrusted into the majority.

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