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Animal Farm : Presentation (GOOD LUCK!

*prays* ) [Read Theme Statement] : In an ideologically equal society, many personal factors that differentiate individuals from one another inevitably produce one or more individuals that rise above to take control and continue on to become absolute. in animal farm, the animals gained full control of the farm. Initially the animals created a perfect community for animals were all animals were equal whether big or small; however the greater the power, the more dangerous the chances of abuse. The pigs-more specifically Napoloenrise to power and create a dictatorship. Slide #7 (Read 1st) When they had once got it by heart, the sheep developed a great liking for this maxim, Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad was a common term that the animals always stated. It was basically a summary of the seven commandments. The pigs used it as propaganda . Soon however the term becomes meaningless and just a common chant. Read (2nd) All the sheep burst out into a tremendous bleating of Four legs good, two legs better! In time the pigs begin walkig on their hind legs. Some animals questioned the pigs walking because #1 of the seven commandments states that Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. They uestioned it at first, but no one ever had the courage to take actions, plus the animals were very gullible. Essentially by the pigs walking with two legs it makes them more human like and they become superior to the rest of the animals which destroys the idea of all animals are equal which was the core of what Animal Farm represented at first. In the end equality in Animal Farm is shattered and turned into a complete power structure.

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