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Yang saya hormati bapak Kepala Sekolah MTs Negeri Tandun Ujung Batu.

. Yang saya hormati bapak, ibu majelis Guru dan yang saya sayangi teman-teman sepe rjuangan. Pertama-tama marilah kita ucapkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT. Yang mana ber kat Rahmat dan Karunia-Nya lah kita dapat berkumpul di MTs Negeri Tandun- Ujung Batu yang kita cintai ini. Shalawat berbingkiskan salam tak lupa pula kita hadiahkan kepada junjungan alam yakni Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW. Baiklah saya tidak akan memperpanjang mukaddimah, langsung saja saya beri judul pidato ini dengan: RAMADHAN DENGAN SEGALA KEMULIAAN One lets we, to prise excellent, to be present to allah swt. Which blessing marcy and gift we can to gather to assemble in mts. N the love, greetings, not forget we prize to prophet muhammad saw. Good well, Im not long mukaddimah, direct my to give, tittle lecture with me. Month of moeslem year. With all glory circum tonce very to be lucky when human b eing a moeslem permission by very power to can fresh in mouth like where words. Anyone tell happy with the come holly month of moeslem year, so prohibited for li ght fair. My friends who loved allah swt to give what glory. Holly month moeslem year does years on al quranul kkarim 17 ramadhan. In ramadhan allah give one good evening from an other month. Allah say in the al quran One evening lailatul qadar Better than other month. Month holly moeslem years does because, nightly di sunnahkan shalat berjamaah, s halat tarawih. My friends who my love. Lets us together to much our pray in this month,, may allah bless and take everyt hing our pray and give what He promise to us,, amiin. Thus lecture we, more and lest. Im sorry and my lead akhirul kalam wassalamualaiku m, wr. Wb.

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